Zeshua posted this on 3/3/05:
>>So I ask you all, not that it is close to disregard or further away from the pasture, as it confines you, the degree of uncertainty surrounding your times. I ask you, what happens if the Pope Dies? 03/04/05.<<
Peter Novak suggested 3/4/05 means April 3, 2005 as in a month later. In America, 3/4/05 means March 4, 2005. But in Europe, 3/4/05 means "the third of April, 2005", which is exactly the date the Pope died. And since Zeshua later claimed to be in England (even though the IP address shows Texas), it makes sense.
HOWEVER... since Zeshua is England, she is 6 hours ahead of the eastern seaboard time zone. This means the above post was sent "six hours ahead of the timestamp on the website". Since it was posted at 8:24pm eastern seaboard time, this is 12:24am on the next day- 3/4/05.
So does 3/4/05 mean "the third of April, 2005" as Novak suggests or does it mean March 4, 2005 which in reality was the date those words were posted?
The Pope died on April 3, 2005. A week later on April 11, 2005, Zeshua posted:
"I have stated previous, What Happens If the Pope Dies? Find out April 3rd 2005"
This is a verification by Zeshua that 3/4/05 means "the third of April, 2005" and not March 4, 2005- the actual date of the post. However- this was written a week after the Pope died- it's no longer a prediction as much as a clarification and verification of a prediction. In short, when Zeshua writes out a date, she does it the Europeian way, not the American way.
Looking over all of Zeshua's posts- the 3/4/05 incident was the only time ever that a date was written the Europeian way- every single other date was written the American way:
"[Shooting for 20 years .25>.24219, (4*.24219 is .96876~1)*4=3.87504~4 should put this at Feb 22nd 2005]" was posted on 2/22/05.
"You cannot just punch in Feb 22nd 2005 into a computer and have the tunnel know
exactly how to get there." was posted on 2/22/05
"In my time, it is currently February 25th 2025, although the response to your replies should appear almost instantaneous from our original post(s)." was posted on 2/22/05.
"It is currently 72 degrees on February 22nd 2025 and this is my now attempt #01.
[Shooting for 20 years .25>.24219, (4*.24219 is .96876~1)*4=3.87504~4 should put this at Feb 22nd 2005]" was posted on 2/25/05
So what gives? Does 3/4/05 mean "the third of April, 2005" as Zeshua claimed after the fact, or does it mean "March 4, 2005"- the real date of the posting?
This is where and why I disagree with Zeshua's claims- because this simply does not hold water. Predictions are just that: predictions. Predictions that come with clarifications after the fact are not predictions- this is more the realm of Rainman talk- predicting earthquakes, then when they don't happen as predicted, saying "there wasn't an earthquake because it's building up to a bigger one"- this does not make the prediction still true, it's double talk.
There was one more instance on the boards that had a prediction:
On 3/1/03, Nitescott posted:
>>Hello Zesusha,
I have an Idea to test and prove as to whether you are for real or not. It is simple. Next Wednesday the 9th of March 2005 I will post a some random numbers on this forum. All you have to do is post those numbers before I do. Just copy and paste them onto this forum today, right now, right here.<<
This makes perfect sense. If Zeshua is in 2038, all of the posts on the board are ancient history for her, from her perspective. Zeshua simply has to go to the next page (a week later), copy those numbers, then paste them here before March 9, 2005.
On March 8, 2005- a day before the deadline, Zeshua posted:
Ev°N`¥C/œaRÜøL,Pßz $W ‡¸29¥©úÄ4ê;Y Û¾/œ óìRªÎÿZ¥·7±D¹7_þ–$O
)¢ Q¥·Î²sۆ žå™Q²sûîZS»zc…ñ³â€Â¥Â»Ãƒ¾}92>‚Q0ìœ!¿y_Åë¢3*ó\ sκ+/äJøÛ—U˜‚I9ì"¡%3Ijäæ)O&p@X:ÃÜùk¨e[¸4Õ0£š©BŠ•æ„ý¬‡’‡E–C\2NÖ(eðý¬†vçâ€Ã²p]î§øùUºªWÿ×y??é’û
²«yjQâüÒ¢KúIözÄ¥‘,?Ëœ. c£ÕµƒësÃŽa~w>ÃÃáZÛ#‘Œ5ÃŽ#ÃXzWÄVåó¿!N~›Ã:4˜¯ 2캈Ãý§
ªóÃsÒ8 Ø>¾µâq&,RG¥Ê«¥ÈÀúÄ„?5•Ú2;½$"v
Ÿ;,J/ôëó קT¡¥hßó`¯ î|sÃÃ5&›‘ª~Å“ ée[yY<Ž?γY‡DÃŽnÞ‡õ*"Mr°¨[ š†o1J¾ZÚLXÅž¤
And here are Nitescott's numbers- which were posted after Zeshua's:
569,521.7 883
732,651.2 28
Obviously those are not the same numbers- Zeshua's numbers aren't even numbers. What are they? As Zeshua writes:
"the solution has been altered, via b9.v2-(a)Encryption. I thought you would like to know, on a side note as it were, this answers your test but also proves that your test does not have a definitive answer. This solution works, but in no means is this a finite answer."
This is another instance where Zeshua offered an explanation instead of the correct answer. If we are to believe that Zeshua posted the right numbers but the computer automatically encrypted them, then shouldn't the computer encrypt all numbers, including 3/4/05? Furthermore, Nitescott posted random numbers, not a math problem. Zeshua replied "This solution works, but in no means is this a finite answer." Well it wasn't a math problem in the first place- it was random numbers.
Finally, on 12/2/06 at 10:09 am, jmpet (me) posted:
"What would debunk everything I have just said here is if I post this message then moments later Zeshua replies- there would be no explanation for that. But of course the 'Federal timequake cops in 2026' are on the lookout for any unauthorized timequakes which naturally explains why she can't."
Sixteen minutes later, the elusive and rarely-posting Zeshua posted:
"Things are not always as they seem. Active Monitoring, Yes. Instantaneous Responses can be quite a bit more difficult to achieve."
This alone raises eyebrows. Then Zeshua, in typical form, adds the explanation:
"I've generally come within 15 minutes of the desired time at which I wish a post in Your Time to be received."
Well- is this proof or coincidence? 12/2/06 was a Saturday- most people are off on Saturday... few classes are on Saturday.
So which is it: did Zeshua read this post in 2026 and tunnel it back to 12/2/06 at 10:09am and the quantum tunneling made a 16 minute delay which resulted in what we see, or did Zeshua happen to see the post and immediately reply? Who knows. One thing I know is that the reply by Zeshua certainly took less than 16 minutes to type- it's only 3 sentinces long- one of the shortest posts from this poster.
Furthermore and for the third time, Zeshua's failure to reply in the fashion requested also comes with an explanation- first it was to clear up the 3/4/05 confusion after the fact, second was to say the numbers came through encrypted after the fact and now it's to say that the reason it was not instantaneous was because of a 15 minute time distortion window after the fact.
So what the hell is my point?
If you're in 2026 and reading all of this, it's ancient history. If you have a way to send posts back in time and have them show up on these boards, you have total access to this website and its information, including things that have not been posted yet.
For all of this to be true, Zeshua has the ability to copy and paste at will- Zeshua has the ability to respond to questions posed to her instantly. If you asked Zeshua to solve an incredibly hard and time consuming math problem, Zeshua has the ability to instantly post it.
But we have not seen this. The only thing we have seen is 3/4/05 and that itself is simply hard to believe.
Now if you're from 2026, all you have to do is reply to posts and offer information instantly as proof- if I asked Zeshua to write a 10,000 word paper on whatever, Zeshua should have the ability to post it a minute (or sixteen minutes) after it's asked.
Looking at the whole of Zeshua's posts- apart from the first few, they are all posted in sequential order- as if someone was here in the present posting them. You ask Zeshua a question, wait a while, then the response comes- as expected.
But if you're posting from 2026, there is no delay- it's all equally in the past!
Finally- the kicker to all of this is that Zeshua is still here- Zeshua did not go away like John Titor. Why do we still talk about Titor? Because he's gone and all we can do is go back and reread old posts. Zeshua is still here- still connected by the quantum tunnel to 2026. This means Zeshua still has the ability to prove herself. So here is one last test for you Zeshua. I will post some musical lyrics here tomorrow. All you have to do is post them here before I do. From your 2026 perspective all you have to do is "go a few posts ahead" to where I posted them- an easy task, and I have already chosen which lyrics I will post tomorrow.
If you are from 2026, this will be an incredibly easy thing to do. You can do it now or a week from now or 5 years from now- just set the quantum tunnel to this date and post.
If you can't post it here publically because of a timequake, then PM or e-mail them to me- you have my email address. And don't worry- I assure you these lyrics will still be popular in 2026- it's a British band. And set your quantum tunnel to as close to this post as possible- 16 minutes from now, 8 minutes from now etc.
Good luck
>>So I ask you all, not that it is close to disregard or further away from the pasture, as it confines you, the degree of uncertainty surrounding your times. I ask you, what happens if the Pope Dies? 03/04/05.<<
Peter Novak suggested 3/4/05 means April 3, 2005 as in a month later. In America, 3/4/05 means March 4, 2005. But in Europe, 3/4/05 means "the third of April, 2005", which is exactly the date the Pope died. And since Zeshua later claimed to be in England (even though the IP address shows Texas), it makes sense.
HOWEVER... since Zeshua is England, she is 6 hours ahead of the eastern seaboard time zone. This means the above post was sent "six hours ahead of the timestamp on the website". Since it was posted at 8:24pm eastern seaboard time, this is 12:24am on the next day- 3/4/05.
So does 3/4/05 mean "the third of April, 2005" as Novak suggests or does it mean March 4, 2005 which in reality was the date those words were posted?
The Pope died on April 3, 2005. A week later on April 11, 2005, Zeshua posted:
"I have stated previous, What Happens If the Pope Dies? Find out April 3rd 2005"
This is a verification by Zeshua that 3/4/05 means "the third of April, 2005" and not March 4, 2005- the actual date of the post. However- this was written a week after the Pope died- it's no longer a prediction as much as a clarification and verification of a prediction. In short, when Zeshua writes out a date, she does it the Europeian way, not the American way.
Looking over all of Zeshua's posts- the 3/4/05 incident was the only time ever that a date was written the Europeian way- every single other date was written the American way:
"[Shooting for 20 years .25>.24219, (4*.24219 is .96876~1)*4=3.87504~4 should put this at Feb 22nd 2005]" was posted on 2/22/05.
"You cannot just punch in Feb 22nd 2005 into a computer and have the tunnel know
exactly how to get there." was posted on 2/22/05
"In my time, it is currently February 25th 2025, although the response to your replies should appear almost instantaneous from our original post(s)." was posted on 2/22/05.
"It is currently 72 degrees on February 22nd 2025 and this is my now attempt #01.
[Shooting for 20 years .25>.24219, (4*.24219 is .96876~1)*4=3.87504~4 should put this at Feb 22nd 2005]" was posted on 2/25/05
So what gives? Does 3/4/05 mean "the third of April, 2005" as Zeshua claimed after the fact, or does it mean "March 4, 2005"- the real date of the posting?
This is where and why I disagree with Zeshua's claims- because this simply does not hold water. Predictions are just that: predictions. Predictions that come with clarifications after the fact are not predictions- this is more the realm of Rainman talk- predicting earthquakes, then when they don't happen as predicted, saying "there wasn't an earthquake because it's building up to a bigger one"- this does not make the prediction still true, it's double talk.
There was one more instance on the boards that had a prediction:
On 3/1/03, Nitescott posted:
>>Hello Zesusha,
I have an Idea to test and prove as to whether you are for real or not. It is simple. Next Wednesday the 9th of March 2005 I will post a some random numbers on this forum. All you have to do is post those numbers before I do. Just copy and paste them onto this forum today, right now, right here.<<
This makes perfect sense. If Zeshua is in 2038, all of the posts on the board are ancient history for her, from her perspective. Zeshua simply has to go to the next page (a week later), copy those numbers, then paste them here before March 9, 2005.
On March 8, 2005- a day before the deadline, Zeshua posted:
Ev°N`¥C/œaRÜøL,Pßz $W ‡¸29¥©úÄ4ê;Y Û¾/œ óìRªÎÿZ¥·7±D¹7_þ–$O
)¢ Q¥·Î²sۆ žå™Q²sûîZS»zc…ñ³â€Â¥Â»Ãƒ¾}92>‚Q0ìœ!¿y_Åë¢3*ó\ sκ+/äJøÛ—U˜‚I9ì"¡%3Ijäæ)O&p@X:ÃÜùk¨e[¸4Õ0£š©BŠ•æ„ý¬‡’‡E–C\2NÖ(eðý¬†vçâ€Ã²p]î§øùUºªWÿ×y??é’û
²«yjQâüÒ¢KúIözÄ¥‘,?Ëœ. c£ÕµƒësÃŽa~w>ÃÃáZÛ#‘Œ5ÃŽ#ÃXzWÄVåó¿!N~›Ã:4˜¯ 2캈Ãý§
ªóÃsÒ8 Ø>¾µâq&,RG¥Ê«¥ÈÀúÄ„?5•Ú2;½$"v
Ÿ;,J/ôëó קT¡¥hßó`¯ î|sÃÃ5&›‘ª~Å“ ée[yY<Ž?γY‡DÃŽnÞ‡õ*"Mr°¨[ š†o1J¾ZÚLXÅž¤
And here are Nitescott's numbers- which were posted after Zeshua's:
569,521.7 883
732,651.2 28
Obviously those are not the same numbers- Zeshua's numbers aren't even numbers. What are they? As Zeshua writes:
"the solution has been altered, via b9.v2-(a)Encryption. I thought you would like to know, on a side note as it were, this answers your test but also proves that your test does not have a definitive answer. This solution works, but in no means is this a finite answer."
This is another instance where Zeshua offered an explanation instead of the correct answer. If we are to believe that Zeshua posted the right numbers but the computer automatically encrypted them, then shouldn't the computer encrypt all numbers, including 3/4/05? Furthermore, Nitescott posted random numbers, not a math problem. Zeshua replied "This solution works, but in no means is this a finite answer." Well it wasn't a math problem in the first place- it was random numbers.
Finally, on 12/2/06 at 10:09 am, jmpet (me) posted:
"What would debunk everything I have just said here is if I post this message then moments later Zeshua replies- there would be no explanation for that. But of course the 'Federal timequake cops in 2026' are on the lookout for any unauthorized timequakes which naturally explains why she can't."
Sixteen minutes later, the elusive and rarely-posting Zeshua posted:
"Things are not always as they seem. Active Monitoring, Yes. Instantaneous Responses can be quite a bit more difficult to achieve."
This alone raises eyebrows. Then Zeshua, in typical form, adds the explanation:
"I've generally come within 15 minutes of the desired time at which I wish a post in Your Time to be received."
Well- is this proof or coincidence? 12/2/06 was a Saturday- most people are off on Saturday... few classes are on Saturday.
So which is it: did Zeshua read this post in 2026 and tunnel it back to 12/2/06 at 10:09am and the quantum tunneling made a 16 minute delay which resulted in what we see, or did Zeshua happen to see the post and immediately reply? Who knows. One thing I know is that the reply by Zeshua certainly took less than 16 minutes to type- it's only 3 sentinces long- one of the shortest posts from this poster.
Furthermore and for the third time, Zeshua's failure to reply in the fashion requested also comes with an explanation- first it was to clear up the 3/4/05 confusion after the fact, second was to say the numbers came through encrypted after the fact and now it's to say that the reason it was not instantaneous was because of a 15 minute time distortion window after the fact.
So what the hell is my point?
If you're in 2026 and reading all of this, it's ancient history. If you have a way to send posts back in time and have them show up on these boards, you have total access to this website and its information, including things that have not been posted yet.
For all of this to be true, Zeshua has the ability to copy and paste at will- Zeshua has the ability to respond to questions posed to her instantly. If you asked Zeshua to solve an incredibly hard and time consuming math problem, Zeshua has the ability to instantly post it.
But we have not seen this. The only thing we have seen is 3/4/05 and that itself is simply hard to believe.
Now if you're from 2026, all you have to do is reply to posts and offer information instantly as proof- if I asked Zeshua to write a 10,000 word paper on whatever, Zeshua should have the ability to post it a minute (or sixteen minutes) after it's asked.
Looking at the whole of Zeshua's posts- apart from the first few, they are all posted in sequential order- as if someone was here in the present posting them. You ask Zeshua a question, wait a while, then the response comes- as expected.
But if you're posting from 2026, there is no delay- it's all equally in the past!
Finally- the kicker to all of this is that Zeshua is still here- Zeshua did not go away like John Titor. Why do we still talk about Titor? Because he's gone and all we can do is go back and reread old posts. Zeshua is still here- still connected by the quantum tunnel to 2026. This means Zeshua still has the ability to prove herself. So here is one last test for you Zeshua. I will post some musical lyrics here tomorrow. All you have to do is post them here before I do. From your 2026 perspective all you have to do is "go a few posts ahead" to where I posted them- an easy task, and I have already chosen which lyrics I will post tomorrow.
If you are from 2026, this will be an incredibly easy thing to do. You can do it now or a week from now or 5 years from now- just set the quantum tunnel to this date and post.
If you can't post it here publically because of a timequake, then PM or e-mail them to me- you have my email address. And don't worry- I assure you these lyrics will still be popular in 2026- it's a British band. And set your quantum tunnel to as close to this post as possible- 16 minutes from now, 8 minutes from now etc.
Good luck