Quantum Scribe
While Zeshua did not predict a hurricane per se, it is nonetheless a fact that she did make a prediction that was admirably fulfilled by Hurricane Katrina. She said in May 2005 that America's "next major event" would be a "crisis" that came from "the sky". In fact the next major event in American history after May 2005 was indeed a crisis from the sky, a crisis named Katrina :it is nowhere near a fact that Zeshua predicted a hurricane. Can you even find "hurricane" or even "Katrina" in any of her "anagrams"?
"The next major event for the United States in your upcoming time is a Crisis,
look to the skies and you might find the answer you seek."
- Zeshua
I view this as a very prescient prediction. Even if one argued that everyone knew hurricane season was approaching, any number of other non-sky-related crises could easily have occurred before any hurricanes (or other sky-related crises) hit. No one knew for sure that any hurricanes would hit the US mainland with enough force in 2005 to be called a "crisis". Many years no hurricanes of significance hit the US, as this year of 2006 demonstrates. Certainly "Katrinas" do not happen every year.
Indeed, it was prescient to even predict that the next major event would be a crisis of any variety. Crises are not the only "major events" to occur in America, after all. But Katrina was the "next major event" to occur in America after May 2005, and it was a major crisis, and it did come from the sky.
If you don't wish to acknowledge these connections, thats your right and your business. I can only speak for myself and how things seem from my eyes. But I have been studying the field of predictions and prophecies for nigh on 30 years now, and as far as I'm concerned this was a very impressive hit.
- Peter