Hello, I'm John Titor

Not all of us were sure which events he was referring to, and I feel you jumped the gun a little with your heavily exclaimed post.
Already being familiar with the Titor story, I knew exactly what he was alluding to, and was calling him on it. Being familiar with JudasTitor also, I know he likes to drop little tid-bits like this and move on... Maybe I will start referring to it as... Drive-by Titoring.
Two question marks is hardly "heavily exclaimed"... now 3 or 4... maybe. :)

I'm just a little put off by your dominant style of writing. It's a personal thing that I'm sure we can move past.
I haven't been writing in forums like this very long. The writing class I took in college was specifically geared toward thesis writing. They are not politically correct. Things I have written were technical papers or operating principles and standards. They are straight forward matter-of-fact papers. I guess that style sticks with me. I have tried to improve/relax my writing since I've been here.

Drive by Titoring made me physicly laugh aloud.Friends?
Of course.I wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

Here is a little help for those of you that arrived late for the dance.

It would appear, at the Titor story's inception, it was to find out why the future beyond 2564 is empty..

The following iterations developed it into the titor story we know and love today.

2 Faxes in 1998 introduced the story's premise, they were contradictory even then.

In November of 2000 Timetravel_0 (who later became John Titor) began posting right here on TTI

In January of 2001 he began posting on Post to Post as John Titor.

In March of 2001 he stopped posting and has not been heard from since.

If you wish to read the posts he wrote, they are located here;


and here;


The post to post items are here;




and many places on the internet.

The faxes are here;



(The comments on these listings are pretty good too.)

and elsewhere, if you want to see slightly differing versions.

As far as the "researching" of Titor, there is little to go on, outside of his posts and the replies he made to questions..., aside from, the speculation of the researchers. It appears that each researcher adds their own special speculation to the speculation of the researchers that came before. I am aware of someone that claims to have accumulated 7 or 9 volumes of information on Titor... can anyone say...obsession. If real information on Titor was available, the person that posted "as" Titor would have been discovered by now. I know I'm going to hear the usual; you just don't know where to look; you just aren't bothering to look; you're too lazy to look; and my favorite... You just need to read the book. I guess Mr. Recon's book has become "The Holy Book of Titor". Whatever, I have zero interest in paying for his, or anyone else's, "unqualified" opinions. The discussions carried out between Titor and the posters engaging him give all the story, an intelligent person would need, to arrive at a conclusion, real or fake.

It would appear, at the Titor story's inception, it was to find out why the future beyond 2564 is empty..The following iterations developed it into the titor story we know and love today.
Do not agree, think it was on another board.

It would appear, at the Titor story's inception, it was to find out why the future beyond 2564 is empty..The following iterations developed it into the titor story we know and love today.
This is not correct.The answer as to why from the Montauk Experiment, which I think by the FATE Magazine article had been is why wasn't there life after the 5,000nd.s as shown by the output of the Montauk to Rainbow Projects, as nothing but a recognized stature of a horse had been noted, in what they say were the after effects of a place in New York.
The proable answer as to why people had trouble living in the future as a result of gentically being interdfeared with, is that the process of nature had been pushed aside.So what occured as a byproduct of this gentics improvment process, is that the locus of the primary animal id never had a chance to express its own elemential base accounting log.Therefore as a tragic consiquence of the advanced and forced gentics improvment program, there was a factor similar to where a machine both binds and slips backwards on an internal gear.

Very sad to say, that mankind's base id side did express, but this process of expression came forth as what was once man now degraded to a terrible canabal.An eater of his own kind.The prophacy as expressed by H.G. Wells in the novel, (The Time Machine), concerning the factors of the Eloy and Morlocks, had eventually come true.

*Source, (The Best Of The Art Bell Show), man encounters and is paralyzed by a high tech. cannibal of the future on his way to a party.Pinter

Note, because it's a different topic, the said G.E. time displacement unit would not be capable of 2500rds.This is a very hard to handle machine and would have been picked up by that eras invasion defence long before it had materialized in 2500.

John Titor was pretty much debunked himself. If your information spilling on net 14 years ago caused you non needed problems , why do you still do the same thing? Even if that can change future of your so loved country? (you work for army in future)

*remember the 21 beheadings of ' isis , will soon discover that there were many more.* woooah your prediction suprised me so much that we should give you Captain Obvious medal.

You should at least be smart enough to use the American date format (Month/Day/Year) instead of the Euro date format (Day/Month/Year) because John Titor claimed to be an American, and his command of American English was certainly better than yours. As Darby said, you really need to do a LOT more homework before even the most gullible around here are going to believe you are The Titor.RMT
I remember John Titor saying that the US was part of the American Federation in his time (forgot the name he used but he described it like the European Union). So its quite possible we could be writing dates like the europeans in the future.

Hi John, I would like to become a time traveler... What should be done?



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