Hi Darby,
So for true accuracy we'll simply refer to a differential that is infinitely close to but less than the speed of light. Before we reach the speed of light we eventually get to a differential that indicates more energy input than is available in the entire universe.
Your math and science for GTR and SpaceTime are impeccable. Of course, I agree with them and believe you have faithfully described the mathematical model of Einstein's description of SpaceTime, because that is (literally) how Matter in Motion is described with E=mc^2, along with its lightspeed-ratio corrected longer form that you have reviewed.
In essence, I agree that velocity (be it the velocity of sound or the velocity of light) is the primary metric that describes Energetic SpaceTime. But I just have a feeling there is a limitation in the view of Mass ("m"), and Intertia ("I") in both Einstein's and Newton's approximations of physical statics and dynamics. Here is what I mean:
We talk, correctly, about the "fabric of SpaceTime" and its direct relationship with the concept of Motion (velocity) which is how we define SpaceTime (i.e. Space/Time = Velocity, dimensionally).
What I don't hear us talking about is "the fabric of MassTime", for I believe one can make the mathematical argument that it is the Anti-Thesis(~) of SpaceTime.
To summarize: I have a mathematical description that agrees with, and expands upon, both Newton and Einstein. One of the foundations of this mathematical description is that what we call "Mass" is something different than "Matter". It is my belief that Matter can be described as a "dimensional fabric" that could be called MassTime, just as we all agree that Motion can be described as a "dimensional fabric" of SpaceTime.
I will try to describe the full 3x3 matrix model of Massive SpaceTime from a different perspective in my next posts to my "3 spirals" threads. It is tedious to describe in words, and I am not yet ready to share all my tensor math. But to describe it to you in other terms: I believe there is a progressive structure to the theories of physics from Newton and Einstein. One contains the other, and that means our next great theory of physics will end up containing both Einstein and Newton, as two concentric system metrics.
1) Newton describes the primary physical entity as FORCE, and how it varies as MASS times a second derivative called ACCELERATION.
2) Einstein describes the primary physical entity as ENERGY, and how it varies as MASS times a surface area defined by a first derivative called VELOCITY.
3) Our next great theory of physics will describe a primary physical entity that is at a higher level than Energy. It is my belief that we call that physical level INFORMATION. The physical equation for Information will be of the same "ma" or "mc^2" form as Newton and Einstein.
OK... I know you follow that, Darby. So now let's see if we both recognize and agree upon a mathematical progression here:
F = m*a
E = m*c^2
What if I conjectured that the next equation in this sequence would be:
I = m*s^3
Where: "s" represents the zeroth derivative called POSITION or LENGTH. It is cubed for the simple reason that we live in a 3-dimensional (cubed) VOLUME representation of Space.
Force is proportional to Acceleration (to the first power).
Energy is proportional to Velocity (to the second power).
Information is proportional to Position (to the third power).
There's both a symmetry, and a geometric progression, in such a mathematical model, wouldn't you agree Darby? More in the other threads... but I think we need tensor mathematical models for the 3 different forms of "m" that are used in the above equations. Each description of "m" for each model is different from the description of "m" in the higher or lower level models.