Forest Through The Trees

Pamela: "Look deep within Yourself,Clarice," is a line from Hannibal Lector in Silence Of The Lambs.

Clarice thought the line was a "little too hokey for Lector," and searched til she found a self-storage facility named "Yourself", where she also discovered a head floating in alcohol--but you've probably seen the movie.

I was going to use it myself in a post later, but, first come first serve.I can always use "I ate his liver with fava beans," but that is a little sinister. Ah, well.
Oh. I guess that explains it. I don't watch horror movies and I didn't see that one either.
If you wouldn't have posted that I would have had no idea what he was talking about.
Ok creeps me out a little about hiwaybucks now. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif
I still don't understand why he posted that to me.
Is he saying like I am like Clarice asking the questions and he is the horrible monster answering them?? Because I think that Hannibal ate people...right? So does this mean if I search too hard I am going to find something horrible like she did??? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif
Yes, I think you're right, Pamela. Another dramatic exit, full of sound and fury and body parts scattered along the highway, but signifying nothing.

I got an email reply from OvLrdLegion today telling that he was no longer going to post. But Time Travel Portal--where I have something of a blog--seems to be getting only one post a week, or so,now. An ominous trend. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif
Nope, not a dramatic exit. I have a job. I went over to Calif. last night. While I was concerned about highway deaths, a freak accident occured on my property. My neighbor has a flatbed farm truck that popped into reverse and rolled through my fence and took out my well. Thank God that my grandkids were playing out back.

All this nonsence about ip addresses is pretty much what I expect. And A-ok with me.
I have no patience for that.

People are catapulted into eternity every day. That was my point. We have enough to worry about.
People and the lives that they live and the lives they loose are indeed significant.

This is absoultely essencial to understanding Time Travel.
"Is he saying like I am like Clarice asking the questions and he is the horrible monster answering them?? Because I think that Hannibal ate people...right? So does this mean if I search too hard I am going to find something horrible like she did???"


No, no. I had referred to Miss Foster in other posts. (I am not a fan of hers, but the movies make a point or two.)
In "Lambs" her character solved the case with good gumshoe detective work. That's all. Do not be distracted with all the nonsence on this forum. Work this case. Discover something about Time Travel.

From what I know, I understand that "Time Travel" is not and was never dumped out in it's entirety to the masses..
It is what you do with it in your daily life.
Quote hiwaybucks:
"In "Lambs" her character solved the case with good gumshoe detective work. That's all. Do not be distracted with all the nonsence on this forum. Work this case. Discover something about Time Travel."

How do you know if I don't already know something about time travel?
Good for you, Al. You're on you way to becoming a regular.

Actually, many years ago (in the 1960's) an associate of mine who was a contactee told me that one of his powerful friends from outside this realm had arranged for him to visit both the past and the future. His trip to the past was an unsuccessful attempt to convince the Captain of the Titanic that there was danger ahead.

For the future he traveled to Los Angeles (Spring Street, I think) in the mid to late 21st century. One of things he reported was seeing automobiles--which still had wheels--floating along above the surface of the street. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif PB.

That was in my L.A. days. I now reside on the shores of Gitchee Goomee north of Green Bay.
No forest here, but a Militar Base in Desoto National Forest of Mississippi.
Pics with signs both in English and Russian, and a Speed Limit in Km, not Miles... is from This Timeline or Alternative World? No Detentions Camps Here? Shure, Anyone...


Waiting for a pink Timetraveler...

I was wondering if anyone else thought it suspicious that PamelaM217 and hiwaybucks shared the exact same IP address... on more than one occasion?

If they are not the same person, I wonder what the odds are that they would both get the same IP... and then for this to happen twice.

I don't believe that Pamela is spoofing us by playing two characters. What I think is happening is that someone who knows Pamela IRL might be spoofing her.

Highwaybucks appears to also be posting from Cincinatti on AOL.
Am I still me?
Ok fine.

Ok now, If you need to get yourself into a physical, geographical specific situation,,,
that is, an event at a place in time ,,, whether past, present or future,

Such as getting into Marilyn Monroe's house on Aug.8th 1962....

How do you do it?

All you need is the sum total... (or as much as you can get) of the information that is contained in the energy and matter of that specific event. Why?
Because if you had access to all that information PERFECTLY, then you become part of that event , perfectly.

Sounds like alot, but not really.
As humans, the brunt of it would be like a flea under the feet of a marching band in parade. An endless armageddon to that flea. We could not absorbe too much information without exploding.
So a buffer is needed to "ride that wave" of information contained in that event.
The people, place, things and occurances therein.

Miss Monroe, the bungalo, her killer, the whole nine yards.
All that is just one speck of an event and a speck of a place in history or the universe.

One tree in an old forest that no-one heard fall.
No one was there to remember....
or was there?

Yes,,,, If you guessed that the FOREST itself remembers the event, then you are right.

If you had the ability to become one leaf on one of those old trees that really was there, then you become a part of the sum total of all the information contained within the whole tree specifically and the whole forest in general.
Then you can get to work and interface with the other parts of the whole tree and "relive" or experience the event because the event is as much a part of the tree as you are.

Well guess what?
You are a human being on this planet and in this universe.
You are a part of it all whether you think so or not.
The problem is not being outside the event.

It is finding a convention of knowlege and information so perfect that you become present in the event itself!

Now all that was for your benefit and learning. As best that I can explain to those that are much more smarter than me.

With HATS, (here and there simultaniously) You are you; and you are here; and you are there. Period.

The religions have a word for it.... "at-oneness" or whatever.

Hope that helps.
