From year 3218


I don't know if this is a "satanic" effort at posting a time travel story.

But I do know, from the PM questions that Traveler asked me, that this is an attempt to get 15 minutes of fame in the form of "the interview". The questions that Traveler asked me in PM mostly dealt with how I happened to get some air time with George Noory. He then wanted to have a private conversation on PM with me. I told him/her that I don't do PM with "time travelers" for a couple of reasons. The basic answer that I gave him concerned credibility. I told him that I don't converse with would-be TT"s off the boards because if I do that, and it is discovered, I end up in the situation where I am questioned about my participation in a hoax. So I told him that that's the main reason why any real conversation that I have with a would-be TT is on the boards where everyone can see the conversation.

In this post I don't want anyone to think that I'm bashing Traveler. I'm not. I just want to let the forum know that the question was asked of me, that I declined to participate in an off-the-board conversation and that any views that I have are public, open to discussion by all Members and that there is nothing going on "behind the scenes".

PS: Probably the best example that I can give relative to my reasoning are the PM's that I have received from otherwise good members who have expressed the desire for me to help them pull off a fake time traveler story. My answer to them, on this board and on any other that I participate in, has been the same: No thanks - if you want to pull a fast one on the Members have at it, but I will not help you directly or indirectly.
Probably the best example that I can give relative to my reasoning are the PM's that I have received from otherwise good members who have expressed the desire for me to help them pull off a fake time traveler story. My answer to them, on this board and on any other that I participate in, has been the same: No thanks - if you want to pull a fast one on the Members have at it, but I will not help you directly or indirectly.

Thats funny because I have had people request the same thing from me. I have turned them down as well. I am not interested in deceiving anyone ....not even if you are writing a book.
I noticed a couple of them stopped posting after that.
I only asked you what your interview was about on coasttocoast. I never asked you how to get time in the radio station.

I have a question for you traveler. What happens in my future? My name is Tiance Antaun Hughes and I was born in September 15th 1981. I live in Charleston WV at 852 Beaumont rd Charleston, WV 25314.

Please tell me. And tell me what happens when I meet trish stratus IF I ever meet trish stratus.

Thank you.
Re: q

I encourage you to delete your personal info above. It is never good to put this info out there to the general public.

Traveler, are you still going to post your language?
Re: q

This page has been accessed 841,134 times. or so it says at the bottom of the page. i'd suggest you follow pamelas advice.

before you get 840,000 nasty letters /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

or even worse, 840,000 attempts at stealing all of your personal info. did you know that if a 411 scam artist were to see your info, you wouldnt be able to use credit for a long time?
Re: q

I've been away for a bit and missed travler getting all huffy, however i do have to defend travler from darby's ribbing about schooling.

In the future, you do not go to school through 12th grade. It is realized, at some point, that each year of each students public schooling costs tax payers currently about $11,000/yr. Many classes that are taught today are useless to the majority of people, and therefore education is reduced to necessary education (to age 12), and then secondary education if needed or desired (college or apprenticeship).

Darby you really think a 12 year old inthe future needs calculus? Does a lawyer need calc? How about an architect? Or a judge, congressmen/women? What a fed-ex delivery guy? Does he need calc? How about ship captians? history teachers? construction workers? farmers?

If only 5% of the population would ever use calculus in thier lifetimes, then why are we as a society spending billions of tax dollars each year to teach calculus to the other 95%?

In future phys-ed is reduced to hygene and fitness schooling only and ends in 5th grade. All other excercise is recieved outside of tax-paid-for schooling. History is still taught. Basic math too. Music and art are only tax-paid-for taught through 3rd or 4th grade, and that is only to maintain attention span and help identify those that should continue on in art/music. Science is taught at a basic level of concepts. General students do not waste time calculating oxidation reactions, counting electrons, etc. Science is more hands on approach. And like art/music, if a kids aptitude shows promise or great interest in field, then thier schooling continues after age 12 to focus more on the fields of talent/interest.

What happens is that youngsters are able to focus on a career earlier and get into apprenticeship programs. Society is taxed less and becomes vastly more productive and efficient. I could go on and on explaining, but hopefully this will do.

Travler may be hoax, but if so, knowing that schooling ends at 12 is an incredible guess.
Re: q

You need other courses to round out the education to learn how to think. Merely talking about it has not produced the means necessary for some people to actually think in this Nation.
Re: q

Kind of reminds me of the Amish.
I don't believe education is ever useless.
You have to invest in the children....they are the future!
They make tomorrows decisions.

Even if one does not use calculus on a daily basis just taking the course trains
your brain to think on higher and different levels. Does it not?
Re: q

The American (a british) schooling systems are very inefficient to say the least. In french schools in todays time, concepts and analytical thinking are taught. Its similar to teaching abstract art or design of some type. Concepts and methods of achieving goal are taught in French schools. In american schools, those things are taught sometimes too, but alot of schooling is wasted on repetitive problem solving (monkey see, monkey do, monkey do 100 times). How many US 6th graders can use the FOIL system to convert fractions in the classroom, yet when thier father is wondering how much of a 16 ounce oil bottle to mix with a gallon of gasoline to make the 40:1 ratio needed for the weedwacker, nobody knows what to do? In america we teach results, not concepts.

In the future, this will all change.

Does it help for a person to understand calculus concepts even though they do not use them? Sure it will activate a few neurons and build up some myelin on those cells, but unless those neurons are fired regularly, the myelin will disappear and will be as if the person never spent the time learning anything about calculus before. What does stick, is concepts. the concepts of how derivatives of equations can lead to similar mathmatical proofs, yet in a different form, does tend to stick if it is taught in such a way that is used in daily life (even if you are not scientist). Teach a ghetto kid teh concept of distilling cocian into morphine and morphine into coedine and that concept will stick. Teach calculus in terms of time/space dialation on an Estes model rocket that has a D engine versus one with a C size engine. That concept will stick. But to blindly teach pure mathematical calculus equations is wasteful of both time and money. In this capitolistic society, time IS money.
Re: q

Hello Everyone,

I have been away for a while and do not have very long left now,

I want to make some comments that in time may be viewed as ‘helpful’.

1) School education does change as stated by several members here.

• Children learn a wider range of general subjects at an earlier age and undergo a series of aptitude tests from the age of 7 years old until they are 8 years old. They are then assessed with an accuracy degree of +97% for the interests and subjects that have a ‘greater’ chance of maintaining the student’s concentration levels through the remainder of their ‘public schooling’.

• This evaluation reveals several intelligence and social ‘long term’ behavior patters that can then enable the child/student to live a more productive life.

• The change in educational structure has nothing initially to do with costs, it is ascertained that ‘encouraging’ a child’s individual natural interests leads to a more content child and reduces the likelihood of anti-social behavior problems later.

• The main reason for the shorter schooling period is to directly help children through their adolescent period of life as it becomes apparent that this is the crucial and most vulnerable time in a child’s life where they are most susceptible to negative influence and change.

• The young person at 12-13 is then encouraged to play a more immediate and responsible part in general society by way of apprenticeship work schemes pertaining to their natural interests.

• This enables the young person to feel more ‘grown up’ and more importantly on a more ‘equal’ footing with his previously thought adult ‘peers’ at an earlier age. The words “you don't understand me’ are infrequently used and the parent accepts the child as a young adult at an earlier age and respects his/her contributions to society.

• The new schooling structure reduces crime and anti-social behavior by revolutionary proportions previously thought impossible. It minimizes attempts to place ‘square pegs in round holes’ and thereby reduces the negative friction that creates negative attitudes later.

2) The Egyptian Connection.

• Please see my ‘subtle’ reference in previous post:

3) Descendants from Aliens.
• Ironic but incorrect. We are not descendants from Aliens – Aliens are descendants from us.

4) Darby.

• Darby like the vast majority of scientists look at the whole concept through scientific eyes; The problem is they have the science book so close to their nose they can not see the room or world around them. If 2+2 does not =4 they have great difficulty accepting its possibility, thereby restricting their vision and ability to move forward and actually grasp the answers to the very questions they seek.

• As I have mentioned before you have to start thinking ‘outside the box’, if it were possible to answer all the questions with a calculus formula would it not then be theoretically possible with access to a computer that could compute any equation to answer these questions?

An easier way to grasp this point is to go back to when the first wheel was invented. How many of us sometimes think that if we were around then there would be a good chance that we would have been the one to invent the wheel?

What understanding did this person have of formulas or equations or even math? What made him so different to the others?

The answer is not a scientific one but a human one, its inspiration; and this is born from many different circumstances with possibly a creative mind being the first and foremost. How do the general mass achieve a creative mind, well it may be a good idea to start promoting and developing ones natural interests at an earlier age (see above).

Before I leave here I will conduct an experiment (The answer to which I have entrusted with one of you some time ago) whomever (if any) get the correct answer (or very close too) I will entrust with information and answers to questions that many of you seek.
Re: q


Darby you really think a 12 year old inthe future needs calculus? Does a lawyer need calc? How about an architect? Or a judge, congressmen/women? What a fed-ex delivery guy? Does he need calc? How about ship captians? history teachers? construction workers? farmers?

Please go back and re-read the appurtenant post. I didn't mention any particular classes, specifically I didn't mention calculus.

What I expressed was incredulity that a thousand years from now (actually 1200 years to be more precise) a person with a typical high school education (completed at age 18, 12 or whatever) doesn't seem to have any more general education knowledge than a typical class of 2007 high school graduate.

Compare what a typical person from the year 800 AD received as their basic education. That's the same reference frame, 800 to 2000 AD, as Traveler's frame of reference, 2000 to 3200 AD. And he comes from a world that received a 2000 year knowledge boost from the aliens. We did make a few general education advancements during the transition form the Medieval period to the present.

Certainly you're not going to try to defend the "I'm from the year 3200 AD but I know nothing that a class of 2007 high school graduate doesn't already know" even thhough I come from the year 3200" are you?

I'll stop beating around the bush. Of course he doesn't have a 1200 year advancement in general knowledge over anyone here. That's because he's from "here".

I can appreciate a well thought out time travel yarn - even tough I'll still try to take it apart. But the writer of a well thought out yarn has prepared for that - because s/he took some time to do some studying, pre-planning, testing the story and tried to make it cogent and believable. Traveler did none of that. His is another "twenty minute wonder" story - twenty minutes from first thought to finished post. Where's the creative process in that?

BTW: You let your scenario slip away just a bit. yes - architects and ships captains definitely need to know calculus. Construction workers? Possible, but they use trig every day. A lawyer? Depends on his/her law practice. Product liability - definite possibility if the product involves any engineering. The attorney should have a good clue (or go into general law). But for the future doctor or lawyer to finish their undergraduate degree its very likely that they will be required to take calculus as a part of their general education requirement. It was a requirement for all undergrads when I attended the University of California. After I graduated they removed the requirement. Since then it has been reinstated as a requirement.
Re: q

Darby, you are slipping. You said "I assume that for such an advanced society differential calculus is taught at age 9 or 10." per your post dated 7.6.7 2:55 am

and architects do not use calculus. They can, but every architectI know hires an engineer to calculate moment forces in structural systems. That is mainly because of liabiliy law and insurance. Point being, architects do not use calculus. Lawyers? maybe, but agaian we're into that 5% only margin. Ship captian? Nope. ever been on a ship at sea? The tool they used (now its all electronic) was a sextant. Trig, yes, Calc, no.

UC huh? did you get in because you were smart, a local resident, or a minority?