I can totally relate to working too much situation, I'm lucky to get 5 hours sleep most nights a week and often too tired to check e-mails.Shame about the school house. Cemeteries are always interesting in some way or another ( it may sound strange but I find cemeteries very peaceful places- the older the better). Most impressed with your equipment. Very modern/high tech in approach but I wonder if some old school methods might also be successful such candles, clocks, compasses even sensitive animals like cats. I lived in a house when I was young which was "occupied" by something other than just my family and we had one room in the house which the pet cats would absolutely freak out in and would almost tear you apart to get out of. But thats another story. Do take care and trust your senses!. Having come from a situation where I/my family had an experience I view this field of inquiry with great interest but at a safe distance. Too be honest I am worried about 'attachment' I believe that once you open that door it might be harder to close than you think. But I also believe that this is only in the case of some (highly sensitive) people. I think you would know by now if you fall into that category. In regards to the Camanche Spirit why don't you just see if he wants to make contact. Don't try to prevoke or disturb intentially.Heres a trivia question. What's the difference between a graveyard and a cemetery?
Hope to hear an update soon.
Good Hunting
Just because we didn't see anything, doesn't mean they weren't there (at the school house). Maybe just shy entities. The school house isn't that far away from our house, so will try it again.
Don't think feeling peaceful in cemeteries is strange, I feel the same way. Somber, serene and quiet. Also great place to reflect on life's issues.
Actually would love to go more high tech, just can't afford everything I want at the moment.
Trying to keep everything low-key, don't want to attract to much attention - candles and the like - good idea's - however, people seeing anyone in a cemetery with candles would probably get the wrong idea of what was happening. Don't think I could do that with any animal, cat or otherwise. If there was one there already, would be interesting to watch, but if there aren't any there, wouldn't force one to be there.
Agree with you, if not for numerous paranormal experiences, past and present, probably wouldn't have as much of an interest in ghost hunting. However, experienced enough that my curious mind wants to know.
My main goal is to try and determine how these entities perceive time. I really don't understand how any spirit of a person (that might not know they've passed), would look for something for hundreds of years, unless they didn't know that amount of time has elapsed.
The experiment I have in play is to test whether or not the spirits can answer a question about a future event. The experiment I have in mind is this :
I had someone I trust write down a number on a piece of paper, and NOT tell me what the number is. I am going to ask the spirits if they have seen me in the cemetery walking around with a piece of paper with a number written on it? And will try to see if I capture a number during an EVP session. IF I do hear a number on the recorder, will call the person that has the pre-selected number to confirm that the number on the recorder is the same number.
IF it is a match, will go to the cemetery with that number written on a piece of paper and walk around with it.
With the Comanche , am not so certain I want to mess with him . He isn't really bothering anyone, so don't want to mistakenly set him off. In giving him some thought, there are desendents of his culture that still live in the area. Seems more appropriate to have them approach him, then me.
The cemetery was a 2nd choice for testing out some of the equipment. Didn't expect the success we had when we went there. And really don't get the feeling that we are un-wanted. My daughter got pushed, not violently, and the push seemed to be done in a playful manner. I deleted a thread about our experiences at the cemetery to protect the location.
My daughter had a conversation with a female spirit, and as we were returning to my truck, my daughter saw a woman pass by us as the woman was walking away from where we had been conversing with her through the K2 meter. My daughter caught on right away on how to use the K2.
She simply told the spirit to touch the K2 for yes, and to step away for no. We asked qualifiers, such as ;
"Are you a man ? " No K2 activity.
"Are you a woman ?" K2 lights flashed to red.
" Are you a man in Kansas ( we're in Texas ) ? " No K2 activity.
" Are you a woman in Arizona ?" No K2 activity.
" Are you a man in Texas ? " No K2 activity.
" Are you a woman in Texas ? " K2 lights flashed to red.
Then my daugher just told the entity to either touch the K2 or step away.
Whenever she asked the woman to step up and touch the K2, the lights would flash.
Whenever she asked the woman to step away from the K2 meter, it would go completely inactive.
My daughter did this for about 10 minutes. We both noticed that the flashing lights got weaker as the session continued, and when I asked if it was OK to take the womans picture the K2 flashed to red - almost could sense the word "NO" being screamed out. Eh, I took a picture anyway - and that was it for any K2 activity.
And I did test the battery of the K2 when we got back to the truck, and it was fine.
Can't wait to go back with the rest of the equipment to try out my time experiment, and to see if we can make contact with the woman again.
Time willing. When we do go - will post the experience here on TTI.