For Zeshua (and others to reply)

it is nowhere near a fact that Zeshua predicted a hurricane. Can you even find "hurricane" or even "Katrina" in any of her "anagrams"?
While Zeshua did not predict a hurricane per se, it is nonetheless a fact that she did make a prediction that was admirably fulfilled by Hurricane Katrina. She said in May 2005 that America's "next major event" would be a "crisis" that came from "the sky". In fact the next major event in American history after May 2005 was indeed a crisis from the sky, a crisis named Katrina :

"The next major event for the United States in your upcoming time is a Crisis,
look to the skies and you might find the answer you seek."
- Zeshua

I view this as a very prescient prediction. Even if one argued that everyone knew hurricane season was approaching, any number of other non-sky-related crises could easily have occurred before any hurricanes (or other sky-related crises) hit. No one knew for sure that any hurricanes would hit the US mainland with enough force in 2005 to be called a "crisis". Many years no hurricanes of significance hit the US, as this year of 2006 demonstrates. Certainly "Katrinas" do not happen every year.

Indeed, it was prescient to even predict that the next major event would be a crisis of any variety. Crises are not the only "major events" to occur in America, after all. But Katrina was the "next major event" to occur in America after May 2005, and it was a major crisis, and it did come from the sky.

If you don't wish to acknowledge these connections, thats your right and your business. I can only speak for myself and how things seem from my eyes. But I have been studying the field of predictions and prophecies for nigh on 30 years now, and as far as I'm concerned this was a very impressive hit.

- Peter
I am bumbing this thread to open the can of worms that goes along with giving Zeshua any credibility for sousemetoo. Floor's all yours Peter Novak and sousemetoo.
Oh- so either your account is being hacked by someone without your knowledge, or you're just full of coprolite, right? Pretty convenient, isn't it? This way you never have to own up to your own posts, right
All I've seen so far is Peter Novak's interpretation of Zeshua's posts. You seem to disagree, which is your right.

I suggest you contact the moderator of this forum, because your indiscrimate postings on this forum make you look like a real jackass
*sigh* The moderation of this forum is almost non-existant. Why is it that an interpretation of posts should be banned in your opinion, jmpet?

EVERYONE ELSE: please ignore anything this poster has to say because they have no control over their own posts.
So now you are the "self proclaimed moderator of TTI?" because you disagree of an interpretation.
I guess the point us non-believers have to make is that WE DON'T BELIEVE. There is no logic to Zeshua- the only logic Zeshua could have is "someone faking being from the future". Why? Because if Zeshua was Zeshua, then Zeshua can post messages anywhere in time. Like that request I made weeks ago on this thread- Zeshua still has the ability to post two weeks ago with the technology she explained. And until I see something new that was posted in the past, then Zeshua is (still) a hoax.

And by new I don't mean edited, like the pope prediction- just waiting for Peter Novak to notice accidentally then launch into over 100 posts decrypting the mysteroius and unknown message of Zeshua's words and in the process thrust Zeshua's name into the spotlight for her mystical creepy predictions about things anyone with half a brain and Google can't predict.

Since there is no proof that Zeshua is a time traveler (in any capacity), there is no point in listening to/encrypting/decrypting/recrypting anything Zeshua said in the first place. This means that even if Zeshua accurately can predict vague unspecified events that are destined to happen right before they happen, this does not automatically make her a time traveler unless HER STORY MAKES SENSE.

"If my pastrami sandwich started predicting horse races, I would listen. I would listen until my pastrami sandwich's predictions were wrong. Then I would eat that pastrami sandwich because as it turns out, it was nothing but a pastrami sandwich after all." -An anagram pulled from Zeshua's postings

PS- "sousemetoo" is a bad joke or a typo. I am not sure.
if Zeshua was Zeshua, then Zeshua can post messages anywhere in time. Like that request I made weeks ago on this thread- Zeshua still has the ability to post two weeks ago with the technology she explained. And until I see something new that was posted in the past, then Zeshua is (still) a hoax.

Truth is not dependent upon your ability to recognize it. For example, I am from Indiana. My ass is sitting on a chair in Indiana as I type this. But I don't have to do anything to convince you that fact is true in order for it to be true. It is true regardless of your opinion. Similarly, the truth about Zeshua, whatever that truth is, is true already without her jumping through any of your hoops.

Now, if you say, "I will not believe her story until she jumps thru this or that hoop I have erected for her to jump through", that is your choice and your right, as it is your own opinion you are talking about, after all. But your own opinion and the truth are two different critters, and it's best to keep sight of that fact.

- Peter
Opinion and truth are two different matters. It is your opinion that you believe Zeshua just as it is everyone else's opinion that she is just another half-baked hoaxer. But the truth is that her story is self-contradictory which automatically makes it fantasy.

If she claims to be a time traveler, she is required to jump through hoops to prove she is a time traveler. And I don't mean this in a "send me pictures of it" way, I mean THE BACKSTORY HAS TO MAKE SENSE. And it doesen't.

Since you believe in Zeshua regardless of the fact that her story holds no water then you're one of her faithful just like a religion which means this is not a time traveling story as much as another paranormal event which belongs right next to Bigfoot.

This is an important point and you have to agree with me. If we ignore the story, then anyone with any hair brained idea can claim they are a time traveler here and this goes against the reason this website exists.
This is just a post and to no one in particular. Since we are all time travelers travelling in time as this is written and as you live, no one has to prove they are a "time traveller" to anyone either. Simply there are post made here, and since you can not prove that you are a time traveller anymore than posting anything else here, then perhaps since posts are made then we all are time travellers. I like someone out of you type of people to prove that you are a time traveller in a sense that you come up with something besides just sitting there and posting, which as yet does not prove you exist either. But then I am not that curious that you prove it, so please explain why some of you people think that you may be from the future either. Nothing can be proved because it all can be faked along with any pictures.

Old McDonald had a farm, AI AI oh!
And on that farm he had some robots, AI AI oh!

I am Not a Robo AI!

Peter posted:

""Truth is not dependent upon your ability to recognize it. For example, I am from Indiana. My ass is sitting on a chair in Indiana as I type this. But I don't have to do anything to convince you that fact is true in order for it to be true. It is true regardless of your opinion. Similarly, the truth about Zeshua, whatever that truth is, is true already without her jumping through any of your hoops.""

Stating where you are typing "from" has nothing to do with some one using the services of a annonymizer service.
Why would a Hoaxer use a service like that?

zeshua could hardly jump through hoops. It's the person Hoaxing as zeshua that doing all the hoop work.


zeshua predicted something regarding your family. Just how vague was it? How exact was it?
Remember in order rof zeshua to be able to pull something like that they KNOW you or some one very close to you that has talked in general conversation / PM long before zeshua showed up and it has nothing to do with a "time traveler" just someone that has used you and the information they garnered then turned it around to look like it comes from the future.

You would be amazed at what people are capeable of doing "Cold Readings" and have it sound like it's real information from the other side.
Excuse me, but it looks to me like you're all missing a big point. If it has already be pointed out and explained, I apologize, but I could not find any trace of it.
My point is, whatever the date given by Zeshua means, it is no prediction as regards the death of JP II. He died on the 2d of April, not the 3d, and I am positive because it was my birthday and I learnt about it in live on tv. If you have any doubt, check
Yes, this has repeatedly been discussed and explained.

For half the world it was April 2nd, but for the half on the other side of the International Date Line, it was indeed April 3rd.
Stating where you are typing "from" has nothing to do with some one using the services of a annonymizer service. Why would a Hoaxer use a service like that?

That is a good question, but it is only a question, not an answer to the question.

- Peter

zeshua predicted something regarding your family. Just how vague was it? How exact was it?
Remember in order rof zeshua to be able to pull something like that they KNOW you or some one very close to you that has talked in general conversation / PM long before zeshua showed up and it has nothing to do with a "time traveler" just someone that has used you and the information they garnered then turned it around to look like it comes from the future.
I believe I stated this on She used my daughter's name. It is not a common name, nor is the spelling common.

Two people in "the group" knew that name. One is very close to me and would not reveal that name to anyone. The other, is no longer in the group, but I doubt she would have revealed the name at that time.

Outside of "the group", only a few on the staff of the now Defunked TTF knew the name. I don't know anyone on that staff that would have the dedication/brains to pull this hoax off.

Stating where you are typing "from" has nothing to do with some one using the services of a annonymizer service.
Why would a Hoaxer use a service like that?
I have no clue. Maybe is a free service in 2025? Maybe a family member of hers in 2005-2009 had this paid service and she has the password to it? Maybe she's a hoax? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif