Forest Through The Trees


Temporal Novice
There seems to be alot of barbed wire strung around the whole issue of TT.
No doubt that most would not recognize a visitor if they got bit on the ass by one.

Let me see if I got the basics worked out.
You are NOT a time traveller if :
you can't predict the elections, tell me what I'm thinking, predict the Dow, bury a box in Texas, answer all my questions, meet my standards, have a photo of a machine, prove the physics, impress me with geometry, must be a gifted writer, spell correctly, never get cavities or get sick, you certainly can't be from this time,(since we all know for a fact that only people from the future can TT.) and a million other requirements. You are not a TT if you can't jump through all of our hoops, buddy.

Furthermore, time travel must involve space, time, mechanical aparatus, wormholes or flying saucers.
Nothing less than that will do. Otherwise, you are NOT a TT.

All that thinking is definately "inside the box" . Please don't limit yourselves that way.

Lesson one about Time Travel: It is not what you have been conditioned to think.
Two: Time Travel was never given with YOUR requirements in mind.
Three: TT is not about your entertainment or fancy.
The purpose of time travel does not rise or fall based upon the ability to convince. That is to say, that TT is not compromised by the inibility to prove. Only to do for the sake of the purpose.

It is everything that you think it is not.

Lesson one about Time Travel: It is not what you have been conditioned to think.
Two: Time Travel was never given with YOUR requirements in mind.
Three: TT is not about your entertainment or fancy.
The purpose of time travel does not rise or fall based upon the ability to convince. That is to say, that TT is not compromised by the inibility to prove. Only to do for the sake of the purpose.

It is everything that you think it is not.

I agree with you on these points.

However, you should understand our point of view regarding frauds that attempt to prey on peoples fears. The future obviously would be known by a "specific" group of "REAL" time travelers, but I believe if you truely understand what you are saying in your post, then you know that none of the "REAL" time travelers would do as a majority of the claimants have done.

The overall "mission" would not and does not include what has been written within the claims far.

The veils that shield the truth conceal much more than is thought at this point in the "evolution" of humanity.

However, the next 100 years contains the beginning of the real "revolution", and the foundations of the future will become more evident, but still only a glimmer of what the future holds for humanity.

Actually, there is one member who has been writing in these forums for quite some time, and has hinted at, unknowingly I'd imagine, what the truth may be.
Dear Highwaybucks.

Tell us something about the nature of time itself. How can one travel backward or forward in time without some idea of what one is doing. Since time travel is beyond current scientific comprehension, someone who does it must know something that we don't. Please do not simply repeat current knowledge.I do have a concept of the nature of time. Tell me why it's wrong. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Has anyone considered "Spontanious Time Travel" ?
Where it just happens, and BANG, you are there .... and here at the same time?
And back again ?
Without seeing any apparatus, formulas, etc ?

Has anyone considered that TT may have been integral to the human experience since the Dawn of Time ? And not limited to some lucky future generations ? I maintain that time travellers from the PAST and PRESENT visit here and there from time to time.

No doubt that most would not recognize a visitor if they got bit on the ass by one.

Thus the aforementioned questions that you've alluded to.

For the most part would-be time travelers who have appeared here are basically from "contemporary" times - within 500 years of the time that they posted. It's not likely that they would have evolved three eyes, green skin or some other physical "oddity" that would point them out (though that is a bit of a problem in itself on the Internet).

Without the questions, how would you recognize a time traveler - absent being bit on the behind (not that a present period person, properly motivated, couldn't do that)?

As regards "spontaneous time travel' - it has been looked for. We can't wait around looking at each other to see if or when one of us will spontaneously "pop" out of existence, but we can wait around and watch billions of subatomic particles in the lab.

But its no surprise that we would be watching. It's the basic underpinning of quantum physics - the Uncertainty Principle.

Single subatomic particles aside, could an entire human being undergo the same change in quantum state? Yes. It might take several times the expected lifetime of the universe but it is theoretically possible. That's where the math, experiment, geometry, etc. come in. We know that it can happen but we'd like to know why and how, if possible, to replicate the process on demand. So far, no joy along those lines.
It is not my intention to rail against good science. I honestly could not, since I am not educated in those diciplines. After reading a variety of threads, I was reacting to what appeared to be a shark tank, rather than a think tank.
My great challenge is to pull down some barriers and remove some pre-conceived notions about TT.
Some posts are quite good and I believe that a few thinkers are on track. Individual discovery trumps wholesale distribution of knowlege.
Like music.
Exploring the simple to the very complex aspects of musical structure,,,, but the heart of it can be lost in all the disection. A wealth of music is overlooked as a result of personal taste or simple bias.
I invite each individual to revisit any ideas about TT that may have been ruled out as a result of popular thought. If a personal discovery comes, then it is a rich one.

For example :
Mankind lives in a universe (singular) that does not exclude TT.
Yes, let's revisit that concept.
One universe. Or do we rule that out because multiple millions of universes is more sexy ? Who knows ? I could not tell you better than you discover for yourself. And that time travel is not foreign to the human experience. Never has been.
Think about it.
What if humans have experienced Time Travel all along? Right under our noses? Now that is a fresh idea.
And who says that you have to de-materialize when you go ? I had no awareness of that. It was quick, though.

And I can't speak to the nature of time either. I don't even own a watch. But I am 51 with 4 grandsons who remind me that time is short. I need no watch for that.
How would I recognize a time traveller ? He would be impatient. And exhausted. And checking his sanity.
I am me. I was here. And I was there. For a few minutes each time.... at the same time.

So are you saying that time travel doesn't necessarily require hi-tech machinery? Interesting. I would be curious to know how ones sanity does fare without some physical sensation/attachment to a shift in your outward perceptions. If I were to suddenly find myself from point 'a' to point 'b' without actually witnessing the transition, I'd think my brain had finally exceeded its expiration date.

I do think that the concept of time itself is a misnomer. What could be accomplished if we unmasked the illusion? Limitless potential. True understanding of the power of thought and the energy it contains.

Is it possible that many of us have already time traveled without full cognition of ever having done so? Could the conscious mind absorb a radically different perception in what might seem like an instant? Or would it be discarded as brain static?

Don't you have to know what you're looking for to see it?
I do think that the concept of time itself is a misnomer. <font color="orange"> [/COLOR]

Let me lay this one on you... The concept of "travel" may be the big hang-up.

Most have the idea of strapping in, blasting off and accelerating to who-knows-where, going so darn fast that your hair is blowing back, cheeks fluttering and the cosmos is streaking by in blinding light. All that will do you no good if you expect to visit history or the future HERE and NOW.

The transition that I know of is non-traumatic. Realizing that you are really somewhere else is absolutely thrilling. You are still on this planet, mind you... and you are still you. All molicules unmolested. Now look, as far as we are concerned, it all happened here (as far as history goes)and the furure will unfold here. You and I are here. No need to go elsewhere.

Hope that helps.

I read through some of your posts in order to reply to you. Your concept of time is as follows:

"Several comments about time:

In our relative space-time existence we think of one dimension of time.I believe that there are an infinite number of time dimensions, and that each monad has its own time: this makes it eternal. In a fundamental sense, time, motion, vibration, and consciousness are all different aspects of the same thing.

Seconndly, there is a confusion resulting from using the word time in two different ways. In one usage it means change, and in another it means the content or record of time or change."

my reply:

Dude, there is no way that I can think in those terms. I really can't. You had challenged me to explain where you are wrong. I really cannot fathom dimentions and all that. However , when you consider the basics about experiencing the "tick-tock, tick-tock" day in, day out weeks, months and years, etc... then we have a huge catalog of events from A to Z. Not just you and me, but everyone who has ever lived. And I really mean it when I say "get back to basics". Imagine the clock on the wall at Marilyn Monroe's house when she died. It cannot remember, but her housekeeper can. Therefore , there is a record, of sorts. Tick-tock.

I had got to thinking about event echoes once, but eventually decided that echoes are not always trustworthy. Not always clear. The clock resonates (to this day) when it chimed in 1962. It would be a huge undertaking to go out across the universe to round-up all those echoes and sort them out. Unfortunately, it was only a clock when we really needed a camera. Get my drift ? All we can do now is have a look into the housekeeper's memory. (by interviewing her) But, what if she was in the other room? As it turns out, she was in the other room. Then what? The clock isn't talking and the housekeeper is unreliable. We need either access to that room at the time, or we at least need an increase of information of those events that is fully reliable. Now, I am NOT suggesting "remote viewing". No, no. I would rather interview the clock.

In your above quote, I think that you are in the ballpark when you said: "that each monad has its own time: this makes it eternal". And: "time, motion, vibration, and consciousness are all different aspects of the same thing." Now, I don't know what a monad is... but ok.

Quiz on Monday

Quoting you : " Since time travel is beyond current scientific comprehension, someone who does it must know something that we don't. Please do not simply repeat current knowledge.I do have a concept of the nature of time. Tell me why it's wrong. "

OK, you have answered your own question and exposed my dilemma. I am hard pressed to furnish you with an answer that you might accept, since it must fall within the parameters of scientific comprehension. I am feeling like Jody Foster here. Except that I am not a scientist. Could that be a key?
Yes. Stop trying to use science to make sence of it. I think that the smarter you are, the harder it is. Be a "Detective" here. The Marilyn problem will hopefully provoke you to discover at least a few leads that you might examine.


As OvLrdLegion mentioned, the main idea of time travel here is the idea of transporting one's carcase from one point in time to another.That's where the problem arises, because no one is certain if it is possible or not (personally, I have reservations, for in my viewpoint it would require traveling faster than the speed of light).

An endless parade of perhaps well-meaning individuals who consider this to be a game of pretense, periodically blunder in with a preposterous tale. You understand that most of old fogeys that hang out here aren't mad because they are being sold a load, but because the purported TT'ers are not entertaining or clever enough to tell a good story. So the cranky members, of whom I am sometimes one, have an inclination to stick it to them. Often they depart in a huff, threatening to "work in the shadows" or saying things like, "you people don't deserve to live," as a parting shot.

But claims about "mental" or "soul" travel (anything but the physical body) usually go without challenge because we don't know enough to be able to tell what is true or not.

I take it that you are strongly hinting that you have had some experiences, perhaps in this latter area. We would like to hear about them. I don't think anyone can fault a sincere account of a real personal experience.

As a matter of fact, I have had several out-of-the-body projections in my life which strongly affect my way of thinking. I don't like to discuss them, only because, I am attempting to present--and somewhat inadequately--an entirely different slant to our ideas about the nature of reality, and I don't want to bang on too many drums at the same time.

Much of what I have posted is taken from SUBSPACE, The Great Void Which Is Unconditioned
Fullness, Version 2005
by Clete Goffard [that's me]. But it is unpublished and obsolete as well, so it's not available.

Tell us your story and trust us to try and make some sense out of it. Maybe we shouldn't try to figure everything out, but the myths of Eve and Pandora suggest that we are inclined to.
Thanks for the invite and references. I defer to my thread "been there.." That's my basic outline.

Today I think that I will coin my "system" as "Here And There Simultaniously" or HATS.
It involves physical relocation elsewhere in time and space, all the while staying put.
It is also spontaneous.

I see that your ideas require acceleration. As I said above, it would be pretty hard on the mortal body. Also, by the time you snapped into fifth gear, you would be passing the Milky Way. No good if you are heading for Gettysburg.

HATS does not require any acceleration. Why should it? Shadow people, ghosts, Virgin Mary, you name it from the paranormal ... need no machine or acceleration. Nor do the out-of-body people either. I do not have a list of typical paranormal entities, but only ufo's are associated with machines, speed and distance. I don't know what catagory the remote viewers are in.

Add these to the longer list of all that we cannot prove from science or duplicate. But, please note that some paranormal events are accepted as physical in nature. Others like ghosts and demons, saints, etc, are considered spiritual. I say that HATS is physical and is easier to do than prove.

I'll write more when I can. It's after 4am here in Az. Need hit the sack.

PB, as always you are hitting the critical points:
As OvLrdLegion mentioned, the main idea of time travel here is the idea of transporting one's carcase from one point in time to another.That's where the problem arises, because no one is certain if it is possible or not (personally, I have reservations, for in my viewpoint it would require traveling faster than the speed of light).
Yep. Folks who fantasize about the romantic idea of time travel (as you say, physically hauling your carcass composed of mass across the dimension of Time) all have to ignore what science tells us in their assumption that this form of time travel is possible. They rely on the fact that, as of yet, science cannot prove it cannot be done, as being equivalent to the statement that it can, in fact, be done. That is the major non-sequitor in any such argument, and it is where falsification of current science comes in.

Einstein falsified Newton, and quantified exactly how Newton's principles fail to model reality when some limit is approached (speed approaching the speed of light). This is why Einstein is science of today, and precisely why one must falsify Einstein (and explain how/where his principle is wrong) before ANYONE can claim that physical time travel of any body of mass can actually be accomplished.
But claims about "mental" or "soul" travel (anything but the physical body) usually go without challenge because we don't know enough to be able to tell what is true or not.
Exactly, and once again you zero-in on a major point that is lost on most TT claimants.

So far I am watching and enjoying hiwaybucks' approach. I would note that hiwaybucks has NOT made any claim of being a physical time traveler who came here (body and all) from some other Time in a vehicle intended to move his Mass through Time.

Not only do I have nothing to "debunk" in this claim, but I also happen to believe (and understand scientifically and mathematically) that what hiwaybucks describes is, indeed, the only way that what some might call "time travel" can come to pass without having to expend huge amounts of Energy. Einstein tells us that SpaceTime is a "fabric of reality", and he also tells us what it takes to cause Mass to violate the causality of Time, as a metric.

Time is certainly a concept forumulated within the MIND. If one wishes to transcend Time, by virtue of the relationship between Force, Energy, and Information, it would stand to reason that you would have to transcend the boundaries of MIND, and beyond MIND is where we find SOUL and SPIRIT.

But the mistake would be to think that the laws of physicality, as expounded by science, are not in some way related to the "laws of non-physicality" (as "embodied" in Mind, Soul, and Spirit). To think that the "laws of non-physicality" can be totally disconnected from the "laws of physicality" is an error which defies all we know about reality... and that is that ONE thing is ALWAYS relative (in some describeable manner) to any OTHER thing. This is not saying that physicality and non-physicality necessarily need to be "the same thing". But what it is saying is that they must be somehow connected (related), and that this relationship can and will be understood, defined, and manipulated in our future.

I see that your ideas require acceleration. As I said above, it would be pretty hard on the mortal body. Also, by the time you snapped into fifth gear, you would be passing the Milky Way.
You are addressing the science of reality, and you show deference to not only the truth as told to us by Newton, but the expanded truth as explained by Einstein. As long as you agree that any "solution" and "explanation" of "time travel" has to stand up to scientific scrutiny (even if the science of today does not define the required relationships), then I am with you all the way.

HATS does not require any acceleration. Why should it? Shadow people, ghosts, Virgin Mary, you name it from the paranormal ... need no machine or acceleration.
Could be true. But there is little argument that, if they are phenomenon which do manifest in front of people such that they can perceive them with their physical senses, then they MUST be physical in nature, and thus have some signature of Energy (even if one would not classify that signature as Mass... but might be classified as Electro-Magnetic-Gravitic).

Add these to the longer list of all that we cannot prove from science or duplicate. But, please note that some paranormal events are accepted as physical in nature. Others like ghosts and demons, saints, etc, are considered spiritual. I say that HATS is physical and is easier to do than prove.
I guess I would add the word "currently" in fron of your phrase "cannot prove from science or duplicate." Fair enough? Just because science cannot describe it or produce it right now does not mean it will never be able to do so.

So far, I do not disagree with what you are describing... and beyond that I have done my own investigations into these areas by researching how physicality (which I call the Matrix of Massive SpaceTime) interacts with meta-physical ideas (those of the laws of conservation of Momentum, Energy, and Information to name three key ideas).

"Could be true. But there is little argument that, if they are phenomenon which do manifest in front of people such that they can perceive them with their physical senses, then they MUST be physical in nature, and thus have some signature of Energy (even if one would not classify that signature as Mass... but might be classified as Electro-Magnetic-Gravitic)."



The evidence is there, RMT.
If you can SEE a ghost, ufo, etc. then there is a link to physical reality. There is enough testimony of encounters and events of every sort to fill several librarys. Because PHYSICAL humans experience these, then YES, there is a physical link and must be considered to be physical, but not continually observed. I agree. But TT is an experience to be cherished; not a specimine to be studied.
In my experience, the people I visited SAW and HEARD me. So, I conclude that I was there physically.

If one desires to take measurements or confine a sample to a lab, I think that would be hard to do.
It may take centuries before science can nail it all down to their satisfaction.

What we do know from science is that mankind has the high probability of evolving himself out of existance long before a solution for time travel is achieved. Much less, the survival of humanity.
Therefore, any efforts in this area might be considered a waste of valuable and limited time.

In other words, since we are locked-in under Einstein, then we are doomed. Not quite checkmate yet, though. If one can accept that mankind's science has painted us all into the corner in many ways and actually inhibited the expansion of knowlege by virtue of their own limitations.

There is talk of the big JUMP that mankind will make wherein we will understand all things. That's pie in the sky.
Wishful, but necessary hope in light of the fact that we need answers FAST... before it's too late.
And there is no guarantee that this jump will come because good science is cautious with regard to predictions. I haven't decided what to do if the world is ending in our time.... whether to head over to Cal Tech or a church and bang on the door for answers.

The above homework assignment with regard to Marilyn's death illustrates this point. The coroner's report and the dusty old police files represent all that science had to offer then. Inasmuch as no new information was forthcoming, the science stands. The reality is that those records are fading.
Forty four years have come and gone. Miss Monroe's homicide is less likely to be solved as time goes by. So, we need a different approach.

I was washing my Dad's station wagon on that August morning when the news came over the radio. My memory of that day is fading. Our home in Encino was only 19 miles from her bungalo. Unfortunately, we had driven to the east coast that week. So, I wasn't there. Or even near there.

But go to that location today and tell me that you aren't creeped-out. Go to Dealey plaza today and know that there is an ambience over that place thick enough to cut with a knife. Those places reek of some cosmic event. Visit Tombstone Arizona. Go to Athens, Rome, Chairo, Jerusalem or Valley Forge or Normandy. Same thing. I suspect that is why there is a high value placed on relics and artifacts. Not to mention those blood-soaked battlefields of the world. Or the bloodsoaked sidewalk on Bundy Drive SCREAMING for justice and vengence.

I suspect that much of that value is assessed according to the information preserved within those artifacts and relics . Not to mention the locality. Like DNA in the bones of a mummy. But I say that there is more to it than that. "The stones even cry out !" That school book depository in Dallas is dripping with information. Every brick was an eyewitness. Not only to the event of 22 November, but even since those bricks were made in 1909. But, even before then. Because they were clay in Texas for God knows how long. And today, those bricks drink in today's sun and feel today's rain and wind and the traffic below. So are the pyramids and Parthanon.

The key to getting into Marilyn's bungalo on Aug 12, 1962 is indeed transending the historic convention of knowlege and tapping into that perfect record of events.

Let me explain... if you read an account of the Civil War, then you have taken a step back towards that event. The book is a convention and has it's limitations. Therefore, your journey to the Civil war is limited to that convention. However, if you had a 100% perfect record of the Civil War, then it would perfectly take you back there. A perfect convention yields perfect results. For example, who hasn't heard a song that hasn't taken them somewhere ? A drug "trip" is named for what it produces.
A postcard from a vacation might do the same thing.

As far as time goes, it goes by... tic-toc. I suspect that time travel is not so much a journey through time as much as it is an encounter with convention. You are there and it is as real as it gets. And you do not leave here, for it is as real as it gets. Perfectly real because the convention is 100% perfectly accurate. Real here, real there and just as real then and now.

Why? because you and I are part of the same convention just as much as anyone else is. Past, present and future. Napoleon, Moses Lincoln and YOU. Not to mention every grain of sand.

Now look, any persuit of time travel would be an inquiry of conventions. If a flying saucer took you back and you looked out the window, you still would be lacking the vast amount of information contained within the locality, it's artifacts or it's people.. The machine is only a vehicle and not a convention in the perfect sence.

Also, please note that some conventions are better than others. Aborogineze tribesmen have a method, as does remote viewers, sayances, drug trips, channelers, ghosts, and aliens. Even visits from Saints and Angels might be unreliable because they are subjective to the individual. So, it would make sence to tap into that perfect convention of composit history and destiny to experience for yourself another place and time in the here and now.

Should you do that, (let me lay this one on you) there would be a historical record generated and preserved perfectly of your having been in TWO PLACES AT ONCE ! (ie:Jody Foster) (the record of earth showed the pod dropping here; and the alien record showing her here and there) (and her own recollections) Note: I personally thought that the movie stunk, because they went through so much hassle for some alien to masquerade as her dead Father and then shrug his shoulders and say that they don't know nothin'. Then she is put to shame by the same scientific community that she so tirelessly worked for. The aliens couldn't even produce her "real" dad. What kind of crap was that?

Do you want to visit the "real" Moses or Oswald or Patton ? We need to get in front of the curve and not lag behind it. What do I mean ?

Well, when Benjamin Franklin "discovered" electricity,,, he was obviously behind the curve. He did not invent it, nor did it spring into existance on that day. Time Travel has been around since, well, the beginning of time. What are you waiting for ? Someone to "discover" what is already here?

Come on in, the water's fine. Only you need leave your concrete boots on the shore. Then you can swim in the deep water.

I am not understanding this but I would like to. When you say the clock holds the record is it sort of like when a real psychic can pick up on things by holding someones watch? Or how one can "feel"
a room because the walls seem to hold the memories of what took place there?

I see you are claiming that you can be here and there at the same time but you are not stating how you feel you are doing it or what could be causing it...unless I missed it.
Please explain yourself more basically. thanks.

I always thought one saw a ghost because one "tuned into" the right frequencies to see one.
I have never seen one myself so I cannot speak from experience.

Wouldn't the brain be the instrument that would convert these frequencies or waves into something
one sees? Perhaps everything is but a ghost or vapor until it is processed through the brain.??
It is interesting perhaps it looks like a ghost because it is on another vibration or frequency than the brain is. Maybe everything is but waves but the brain converts them to be observed as physical particles?
Ok....that might be pushing it. LOL /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Who or what is keeping this "perfect record" of which you speak? How do you know it is indeed, perfect?

Were you able to verify that your TT encounter actually took place?

Life proceeds from our intentions for it. Data, I believe, is processed in a way which fits with our conventions, beliefs and understandings. When a situation arises, we re-act. My point is, everything we perceive comes through our own unique nature/nuture/personal agenda filter. The only way to truly gauge our accuracy rate is by comparison to a proven purer source.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm still looking for that source. Are you claiming to have found a little somethin' somethin'?
The clock holds a record of events. (But not the Perfect Record) It will tell us as much as any other thing in the room at the time. So we need the WHOLE Record of the whole building, neighborhood, etc.
Information Theory tells us that in Biology, cells and DNA can remember not only their own experiences, but all the experiences from past generations. Hence, evolution can go foreward according to data input and processing. Now, this is a step of faith, but if the walls could talk, or the clock could talk, or the cosmos inwhich they reside could talk, then you might accumulate more and better information than the police investigation that was conducted after the fact. I am glad that you took a shot at it, you get high marks for doing the homework.

The idea that Native peoples can hear a mountain talk is not foreign to our thinking. Modern gypsies can handle a personal item like a watch and get some information out.

If a tree falls in the forest, who will hear it? The other trees will, no doubt. They will investigate what fell their brother and strenghten themselves according to the laws of survival. And pass that on to the seedlings. Look around our world and see how many things relate one to another. Even my cats and dogs take care of us here at the house. How do they know these things?

Don't ask me how, I don't know. It just does and that is how we are taught. They say that if you ring a bell, that the sound resonates out to eternity. So, every word wispered in secret also goes out for all the universe to hear. (OMG!)
The Karma People believe these things. To complicate things even more, Christians believe that not only are your sins tallied up, but even your every thought is tallied up awaiting judgement! Similarly, the Navajo say that even the birds and deer will testify against the wrongdoer.
The key here is convention. And I am not an expert on all these things; but I would hope to provoke more thought along these lines and nudge every thinker to discover something for themselves.

Then that individual is ok with it. TT becomes YOUR discovery, not mine. I am nobody special. TT has been around long before you and me. And will be around long after we are gone.

The acacia tree that giraffs nibble the leaves from will eventually produce toxic tannins which will render the leaflets unpalatable. This is not strange in itself because plants have defenses.
But it will also somehow signal neighboring trees to also produce the toxins. It forces a giraffe to move on. Every zoo knows you cannot keep just a couple of acacia trees and giraffs pinned up together the giraffe would eventually die from the toxins. Plants have some kind of intelligence
in their make up to survive and produce defenses like you suggested.

I am also aware of cellular memory but I do not think it is established at this point in current medical theories.

There was a mysterious case (a couple of years ago?) of a little girl who had a donated organ from another murdered little girl. The organ receiver started complaining to her mother of strange dreams of a man trying to hurt her. The little girl was told nothing of the organs donor.
She eventually identified the killer and they cannot explain how she did it. Somehow she was receiving information from this organ. She told exactly what happened and the man was put away because it exactly matched everything.

Have you seen the movie "somewhere in time"? or even the recent "butterfly effect"? Is this what you are describing as time travel? I am trying to read between the lines of what you are posting but it is not easy.

Are you saying you not only can feel the walls and get info but you are also recieving audio, visual and tactile info as well as eventually producing a total awareness of this time and being suddenly "caught up" or "absorbed" into the time either physically or spiritually?
This is the only thing I can think of when you say you are suddenly here and then there at the same time.
The only other one I heard talk about such a thing was a woman by the name of morkie dela that use to post here. But it would just happen to her as she was walking around a corner or leaning back in a chair. So she said. All of a sudden she was aware of being somewhere else and then boing back.
Sort of like a bilocation situation.

You mention also talking to people in this new time. Does this mean if you "arrive" into a room where someone was murdered you could stop it? Or do you simply stop the murder in another worldline? Because if you stopped the one in your own worldline there would be no signal or info to latch onto to even go there to begin with.

You can imagine when one has this ability they would be very careful when apartment or house shopping. Alot of the decision would be based on what they pick up when they do the tour of the place. After all they have to live there. Who wants to live in a negative filled house where people's actions were recorded within the very walls as bad or good feelings of love or hate and fighting.

I may be "off the wall" /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif here but that's what I am recieving from your postings.
perhaps you will comment further on how you feel the time travelling is done and relieve my straining through your words. lol /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I was wondering if anyone else thought it suspicious that PamelaM217 and hiwaybucks shared the exact same IP address... on more than one occasion?

If they are not the same person, I wonder what the odds are that they would both get the same IP... and then for this to happen twice.

Hey! He teleported to my house and posted a message on my computer! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif
Stay out of my house or I will sic my attack cats on you!!! LOL :D

Actually I am currently on AOL. My number changes alot.
Looks like he is on AOL too. no mystery there.

Hey happened more than twice now. I got the same number as his first post.

"I wonder what the odds are that they would both get the same IP... and then for this to happen twice." Looks like the odds will be increasing with each post. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif