Foods you make when you're drunk


Temporal Novice
Like the thread title says, talk about foods you make when you get drunk. I'll go first.

Last night I got wasted and cooked two egg-in-a-baskets, then I put cheese between them and made a grilled cheese. :D

I try to make grilled cheese every time. Something about the cheese and buttered bread that kind of sobers me up. Or, I just end up eating bread out of the bag while watching cartoons.

I can't even remember what I had prepared the next day since I was drunk.

I usually mix up things I have on my fridge so I mostly make sandwiches.

I haven’t been drunk in a few months. But I can tell you, never try making seared ahi poke when you’re under the influence. You will regret it.

I have a friend who’s fond of frying up some chicken nuggets while drunk. I feel like that’s probably a safer choice.

I usually do not like eating when I am drinking. It interfers with me getting drunk. I don't drink that much anymore, I think I had a beer around 3 months ago. Loud noises and crowds seem to bother me in my old age, which is comical since when I was younger I used to like to party a lot.

I do like a good steak and fries at a quiet bar/grill where I can relax and enjoy things and I might have a couple of beers while eating the steak. But that doesn't count as drunk.
