I too, may believe in God, but my perception God is entirely different than most of you may have ever come to know.
I do not believe that God is a "Who", but rather a "What", perhaps is a more suitable description of this multidimensional omnipresent force that everyone is constantly searching for.
God is what I have come to know as the "ISNESS" which is an intelligent force of energy that exists in all things, from the smallest molecule, to the most massive galaxies within the entire universe.
This "ISNESS" consists of an intricate interconnected multidimensional omnipresent collective conscience that extends far beyond the limitations of ordinary physics.
The Vatican has been aware of this for many years, (Luke 17:21) but in their relentness efforts to control everything around them, the church, and in the name of "religion" have declared war upon God, and upon any man woman, or beast that tries to overthrow that power will be crucified accordingly.
In conclusion, I strongly reccomend you view a movie entitled "STIGMATA" it will give you much insight, and an opportunity to reflect upon what I am attempting to describe to you.
"Everything you know,...is Wrong!
soon we shall all discover the truth."