Temporal Novice
-these staff-
Somehow people started to believe that they are ''Sacred Cows'' -these staff- , unique, different from and of course superior to the other creatures.
Next step, would be more cruel... and strong image will be created in people's minds, telling them that violence is natural, here, on TTI.
It is a norm (it's so easy to notice how strongly this norm, this idea has been hurting and affecting us,people).
Just Browse TTI...
Well lets see. As usual the TTI staff trys to discredit a claim. And I now notice from RMT's comments now a time limit has been added but no scientific reason has been stated for this. It seems like he is keeping a score card and if that is the case then this is not the scientific method or debunking. Now as usual a member of the TTTI staff is fighting with another member of TTI and a non-member of the TTI staff is involved as backup for the TTI staff. And, I in the past have been involved so I am not innocent either. As usual the TTI staff is again dragging another thread down into negativity and destroying the discussion. Of course you guys got your supporters behind you like your little itty bitty army. Kind of reminds me of the clerics in Iran and Iraq but this is a discussion forum. And to bring something positive to my comments I don,t know why the TTI staff can,t find a more positive way to handle a claim without ganging up on a claim and another member of TTI and bringing another TTI member in for support. As I once asked and I am asking again. "What is the TTI staffs business here because I don,t see anything positive happening from the TTI's staffs input. It is like a disfunction al family with the TTI staff as the head of the family. RMT, Darby - I know you guys are better than this. Discredit the claim if you wish as you wish but I think the fighting should be left out. As I have said all along you guys have a choice to how far to take a discussion. God this place has become so predictable since I have started hanging out here. I am done with this thread because I don,t want to drag it on. So, say what you wish but I am moving on. Have a good weekend everyone.
Somehow people started to believe that they are ''Sacred Cows'' -these staff- , unique, different from and of course superior to the other creatures.
Next step, would be more cruel... and strong image will be created in people's minds, telling them that violence is natural, here, on TTI.
It is a norm (it's so easy to notice how strongly this norm, this idea has been hurting and affecting us,people).
Just Browse TTI...