Thank-you PaulaJedi. A result of the world in which I live in 2037 I suppose. You have something here - 'Text speak?'. We don't shorten our language to accommodate digital communications in the future; education is considered extremely
Important for the rebuilding of the western world and England in particular, and correct grammer and reading and writing skills are very important for record keeping and communication (we use traditional typing and pen & paper more than we do computers).
I can return to a worldline virtually identical to my own. My device is sophisticated enough to narrow down the divergence to maybe 1 or 1.5%. There might be very subtle differences in the world at large - someone in some part of the world may have a different job, or live in a different place, but the differences will likely be so small I will never notice. It is pretty much impossible to traverse time within one's own Worldline. Whenever you travel, you move dimensionally as well a chronologically. The most we can do is stay as close to our own reality as we can, keeping the divergence down to an absolute minimal.
As such, will the 'Me' that emerges into that 2037 Worldline be the 'Me' that left? No. But the 'Me' of that Worldline also cannot return to his exact Worldline, but one almost identical. In essence, I will be taking his place, and he will be taking mine.
As long as my Children and my wife are there, I'll be smiling.
Oh boy, your asking me the tough ones today Paula. Ok, keep in mind I am a Historian, not a physicist. However, we did cover Multiverse practice in training. Our Science tells is that our Universe is contained within an expanding bubble. In the beginning, The big bang occurred, the universe expanded rapidly -- so rapidly that an area of space once a nanometer square ended up more than a quarter-billion light years across in just a trillionth of a trillionth of a trillionth of a second. This happened multiple times - we call it the Multiple Bang Theory. Thing of it as....ok, instead of one massive explosion. It's like one of those firecrackers? The ones that gives off multiple little explosions in rapid succession? The Big Bang was like that. *Bang bang bang bang*, each explosion creating a New, separate, expanding bubble, each containing it's own universe. Some of these bubbles had identical materials and developed identically over billions of years, others contained a great deal more or a great deal less material, and developed very differently.
So we have a giant void filled with these 'Bubble universe's' and they're all expanding. Inevitably, some bubbles bumped into each other. It's possible some produced secondary bubbles. What we do know is that they are packed close together - the bubble universes exist very dimensionally close to one another. How do we know this? The wide number of worldlines we are able to travel to, evidenced by every trip every person takes through time. Each Worldline exists in another bubble.
Our universe is one bubble in a sea of bubble universes. Does that make it easy to picture?
How did my family react? Not well. Ha ha! At first they thought I was selling something, then they thought I was flat out insane, and possibly dangerous. I had to convince them to spare a few moments to just listen, and then told them things I could not possibly have known, if I was not who I said I was. I also able to show them a small scar I have, and still have to this day, from childhood. Now that they've opened up, they say they can see clearly that it is me. They eyes, the voice, my hands. They have asked to see the displacement device. As of yet, I have not let them.
Ok, how is it powered? How does it manipulate gravity? Well, first let me reiterate - I am not an engineer, I did not build it. Can I operate it? Yes. Could I repair it if it became damaged? To a certain extent, although all I have is my Field training to rely on. It would depend on the extent of the damage.
I can tell you that what I have is a C204 Time Displacement Unit, and it was not even built in my country, it is American!
The source of power for the device, certainly the power that allows it to manipulate gravity distortions, are 2 microsingularities that were created and fused into the device itself. Now, the mass of each one is manipulated by injecting electrons onto the surface of their event-horizons. The electricity comes from 2 standard car batteries.
An incredible amount of power can be generated once the injected electrons interact with the microsingularities. It is my manipulating their mass, that the device to control and stabilise the power output, and it is this massive amount of power that allows the device to create and manipulate a gravitational field around an object/person and/or vehicle.
The British Government? Ok, there is a 'Government' in 2037, but it is quote different from what you think. There is no 'President' or 'Prime minister', no one man who speaks for the rest. Instead, we have The Council. (officially 'The Representative Council of of England and Wales'). The council is made up of 11 Members, from the 11 largest and most influential districts in England (The 11th member is welsh, and speaks on behalf of all of Wales. Because of Wales relatively small size and very little defensive and monetary influence, it has less of a say than the other, English representatives. Fair? No. But that's reality). Scotland is - technically - part of the UK Republic, but in practice they take the decisions of the council under advisement, and do what they want anyway. They are also split into districts and only occasionally send a representative to address the council in person.
So, each of the 10 districts (and the one representing wales) nominate a Speaker who will address the Council in London on their behalf. Correspondence informs each district prior to an arranged meeting of the council what is to be discussed, and then each district votes within it's community what the districts opinion of said matter will be. - The Speaker does NOT get a vote and is not allowed to attempt to sway the opinions of district citizens In any way. He is merely to convey our voices, nothing more.
Does that all make sense?
Ok, the Representative Council rules over which organisations will be permitted use of a Displacement Unit (remember, there are only so many available in England) and for how long. Each district was chosen some time ago to nominate 5 people in their community to stand as potential candidates for temporal travel, and then the organisations have a pool of 50 candidates to choose from, depending on the needs of the assignment.
There is a backlog groups (Historians, Researchers, Military, Archeologists) who wish to use a displacement device, and each is assed to a waiting list; the council determine who needs it most, and how long they need it for before A) it can pass to another organisation and B)It has to be put in for maintenance.
The Council also deals with trade with Europe, disseminating law enforcement services to districts, and nominate legal courts to oversee disputes. More importantly, it negotiates with American ships and traders for trade of different items, including the displacement technology.
Hope that all clarifies a few things for you all.