Happy face collection: ...

Celebi: I want you to send me an email, a letter, just put everything about what you want to express, and I'm gonna read it, but tell me more about you, otherwise I won't be able to go further, you have to trust me first!
At this point of the galaxy you're asking me for trust!!!! Haven't I give you enough? By the way, I can't tell you where I'm from. (Just listen to this)...ready, okay: "In time you will find out, I hope soon enough" Tell me the truth NOW and when I mean NOW I really mean it...just kidding. Can I send my email through the site you sent me?
I will try it dob. Don't let me down!...but if you let me down, I will stand up again, friend.
There's an other one, much bigger, but, still...
Celebi, I've read in the latest posts, in a conversation with Pamela, that you're afraid of my last "big" smiley? Are you serious? I didn't had any bad intention here, where are you picking that from?

Would the Real Celebi TT, please Stand Up!
Here come others! Celebi, don't paranoi, this is not concerning you, it's just for fun, for everybody!



<This message has been edited by dob (edited 19 June 2001).>
Yes dob, I'm the real "Celebi time traveler", you can count on it. About this other face: You can swallow back your tongue. Now that pamela offered help for me to clear it. I'm no longer confused. It really makes me laugh too, and you're still my friend doby.
PS: I only express my feelings with only one message from the beginnig..."Friendship no matter what"
dob, since you called me, I'm calling you now, please present. All this conversation is related to time, even if it doesn't look like it. These examples can be apply (not have to) to time theories. At least my goal, even if not successful. Only an intelligent person can understand it, and not consider this as an insane matter. I always try to communicate with others, and here comes the big question for you. What is the reason for disagreement about my ideas? I did hear from you that is because I'm the "only one" interested, but tell me why you think I'm doing bad. Did I ever say if you don't do it prepare for trouble? I don't remember that! That's why I never get real upset. "happy face"
Here come the answers! Celebi, you're more mysterious for me than Einstein and Hitler together. Must of the time I do my best to understand you, and I can't, is this means that you are too intelligent and more than me? I don't care, as long as I can do what I like I'm fine. I understand U a lot, but it seems to be not enough...

I don't get why you said that I disagree with you... where? On the laser thing?
And what about 'the only one interested' - I don't catch either that one, sorry, give-me more detail! About doing bad: I don't say that you're doing bad directly, I say that you don't help yourself for getting better, sorry, I'll try to be more positive in the futur.

What about the trouble you're talking about? Do I take that as menaces? You lost me! Help me to find what you're thinking!
oops, I have became a mad famous! Hey doby, you can call me cely or whatever you want. That's just a theory of mine. Remember what you said before about disagreement on this matter, as a dangerous risk between good and bad? In my case, I never did that, because I'm not sure of my theories yet, but I'm trying my best just like you. Anyway that was my point, read again what I said, and friends don't care if you're serious or not. pamela thanks for your advice. Remember that my keyboard is different. I have to type "happy face" my own way. I'm also studying all the posts from the past, they're interesting! They help me for a deeper thought.
oops, I have became a mad famous! Hey doby, you can call me cely or whatever you want. That's just a theory of mine. Remember what you said before about disagreement on this matter, as a dangerous risk between good and bad? In my case, I never did that, because I'm not sure of my theories yet, but I'm trying my best just like you. Anyway that was my point, read again what I said, and friends don't care if you're serious or not. pamela thanks for your advice. Remember that my keyboard is different. I have to type "happy face" my own way. I'm also studying all the posts from the past, they're interesting! They help me for a deeper thought.
PS: I'm afraid of what just happened above is a phenomenon that I particularly call "webtv", sorry! I have to look forward for better arrangements.
Cel: This thread was on purpose of "Happy faces" - the collection. Where are we going?

You talk a lot about friendship. There's the word "my friend" in 95% of your posts. But explain me what is a friend for you, is that a friend everybody that you've said one word to? I think you abuse the word, you abuse it for me too. As I told you, first rule of life: don't ask for it, don't mention it, otherwise your friends will be like "fast-food", you gonna feel that you have a lot of fun with them - the next days you will lost them. It's the simpliest rule of life, equilibre - stability, what goes up too fast will crash down too fast too.

This is an example for relation ship, it's similar to a "one - night - shot" or a good based relation.

Explain "friends" to me please: