From year 3218


Temporal Novice
I am from year 3218. I know many others have claimed the same thing, but I insure you that I am. I will answer any questions that I can. I will explain the process of time traveling in detail more but i will explain it here briefly. Also keep in mind that i am not a scientist, so I do not know everything about how the machine works, but I will explain it the best I can. First you need to understand that when when you time travel you never travel to your past or your future, just a identical one. When you travel, if you change a time line it will not change yours at all. We use wormholes to travel through time, and just traveling period. There are multiple ways of time travel, this is just the way the I prefer to use.
I will tell you some things that will happen in the future.

2008 - Russia declares war upon the U.S. This will be World War three. This will happen late in the year of 2008.
2011 - The U.S. wins the war, but at a great price. We launch a nuclear missile at Russia. Nuclear fallout lasts for 8 years. I am not exactly sure how long it lasts but thats is a very close estimate. Many city's in the U.S. are devastated from the war. New York City, Los Angeles, and Jacksonville Florida are the city's that had the greatest destruction.
2012-2016 - In year 2012 we learn that we are not alone in the universe. This is the year that we make contacts with extraterrestrials. There are two different species of extraterrestrials that we met, and became good friends with. the first type is what people call the "Grey's". The second type are more humanoid then the Grey's. They are of average hight of humans, and they have the same skin tone. There anatomy is much different. They have two hearts, 24 rib bones, 19 extra teeth. They also have a "breast plate bone". This covers there chest, and connects to there rib bones. There night vision is slightly better then ours but not much. They have "tapetum lucidum" within there eyes. I don't know much more about there anatomy. We "make friends" with both species. we make more technological advancements in these next three years the we would have made in 2,000 years. The extraterrestrials are the ones who introduced wormhole travel to us.
2018 - We produce a brain-computer virtual interface. This interface allows us download information directly to our brains. This interface is implanted on on the right or left side of the neck, blow the ear.
2021 - The year that we master the creation of nano bots. This increases the average human age to 300-400 years of age.

If you have any questions I will answer then to the best of my possibility.

Welcome to the 21st Century.

I have a few questions that I'd like you to answere. Do you know the condition of Canada when this World War III takes place? What provinces are most devestated? I'd like to know a little more about the events that take place between 2008, 2012 through 2016. Such as the New World Order Conspiracy, New Age Spirituality, and Reptilian beings. What is your mission here in the 21st century? Travler it is an honor to be here with you and I hope enjoy your stay.

hi travler,

nice to meet you. i would like to ask a few questions.

why are you here?

can you travel back and forth?

why did you come to this site?

i see that youve read some of the things here,may i ask what you think about the rest?

do you have any videos or photos showing proof?

what is life like in 3218?

so the russians are coming? that'd rock! i've been waiting all my life to yell "wolverines!"
if youve ever seen the movie red dawn, gimme a hell yeah! :D
Thank you for a the welcome Cubikdice.
Do you know the condition of Canada when this World War III takes place? Canada does have some devastation, but not nearly as bad as the states. We all had some nuclear fall out, even Canada, but not much. The states had the most devastation.
I'd like to know a little more about the events that take place between 2008, 2012 through 2016. Such as the New World Order Conspiracy, New Age Spirituality, and Reptilian beings.
The New World Order, I haven't read much about this, I'm not sure what your referring to. There are many groups between year 2008 and 2017 that claim to be the New World Order. One of these groups attacks the white house with a fusion bomb, or fusion fission bomb. If its not ether of these then it is something close. They also try to kidnap the president and force him into quiting his position. This does not work and 278 of the members of this New World Order are dead from a gun fight. 523 of the members are imprisoned, and around 254 are put to death.
The spirituality of the year I come from is much different then what is understood today. Magick, spirituality and science are all one. The nation has a religion that most all follow. The name of the religion would sound like NtrSkP. If you would like to know more about a spiritual beliefs I will explain it in more depth.

The Reptilian beings are a alien race the we still don't know much about. We have identified them, we know that they are among us but they blend in so well. Were not quite sure of there purpose, what do you know of them?
I have know "mission". I am just here to visit. In the future you can go to any time line that you want. The device that allows us to travel in time and great distance is a everyday thing, kind of like how a computer is in todays time. I hope to enjoy my stay here and inform any of you that would like to be.
Thank you Matt
My native language is a what you would call a alien language. The "Grey's" taught us there language when they arrived, we adapted to it. The closest thing to this language is what the ancient Egyptians would have spoken. The Egyptian Gods/ess were aliens. We speak a adaption of Middle Egyptian. No one has spoken todays English for some time. It was marked as a dead language year 2095. It is still used for ritual mantra in some temples, but not many. I am having a hard time speaking and writing English, but it is fun. We were all taught English ( we call it Ancient tongue) at a young age.
Hello Travler,

Thank you for responding, much appreciated! I hope you are visiting us for some time as we and myself would really like to get to know you and your future. The details you provided are astonishing and are shedding some light upon our many questions. To my knowledge these Reptlian beings are indeed amung us and are mysterious. There is a rumor around that says they are the masters of the Greys and are treated like Gods. However, these greys would gladly help us against them. I've watched a documentary where someone infiltrated our underground tunnels to where our world leaders and important peoples are transported, that this person found a 'shapeshift', to which was eating out of a womans corpse. It looked very cultish. There are a lot of dark mysteries we are slowly unraveling for the public, but with progress comes great responsibility. I've sent you an inquiry via private message where we can establish a more appropriate "live" interview.

With Warm Regards,


How do you deal with your privacy and security from being jepardized by government agents?

Thank You.
I am just here to have a good time and learn. I can come and go when ever.
Yes I can travel back and forth.
I did not just come to this site, I came to a few others, but one of them wouldn't let me register for some reason. I was thinking about not even posting here because of how some of the other people that claim to be travels get treated. Some times people on this forum really get aggressive. It seems like everyone is being civil for the time being.
I think this site is great, and I have read a lot of posts on this site. The only concern I have on this website was how some people get treated.
I don't have any videos or photos of the future for a few reasons. The main reason is that the data would not survive the travel through the Einstein-Rosen-Podolsky bridge (wormhole). I really thought about trying to record something and bring it but it would have been no use. I could take a picture of the machine I use to travel with if you would like.
Year 3218 is beautiful, in any way that you can think. There is no such thing as poverty where I come from. Thats the thing that amazed me when I came here, just so different. Most of us live on Mars now, now called new Earth. Mars (new Earth) is much more populated then Earth is, because Earth is so polluted from the nuclear wars (yes more then one) earth comes to have in our future, and how hot it has become because of global warming. yes the Russians are coming, and so is Korea. Russian is the one that does the greatest devastation. Korea does try to come behind Russia and finish America. It does not work at all, it back fires on them.
I have never seen this movie before. I've only seen a few movies, I do enjoy them.
From what I know the "Grey's" I kind of like the Galactic Order, for lack of a better term. The reptilians might be the species that the "Grey's" were in battle with before they came here. The "Grey's" were in battle with some species that they still have yet to tell us. It might have been these Reptilians. Do you have any videos or pictures?
I'm allowed to speak about anything from my future I chose. The reason that I'm allowed to is because my future might not possibly be your future. If a traveler like myself changes something, it wont have any effect at all on my future, only on this future. Right now if this future keeps going the way its going it will be identical to my future.

or fusion fission bomb

Why didn't you just say "a thermonuclear device" or "a hydrogen bomb"?

A hydrogen bomb, aka thermonuclear bomb, is a fission-fusion bomb.

They also try to kidnap the president and force him into quiting his position.

Uhhh...dropping a hydrogen bomb on the White House kinda thwarts the kidnap plot, don't you think?
I'm sorry, I didn't know the proper English name for it.
Yes, if the President was at the white house then it would have. He wasn't there at the time.
The device that allows us to travel in time and great distance is a everyday thing, kind of like how a computer is in todays time.

A wormhole is "an everyday thing" much like a computer?

BTW: Most folks live on Mars because the Earth has more nuclear pollution than Mars? Where did all of this pollution on Earth come from considering that you had two ET races come and advance your science by 2,000 years almost over night?

The pollution must be fantastically awful on Earth because Mars has virtually no atmosphere - it is baked by deadly solar and cosmic radiation 24-7/668.
Hello everyone. I have decided to try to record a demonstration of what the device does. It will more then likely not work close up. I think it might work at a distance. I will take two videos, one at a distance and one close up. I will also take detailed pictures of the machine inactive. Would anyone guide me in uploading the video once I record it?
I meant the device to create the wormhole for time travel is a every day thing. We created the nuclear pollution. We go through multiple wars in the future and nuclear warfare is widely used. The extraterrestrials do advance us greatly in a short time, but they cannot remove the nuclear pollution. Many of the first planets that the "Grey's" lived on had to be deserted because of the pollution. Yes, right now Mars is not livable. With the technology that is gained the process of terraforming is very quick. I do not know exactly how Mars became inhabitable, I am not a scientist. I wish I understood it better, but I don't.
I do not know exactly how Mars became inhabitable, I am not a scientist. I wish I understood it better, but I don't.

Considering that this gadget is an "everyday device" much like a computer, and considering that you are just a person on vacation here, why don't you go back, befriend a real scientist, and come back here - say 10 minutes from the current time - and have the scientist answer some of the technical questions.

You could come back the next time that you have vacation time. For you it might be months or even years before you get a handle on someone who knows what s/he's talking about re. the science. From our perspecive you'll only be gone for a few minutes.
Life is going well. I enjoy it here. The only problem is, Florida is way to hot. We will have a few different time machines. The one that is used by the majority is the same machine I use, the Wormhole Generator. This technology was taught to us by the "Grey's". The first human time machine has already been created, theres many of them. I think one is the MDR? Not sure if thats the name, or how it works. Theres also this device.

The third device created by humans will be one in year 2019. It will be done in a spaceship. I'm not sure exactly how it works, other then using different planets to "sling shot" them, along with a inertia dampener.