Re: Historical note, to TTA\'s say
Here is the link @;f=9;t=000396
Which entails should we have traded Y2k for the twin towers disaster?
Remember however in relationship to government possibly controlling the state and nature of what this society does, rather than releace society to its own direction; which might be free and unfettered space travel.
In the supposed year 1967, the CIA had paid Auther C. Clarke money, in order to write the 2001 Space Odyssey story?
This was to make people feel and have the opinion that everyone was going to be elgable to in some way explore space.
>However look at the recient statments by the president, concerning the shuttle disaster, which was said to a reporter, "Their problems are over".
His statement, which to say the least, is the most heartless retorick, said, since statements durring the Reagan era.
G.W. Bush gave the opinion, that while their deaths were recient, well it's time to get on with busniess and maybe someday, well get to the bottom of this and t this is certainly not one of my priorities?!
The truth is, government really does not care if they releace this population into space at all.
I feel that all along government had wanted to orchestrate what people were perceiving, not what they were capable of as a race?
This same view is still being held in such movies as the Matrix, THX 1143, Dark City.
This technique is also used by governmental entities with the term such as hire spin-doctors, to place a certain sway on what any one elected leader has recently said.
So what I'm asking is, is the link argument given above, really show that those who were in power, put a spin, on how the future unfolded?
If this is the truth, rather than the exception, then supposed John Titor would be a cross between a Joseph Stalin and an Abraham Lincoln.
What I have just printed here, is a later edited prescript and no other aspect of what has been printed here, has been changed.
>My comment is now supposed below.
It does seem that TTA does have past accusations concerning some utility aspect of time travel.
One must ask within the academic sense, do these complaints now have any sort of foundation?I feel the new answer, where this was not the case so many months ago, is now defiantly yes.
THE JOHN TITOR CASE, NEW DEVELOPMENTS:I must say that in the following of the John Titor case, there was a point before, to where there was brief intimation when the Titor appearance were starting to occur, that by his associate on the web, there was a say that an event was due to happen soon, of catastrophic proportions.
We all took it, after this had happened, to be the twin towers debacle, which was the case of a couterterroism based war, later on.
There are now new developments, it seems within postulation, by the recent says at, within the time travel area, that by Titor's associates sayings, that John Titor may have now been the cause of the 911 disaster, instead of predicting the disaster?
This seems funny to me, as if I am correctly reading the relaying of events, at first it was John Titor's say, that the twin towers disaster was going to happen.
However now with the passage of time and the new Art Bell relayed faxes, the telling is by interpretation, that the appearance of John Titor so affected the timeline, so that the 911 based disaster did happen.
Which is it as the relayers, it seems, are not very clear on this story.
I must ask at this point in time, for the relayment of the early telling, of a tragedy to come?
The second telling as of recent at Anomalies, was the intimation that time travelers concerning the Titor era, could hitch rides with themselves, if they should meet themselves, say within the context of time travel?
This action to myself, as well as many experienced time travelers, would be a direct violation of standard procedure of time travel protocols.
These actions would result with the augmentation of times lines in general, which could in some sense be retranslated as painting the future they way someone wants it to be flavored?
If I am wrong here, then I deserve to be admonished.
However for the sake of argument, let's bring the early tellings by John Titor's intimation of the intimated 911 disaster, and compare them to the recient says, of the recently held said supposed Art Bell faxes.
If these comparisons are true, then what is occurring here, is an action more similar to the mythical movies, The Matrix, where reality can be elected to be changed; or the Keifer Sutherland stared movie, Dark City, where reality at others will could be also changed.
>Note there have been abundant tellings and reportings form many sectors, of the occurrence of co-effected timelines, where objects would appear such as signs and other objects, noted, where they had not been before.
I ask that this evidence be bought here, as historian visiting these time lines, might be confused as to what exactly is happening, if our current timelines are being distorted in their values, for others doings.