Hello again

-these staff-

Well lets see. As usual the TTI staff trys to discredit a claim. And I now notice from RMT's comments now a time limit has been added but no scientific reason has been stated for this. It seems like he is keeping a score card and if that is the case then this is not the scientific method or debunking. Now as usual a member of the TTTI staff is fighting with another member of TTI and a non-member of the TTI staff is involved as backup for the TTI staff. And, I in the past have been involved so I am not innocent either. As usual the TTI staff is again dragging another thread down into negativity and destroying the discussion. Of course you guys got your supporters behind you like your little itty bitty army. Kind of reminds me of the clerics in Iran and Iraq but this is a discussion forum. And to bring something positive to my comments I don,t know why the TTI staff can,t find a more positive way to handle a claim without ganging up on a claim and another member of TTI and bringing another TTI member in for support. As I once asked and I am asking again. "What is the TTI staffs business here because I don,t see anything positive happening from the TTI's staffs input. It is like a disfunction al family with the TTI staff as the head of the family. RMT, Darby - I know you guys are better than this. Discredit the claim if you wish as you wish but I think the fighting should be left out. As I have said all along you guys have a choice to how far to take a discussion. God this place has become so predictable since I have started hanging out here. I am done with this thread because I don,t want to drag it on. So, say what you wish but I am moving on. Have a good weekend everyone.

Somehow people started to believe that they are ''Sacred Cows'' -these staff- , unique, different from and of course superior to the other creatures.

Next step, would be more cruel... and strong image will be created in people's minds, telling them that violence is natural, here, on TTI.

It is a norm (it's so easy to notice how strongly this norm, this idea has been hurting and affecting us,people).

Just Browse TTI...
Re: Pridiction

Thank you Charlie.

It is really nice that you keep us informed.

I have couple of questions though.

Imagine the scenario that none of these predictions ever materializing in 2012...

What would you tell the forum(say in 2013) if that is the case?
Earth Quake Data

Hi Folks,

Any of you guys have access to Earth Quake info for the last 10 years?

I want the information in the following format.

Date/Time, Region/Country, Magnitude, Depth..

I know USGS is the best place to go but I want at least last 5-10 years(more is better and it doesn't matter how many millions of rows of data you have..I love data..) data to see if there is a real increase in numbers of earth quakes yearly..

With my knowledge of "SQL", I can give you a definite answer in couple of hours.

Please PM me if you have the data..Then I will give you an email address to send it.

On another matter,

Pole shift may be happening. I stumbled upon this yesterday. It is claimed that true North is off by 1000 miles and counting.

I am confused. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif


Keep up the research on all this mess..
Re: Don\'t You Dare to Ask Ray? LOLOL!!!

Well lets see. As usual the TTI staff trys to discredit a claim. And I now notice from RMT's comments now a time limit has been added but no scientific reason has been stated for this.

Well lets see. As usual reactor1967 makes a call to limit someone's free speech. And I notice from reactor's comments he did not pay attention to all the points I made in an earlier post that debunked Charlie (and showed where Charlie debunked himself). If by "time limit" you are referring to my statement that:<font color="red"> "the time for 'intelligent debate' is over" [/COLOR], then clearly you did not pay attention to the list of evidence in my post that exposed Charlie. Ignoring evidence that falsifies a person's claim is only one step better than proposing a theory that is impossible to falsify. When someone falsifies something you say, and you simply ignore it, there can be no more intelligent debate because the person doing the ignoring is being selective. Intelligence is out the window, and sheer bias now controls the debate. Fact.

It seems like he is keeping a score card and if that is the case then this is not the scientific method or debunking.

1) Please show me some evidence that claims it is not scientific to "keep a score card".
2) How can one challenge false claims if not by enumerating everywhere they are false? (i.e. "keeping a scorecard")

Now as usual a member of the TTTI staff is fighting with another member of TTI and a non-member of the TTI staff is involved as backup for the TTI staff.

1) For the record, I never asked (or have asked) Darby to step-in on my behalf or anyone else's.
2) It sounds as if you are making another veiled suggestion that people's free speech should be somehow curtailed. Is Darby no longer free (in your mind) to respond as he sees fit to any post?

As usual the TTI staff is again dragging another thread down into negativity and destroying the discussion.

The discussion is Charlie and his claims. If you believe it is "negativity" to show where those claims are false, then perhaps you are more gullible than I once thought. Moreover, in the realm of "negativity" I fail to see how you can ignore the fact that the very post I was responding to by "droid56" was, in itself, nothing but a negative swipe at me and another TTI member. Question to you reactor:

<font color="blue"> Why do you only see "negativity" where you wish to see it? Is this your bias showing? [/COLOR]

Of course you guys got your supporters behind you like your little itty bitty army. Kind of reminds me of the clerics in Iran and Iraq but this is a discussion forum.

Nice analogy. But there is an "itty bitty" difference. We invoke science, not dogma. Those who simply accept Charlie's claims (and others like them) are being nothing but dogmatic. In point of fact, that kind of behavior is more akin to the clerics in Iran and Iraq than challenging wild claims and their veracity.

And to bring something positive to my comments I don,t know why the TTI staff can,t find a more positive way to handle a claim without ganging up on a claim and another member of TTI and bringing another TTI member in for support.

And what, exactly, would you suggest for handling a claimant that continually ignores evidence that falsifies his claim? Let me give you a crystal clear example: Let's pretend that I made a claim such as "It is a fact that reactor1967 is one of the world's worst fathers to children." You would, of course, wish to defend your honor and you would cite plenty of examples (that I know exist) for how you take care of your kids and raise them in an appropriate manner. You might even have your wife and kids come here to testify against such a claim. So how would you deal with it in a "positive way" if I totally ignored any and all such evidence, but instead continued to spew BS about you?

Oh...and as for "bringing another TTI member in for support" read my earlier reply to that accusation above. Got any evidence to back up your claim?

As I once asked and I am asking again. "What is the TTI staffs business here because I don,t see anything positive happening from the TTI's staffs input. It is like a disfunction al family with the TTI staff as the head of the family.

Do I have to point out to you (again) that I am not "TTI staff" here in this forum? I am a member and contributor just like you. You seem to have some sort of issue with "authority", even where such "authority" does not exist. And Darby is not even "TTI staff", which he has pointed out on many occasions. If you question my role as Mod over in TT Discussions, or have a problem with moderation of this forum at all, I suggest you take it up directly with Raul. I will always abide by his decisions.

Discredit the claim if you wish as you wish but I think the fighting should be left out.

Please show explicit evidence of "fighting" that is not aimed at Charlie's claims. And if you are again suggesting that some "hit and run poster" can make a negative comment against me and another member, and either I or that other memeber are not free to respond, then you are again suggesting that free speech be limited. Would you really consider yourself a patriotic American if that is what you are suggesting, reactor?

As I have said all along you guys have a choice to how far to take a discussion. God this place has become so predictable since I have started hanging out here. I am done with this thread because I don,t want to drag it on. So, say what you wish but I am moving on.

And I have never infringed upon your freedom of choice nor your freedom of speech, have I reactor? Never have I mandated that you stay here, or that you read any post that may offend you. You are in total control of your existence. Why not let others have that same freedom you enjoy? Just because I (and others) may have different styles from yours, or we may believe differently from you, does not rise to the level of "offense" that someone's free speech needs to be curtailed.

Good day,
Re: Don\'t You Dare to Ask Ray? LOLOL!!!


Well lets see. As usual the TTI staff trys to discredit a claim.

Has something occured that I'm not aware of??? I'm not a member of the TTI staff...and never have been.

Or did you click on the wrong post and was responding to Ray rather than me?
It\'s a FACT!!!

We put a trap in 2 private messages @ TTI to prove:
1- that "the Staff" and the associates of the said "staff" of TTI read /share yours pm`s
2-act according of the content of the private messages PM...and
3- Most important: did not respect your privacy on TTI

The fist one was about NO talk about Nancy and Ray bite...

on News Flash new [re: chaos1986]04/16/09 09:07 AM (

The second was about a question of the use of a proxy and Darby bite...
not one but twice:
Re: FYI: War of The Worlds 193x new [re: ebb] 04/13/09 01:59 PM (

and Re: The MAd CoW Issue...04-14-2009 19:43 [re: recall15] 04/15/09 05:51 PM ( Charlie, Don't you get it, man?

This is way you shall understand this Pam message:


MESSAGE TO JIM [re: ] 08/06/08 07:19 PM (


Please check your email. somethings up. I have been trying to get a hold of you.
write me back by email not here.

end Quoted...

You has been enlighted!!!
-No todo lo que brilla es ORO-

:D :D :D
Re: It\'s a FACT!!!

We put a trap in 2 private messages @ TTI to prove:
1- that "the Staff" and the associates of the said "staff" of TTI read /share yours pm`s
2-act according of the content of the private messages PM...and
3- Most important: did not respect your privacy on TTI

The fist one was about NO talk about Nancy and Ray bite...

on News Flash new [re: chaos1986]04/16/09 09:07 AM (

You are delusional (and a poor communicator). You have "proven" absolutely nothing about PMs. I know this for a fact because there were absolutely NO PMs on this subject between myself and ANYONE else here at TTI.

And if I read your poor english above: Are you actually claiming that my LACK OF ACTION (i.e. not talking about Nancy) that this somehow proves I read someone's PM?

You can't prove a thing, recall. For one thing, Raul will verify that I have absolutely no power to read anyone else's PM. More of your conspiracy theory BS.

Re: It\'s a FACT!!!

wheres timeline_39's post on "What will happen on the weeks coming up to the disaster", weather or not he's a time traveller i enjoy his reads, they are informative to ever there is a real disaster (most likely scenario is just that, planet-x or a now overdue Yellowstone eruption)
Re: It\'s a FACT!!!

We put a trap in 2 private messages @ TTI to prove:
1- that "the Staff" and the associates of the said "staff" of TTI read /share yours pm`s
2-act according of the content of the private messages PM...and
3- Most important: did not respect your privacy on TTI

I could believe this. Also, to those replying to my post let it be known that I reserve the same right that Rainman does in his own words to be an Ahole any time I wish and to express my freedom of speech. If you can,t deal with it you don,t have to be here. Other than that I will post what I think but I do try to be as friendly as possible about it. That is all I have to say about this.
Possible 911 Type Event


I would like to ask you about the power elites of this time.The groups who largely manipulate our political and economic system. There is information circulating on the internet about an event coming up very soon.

This event would be a 911 sized event to take place in new york city.A possible nuclear explosion.This event is said to be the elites manipulating the global political arena to begin World War 3.Do you have any information about a May Day event 2009.
Re: It\'s a FACT!!!

wheres timeline_39's post on "What will happen on the weeks coming up to the disaster", weather or not he's a time traveller i enjoy his reads, they are informative to ever there is a real disaster (most likely scenario is just that, planet-x or a now overdue Yellowstone eruption)

I think he would post it once the time is right.