In the case there is and I missed it' date=' please do quote it here[/quote']It seems RainmanTime has but....12th. I defended my position on some wishing evolution could be a law;
"I argue that the most irritating term in evolution is the use of the phrase "theory of evolution", instead of "law of evolution". Why do biologists and paleontologists continue to paint a huge, flashing target on their profession by using the term "theory of evolution", i.e., inviting criticism by allowing creationist and anti-science opponents to focus on the word "theory"? There is a perfectly acceptable alternative, "law of evolution", which, etymologically speaking, would stop many (not all) arguments dead in their tracks."
I usually cite sources but, this time I won't. Google it and look it up for yourselves. There is some contradictory information in there for you, Nicolas, but I imagine you will somehow discount it.
I pointed out the absurdity of demanding a literal interpretation of the Bible by demonstrating Darwin's ideas could not be taken literally, since we had new evidence that he was "wrong" on several of his observations. If you want "proof of that", go to college and study it.
13th. Nicolas defended Dawkins, unsuccessfully, IMO. Admitted to confusion on the subject at hand, which is understandable. Nicolas indicated that my opinion on Genesis was...
I was only pointing out that there is a reasonable similarity between the timeline of evolution and Genesis, NOT EXACT... SIMILAR, which I still maintain
You keep saying that, but never actually point it out. What is this reasonable similarity? Really, what is it?Is it the fact that they divided the creation in seven steps? The fact that they "figured out" everything happened step-by-step and not one single event? Is this the similarity to evolution? I can see this making sense. It does have the faintest connection with evolution, if you really force it. This single phrase could have easily made the case for you before and spared you from that lecture.
This is it right? This is actually it! I think just developed a way to debate myself.
...Unacceptable.14th. I explained "Why" he was confused and would not understand it no matter how I explained it. Reaffirmed my position ,creation accounts were NOT EXACT".
15th.Thomas pendrake expressed his amazement that this was so hard to understand and pointed out how "he" had never intended it was a literal description.
16th. I pointed out that I had not presented certain scriptures as proof, but that Nicolas had already done so, I could only have been redundant and he would only restate the disagreement he already had with the Biblical accounts.
17th. Nicolas chose semantics as a way to claim I had denigrated "him" along with ALL atheists.
18th. I responded semantically to his points as well and pointed out his misconceptions.
19th. Finally, RainmanTime entered the conversation with his, Part 1, of well founded information. Information I had suggested earlier, but through lack of knowledge on the subject, was unable to inject.
20th. Thomas pendrake pointed out that we had still not entered into consideration of the ontological proof by Godel.
(I admit I can't because I'm not that familiar with it.)
21st. kimberlyd asked about the weather.
22nd Milo.X. asked for clarification on part of RainmanTime's information.
23rd. RainmanTime answered Milo.X. and offered Part 2 of his information.
24th. I thanked RainmanTime.
25th. aboleth_lich engaged in ontological discussion on the subject.
26th. I stated I found aboleth_lich's post to be verbose. Well, It is. I stated that I felt his logic was invalid and suggested, as an exercise in learning, he find it himself. It is possible "I" am incorrect, but I can't see his logic as it's worded. There is someone here that might be more qualified to decide that.
27th. Thomas pendrake again discussed Godel's proof and wondered about aboleth_lich's understanding of physics.
28th. aboleth_lich wondered why I didn't just tell him what his mistake might be. Pointed out that he felt Thomas pendrake and I were "mean" (I deduced that from the original five adjectives). Defended his education and finished with something along the line of, he didn't like how we played so he was going home.
29th. I replied to his criticism of my behavior by pointing out "Sheldon" and I were apparently similar in our inability to properly use sarcasm or be aware when we are being condescending toward someone. Kinda like maybe the lines just above these.
30th. Milo.X. continued his discussion with RainmanTime on the "plurality" of God.
31st. thomas pendrake "complimented" aboleth_lich on his education, but still wondered how he missed some important facts. He discussed "notable" scientists that he knew or believed were NOT atheists, and offered a suggestion to Milo.X. on the plurality question.
32nd. Darby admonished aboleth_lich and thomas pendrake for lowering themselves to engage in trivial arguments when "some" still wondered about the Earth being at the center of the solar system.
(I can't help but like Darby. He's "to the point". I have been corrected by him and I respect his opinions.)
33rd. Nicolas woke up and began by indicating he still does not understand ad hominem and apparently, does not recognize the grammatical mistake I referred to earlier, which I suggested he might figure out on his own. Although, he may be correct... in Brazil. He says he has seen a group of Christians surround a group of atheists and vehemently attack and denigrate them for their "non-belief". Eh.. maybe. There are idiots on both sides. He includes himself as having been attacked. I wonder if he considers this, one of those times?
He makes comparisons where no prior mention exists. He tries to slide around the information RainmanTime has presented even though the information presented by RainmanTime, " translation, multiple interpretations, aligning verses" is exactly what is required to understand this argument. We'll get back to this post.*
34th. RainmanTime responds to Nicolas' "dodge" with more valid understanding of the "original" text.
35th. Cosmo splits this discussion off from the "wrong" thread we took off track. I apologize to Milo.X.
36th. There are a few more posts, but following this review, I intend to start another new direction. Maybe tomorrow.
*Back to Nicolas' post
Good morning!Wow, what a productive weekend for everybody here!Anyway, lets get to it. Out of all the quoting of quoted quotations, I find the next one to be the one worth mentioned, since this thread has become a bit clogged, visually speaking.
I stated, I expected it. If it has happened before, has a history of occurring, expecting it to happen again and stating so, is not ad hominem.
Oh yeah it is. Specially because labeling me as this or that, had nothing to do with the original argument. We steered away from it because we couldn't kill it in the first few posts, which could've been easily done. Instead, we lost time establishing I'm the atheist that lacks all sort of skills to understand what a christian has to say about his faith.
"You" labeled yourself an atheist. I commented on what I have seen atheists do on numerous occasions. If it doesn't "fit you" why worry about it?
First' date=' I have never seen a group of Christians vehemently attack and ridicule a group of atheists, but I have witnessed, first hand, a group of atheists do just that to a group of Christians. Have you?[/quote']Heck yeah I have! Myself and basically all atheist I know. But see, this has absolutely NOTHING to do with the original question. Bringing this up and putting me in the group of people that has attacked you before, has exactly zero relevance to both sides of the argument.
Well. Nicolas, as you have said to me, with no antecedent, I say to you, with justification;"It's all right sir... I'm not that Christian that once hurt you."
No atheists... I repeat NO atheists, have ever hurt me in any way.
No, I suppose, if we exclude these, you didn't.
I didn't ask you to prove to me your belief in Jesus, the Bible or God. I'll repeat, in my opinion, this is all irrelevant for what was being questioned here. In all of those quotes from me that you posted, I was asking for an explanation of how you came to the original conclusion. I just wanted to understand what you were saying. Not questioning your beliefs.
My post was concerning "you" asking me to prove/show/or whatever, why I believe "my position on Genesis". You keep inserting Jesus, God, and the Bible, not I.Very early on I said;
You have stated you are an atheist. Trying to convince you God exists and is responsible for the creation of the Universe, and everything in it, the Earth, Moon, Stars would be a good thing, in my mind, but, is not the goal of this discussion. I am simply pointing out the similarities in the Genesis account and evolution.You argue, it doesn't follow Darwinism. I said it follows evolution.
My comment...
Maybe it's for someone else just reading this and seeing, perhaps for the first time: "It does kinda fit". "There have been more accounts in Biblical history verified by archaeological discoveries". "What if the whole Book "is" true". Perhaps they find their faith and belief in God and find their salvation in Christ and their lives improve. Wouldn't it be interesting if "you" helped some one find the faith, you so easily disbelieve.
... is rhetorical.
Yep. That is what I have been trying to say.
Well, that was disappointing.
For more context;
On the other hand, the way I see you see this is that only the true believers of your faith are able to understand anything that's written in the Bible. If that's the case, well, then you're right: I'll never understand (different than believe) what you're saying.
Yep. That is what I have been trying to say.
I understand your disappointment.The rest is for RainmanTime and he has already responded to it.