Ruthless did say the person was in the vehicle traveling at the speed of light.
Come on, my friend. Neither you nor I assumed that ruthless was, himself, a photon not did we assume that his "vehicle" was a photon. We assumed, correctly unless ruthless indicates elsewise, that he was asking the question in terms of an object (a person and his vehicle in this case) that has a rest mass but was somehow accelerated to the speed of light, "What would I see if..."
And you've incorrectly solved the differential equation for what ruthless would observe about the world around him if he was traveling at the speed of light. Should you do the math and show how the world appears as he approaches the speed of light you'd observe that the "outside" world begins to evolve at an ever increasing rate tending toward an infinite rate as v ---> c, rather than slowing down.
If he attained the speed of light he'd observe whatever the ultimate fate of the universe will be, instantaneously.
Lightlike objects do not incur the concequences of time - but the sub-luminal world around them do. You have to think in terms of symmetry. If time stands still for a photon then the sub-luminal world that they "observe" ages at an infinite rate. If a photon created at the Big Bang could actually experience the evolution of the universe, The Beginning and The End of the universe would be simultaneous from their perspective. The term "experience" would be a bit silly from that perspective. There is no interval that would be termed "time between" for them to actually experience anything. For them the universe never existed at all.
But in no case do objects that have a rest mass observe photons traveling in a vacuum to have a velocity other than ~300,000 km/sec no matter what their velocity is WRT some third object.
If you believe this not to be the case please show me the theory, complete, with the math. A simple opinion, absent a complete proof, is just another Internet pop-sci New Age guess. A complete proof, with the math, a few competent referees agreeing and substantial evidence is a Nobel Prize in the waiting.