"Could be true. But there is little argument that, if they are phenomenon which do manifest in front of people such that they can perceive them with their physical senses, then they MUST be physical in nature, and thus have some signature of Energy (even if one would not classify that signature as Mass... but might be classified as Electro-Magnetic-Gravitic)."
The evidence is there, RMT.
If you can SEE a ghost, ufo, etc. then there is a link to physical reality. There is enough testimony of encounters and events of every sort to fill several librarys. Because PHYSICAL humans experience these, then YES, there is a physical link and must be considered to be physical, but not continually observed. I agree. But TT is an experience to be cherished; not a specimine to be studied.
In my experience, the people I visited SAW and HEARD me. So, I conclude that I was there physically.
If one desires to take measurements or confine a sample to a lab, I think that would be hard to do.
It may take centuries before science can nail it all down to their satisfaction.
What we do know from science is that mankind has the high probability of evolving himself out of existance long before a solution for time travel is achieved. Much less, the survival of humanity.
Therefore, any efforts in this area might be considered a waste of valuable and limited time.
In other words, since we are locked-in under Einstein, then we are doomed. Not quite checkmate yet, though. If one can accept that mankind's science has painted us all into the corner in many ways and actually inhibited the expansion of knowlege by virtue of their own limitations.
There is talk of the big JUMP that mankind will make wherein we will understand all things. That's pie in the sky.
Wishful, but necessary hope in light of the fact that we need answers FAST... before it's too late.
And there is no guarantee that this jump will come because good science is cautious with regard to predictions. I haven't decided what to do if the world is ending in our time.... whether to head over to Cal Tech or a church and bang on the door for answers.
The above homework assignment with regard to Marilyn's death illustrates this point. The coroner's report and the dusty old police files represent all that science had to offer then. Inasmuch as no new information was forthcoming, the science stands. The reality is that those records are fading.
Forty four years have come and gone. Miss Monroe's homicide is less likely to be solved as time goes by. So, we need a different approach.
I was washing my Dad's station wagon on that August morning when the news came over the radio. My memory of that day is fading. Our home in Encino was only 19 miles from her bungalo. Unfortunately, we had driven to the east coast that week. So, I wasn't there. Or even near there.
But go to that location today and tell me that you aren't creeped-out. Go to Dealey plaza today and know that there is an ambience over that place thick enough to cut with a knife. Those places reek of some cosmic event. Visit Tombstone Arizona. Go to Athens, Rome, Chairo, Jerusalem or Valley Forge or Normandy. Same thing. I suspect that is why there is a high value placed on relics and artifacts. Not to mention those blood-soaked battlefields of the world. Or the bloodsoaked sidewalk on Bundy Drive SCREAMING for justice and vengence.
I suspect that much of that value is assessed according to the information preserved within those artifacts and relics . Not to mention the locality. Like DNA in the bones of a mummy. But I say that there is more to it than that. "The stones even cry out !" That school book depository in Dallas is dripping with information. Every brick was an eyewitness. Not only to the event of 22 November, but even since those bricks were made in 1909. But, even before then. Because they were clay in Texas for God knows how long. And today, those bricks drink in today's sun and feel today's rain and wind and the traffic below. So are the pyramids and Parthanon.
The key to getting into Marilyn's bungalo on Aug 12, 1962 is indeed transending the historic convention of knowlege and tapping into that perfect record of events.
Let me explain... if you read an account of the Civil War, then you have taken a step back towards that event. The book is a convention and has it's limitations. Therefore, your journey to the Civil war is limited to that convention. However, if you had a 100% perfect record of the Civil War, then it would perfectly take you back there. A perfect convention yields perfect results. For example, who hasn't heard a song that hasn't taken them somewhere ? A drug "trip" is named for what it produces.
A postcard from a vacation might do the same thing.
As far as time goes, it goes by... tic-toc. I suspect that time travel is not so much a journey through time as much as it is an encounter with convention. You are there and it is as real as it gets. And you do not leave here, for it is as real as it gets. Perfectly real because the convention is 100% perfectly accurate. Real here, real there and just as real then and now.
Why? because you and I are part of the same convention just as much as anyone else is. Past, present and future. Napoleon, Moses Lincoln and YOU. Not to mention every grain of sand.
Now look, any persuit of time travel would be an inquiry of conventions. If a flying saucer took you back and you looked out the window, you still would be lacking the vast amount of information contained within the locality, it's artifacts or it's people.. The machine is only a vehicle and not a convention in the perfect sence.
Also, please note that some conventions are better than others. Aborogineze tribesmen have a method, as does remote viewers, sayances, drug trips, channelers, ghosts, and aliens. Even visits from Saints and Angels might be unreliable because they are subjective to the individual. So, it would make sence to tap into that perfect convention of composit history and destiny to experience for yourself another place and time in the here and now.
Should you do that, (let me lay this one on you) there would be a historical record generated and preserved perfectly of your having been in TWO PLACES AT ONCE ! (ie:Jody Foster) (the record of earth showed the pod dropping here; and the alien record showing her here and there) (and her own recollections) Note: I personally thought that the movie stunk, because they went through so much hassle for some alien to masquerade as her dead Father and then shrug his shoulders and say that they don't know nothin'. Then she is put to shame by the same scientific community that she so tirelessly worked for. The aliens couldn't even produce her "real" dad. What kind of crap was that?
Do you want to visit the "real" Moses or Oswald or Patton ? We need to get in front of the curve and not lag behind it. What do I mean ?
Well, when Benjamin Franklin "discovered" electricity,,, he was obviously behind the curve. He did not invent it, nor did it spring into existance on that day. Time Travel has been around since, well, the beginning of time. What are you waiting for ? Someone to "discover" what is already here?
Come on in, the water's fine. Only you need leave your concrete boots on the shore. Then you can swim in the deep water.