Guest posting enabled


Staff member
Back in the Time Travel Institute days, the forums didn't require you to be registered in order to post. As far as I understand it, that's one of the reasons John Titor posted here in the first place.

Today, I've changed guest permissions so that visitors may create threads or reply to posts without needing to sign up. We're about discussion and discovery here, so those who are also looking for community are free to sign up and establish themselves here. If you just want to add something to a conversation and move on, well, you're free to do that now as well ?

We'll probably get some spam, but I'll do my best to be vigilant about that and adjust spam settings as needed. If you see something that needs looking at, smash that report button and we'll get alerted to it.

Peace out.

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Guest posting has been re-enabled. Posts are held for moderation prior to being made public. The thinking here is that it's probably a better alternative for people making claims than creating bogus account or using disposable email accounts.


Hello, I am a totally normal guest & posting. Nothing special to see here