Yes, most certainly.It has made me think deeply very much like yourself- about time, and I guess that is why we like to post here.Perhaps, these/those questions should be asked of the Native Indian?
The whole thing tends to get more confusing the deeper you go I guess.
For example: Do I believe in religion? To a small degree I suppose, but my own logic denies it can be correct.
If there is a God- then who created God? An even greater God? and so on...
Same applies to the big bang theory for me too.
The elements needed to spark the explosion had to come from somewhere- how were they formed? Is everything down to chance, or is there a more detailed explanation?
Does there have to be a beginning? Does there have to be an end?
I know with each year that passes, my belief that we are not seeing the whole picture grows
much stronger in my mind.
I am of the belief that there are many, many dimensions which we can only slightly interact with at times, through pure faults- maybe only some are controllable, and then to a small degree.
All just my own philosophy, no evidence to back it up- but, I can
feel I am on the right track deep within!
We shall certainly never know it all. If we did, could we cope with it?
Nice post by the way Kerr.
Yup. And very difficult to explain the experiences and the motivation to anyone who hasn't had the same. Have the equipment being shipped in for my experiments, and definitely have a list of questions for the Comanche.
Would like to know how it is he can communicate in English. Maybe floating around for a few hundred years or so, provides the ghosts the opportunity to learn the language of the here and now'ers ?
Also, would like to know where he is when he isn't interacting with the here and now. Or is he always around, even when not interacting ? Would be interesting to pose time reference question's to him, to see how he is measuring the passage of time from his perspective.
Does he have a consistent memory of moments, or are there gaps ?
Will be measuring as much as I can, environmentally ( weather, electro/magnetic, solar activity, &c.) to try and determine what the optimum conditions might be for a ghost to be able to interact with the here and now.
Would say that believing in religion and believing in intelligent design would be two different issues. Personally, don't believe in "religion" per se, however, more than simply believe that there is indeed a God. Regarding His creation, might not be a matter of creation, then it is a matter of becoming aware of Himself existing.
I would gander to proclaim that the base components that we are made of, or perhaps the energy that holds us together, is eternal, yet, would question if there is any kind of awareness. However, any being that became aware of himself and had
billions of years to evolve - who knows to what extent he would evolve ?
It has been suggested that the components we are made of, do have memories imprinted on them, whether that is true or not, have no idea. Interesting to note that they individually seem to know what to do to create whatever it is they need to be. Whether it be a heart, bone or brain, &c., somehow, all the millions (billions ?) of parts work together to create the whole. And that is reflected from a macro to a micro scale. Big or small, the dynamics seem to be the same.
I also wouldn't say that the whole thing becomes more confusing the deeper you go. Actually, becomes simpler, however, more difficult to explain.
Those that know the most say the least - kind of thing. Not that it isn't (or hasn't been ) tried, however, the passing along of knowledge seems to be wrought with problems - can look to Socrates about this issue. Think Socrates would agree that trying to pass along too much knowledge can be frustrating and in his case, lethal.
I believe there are multiple dimensions. This concept goes along with your questions relative to a beginning and an end. With frequencies and spectrum's of, we have yet to find any kind of beginning or an end, discovering more and more as time progresses. And if they are part of a closed loop, then in essence, there would not be a beginning nor an end.
And to believe that we humans here on Earth are at the top of the intelligent being scale seems rather egotistical. Surely there are other beings that exist, just perhaps in a way we don't quite fully conceive of yet, and as such, call them angels, demons, gods, &c. Honestly, any being that has billions of years to evolve, would be god-like if there was any kind of ascension involved with their evolution process.
Some of the multiple dimensions might be so close together, and as something we live within on a daily basis, take them for granted, and don't see them as separate dimensions. Could Earth, Water, Air, and Fire be considered as different dimensions of existence ?
That really is the point of the experiments with the responsive "being", the Comanche. Whatever he is, if and when he does show up, want to see if his essence is measurable.
Since it is constantly being mentioned that these "ghostly" beings need energy to manifest - will be bring a Tesla Coil with me - so should be able to solve "that" problem. So, Mr. Comanche ghost, no excuses for not manifesting when the Tesla Coil is up and running.
Also plan on using an adaptation of Kirlian photography to see if I can capture the being by camera. Have to give that some thought though...humidity makes a difference, however, too much humidity, me, electronic equipment, and a Tesla Coil, eh, could be a shocking experience all around.
To know it all ? - eeks - guess that would put National Enquirer out of business, and cant have that happen, can we?.