
"I mean, you HAVE warned us in previous threads."

Please, show me where I have done this?

And no, JT does not stand for "John Titor."
"You all have every right to be skeptical.

However, I 100% believe that Titor was telling the truth. And that all his preditions will come true. I also advise all of you to take whatever precuations you need in order to protect yourself from the most important of Titors predictions"

This was not a warning. Titor has already informed you of a number of things that you would need to take precautions against.

I was simply making the suggestion that you heed HIS warnings.

You seem to have been near Woking as opposed to your usual posting area of London yesterday - business or pleasure?

(Just checking your IP addresses /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif )


Actually, thats me. :D London (Milbank) for work, Greater London (fairly near Woking) for home. I think you checked the wrong IP. LOL

Still, good idea! Look forward to the real one! :-)

Wow James, I apologise. You seem to have nailed the right IP after all. As for JTTS, I will leave to others more experienced than I to debate the concept of IPs and its implications. But if you want my opinion, it's a pretty terrible excuse to use.

JTTS et al."

There have been warnings on God-like Productions forum, of cannibal rings, that are starting to be exposed.

One of the kingpins was in Australia with over 30,000 documents recovered in an authorities raid, on an ex-soldier. http://www.godlikeproductions.com/bbs/message.php?message=247920&mpage=2&topic=3&showdate=1/10/04&PHPSESSID=b9b01fbffb9ba58ad0c9393ef5c55167
and http://www.churchofeuthanasia.org/e-sermons/butcher.html

This soldier apparently had international contacts, as well as prospective canidates which would have served as a food source.

What is interesting is with the outbreaks of CJD laden cattle in Washington State, with other intimations of CJD as possibly being in other parts of the country, mankind himself, might be tainted food?

Croits-field Ya'kove Disease, is a prionic cause of a neurological disease, which is almost the same as Kur-rhu, of mad cannibals disease, to where because of chronic wasting of the pia matter in the brain, due to neurophaigic collapse.

A sardonic smile is attained, during the demise of the cannibal.

Ku-rhu is most noted in past histories of the South Sea Islands, as well as in Africa, where cannibalism is a more common occurrence.

The aspects of the brain when eaten and are affected by this prion, is the classic source of this disease.

It is funny that Titor through his writings has said, Don't go more than one mile near a hungry man?

It is additionally odd, that with a possible main non-meat source degraded by a possible future nuclear war, that man himself should in.turn act as the only staple to sustain man again, himself.