Food Crisis 2008-2032


How does this thread fit into the Time Travel Discussion Section ? There isn't one post in this thread that could be considered "on topic" regarding Time Travel. I, for one, am getting extremely tired of a continuous string of these negative posts.

Interesting patterns develop when one goes into the "show all member's posts" feature, and I have begun to wonder exactly what the purpose of all the negative posts are ?

It seems to me that if anyone believes there are conspiracy's taking place, there is a section for you to post your theories...and the Time Travel Discussion Section is NOT it, nor is the Time Travel Claims Section.

IF anyone has trouble understanding what I am referring to, read this carefully:

1)Time Travel Discussion

Have you ever dreamt of traveling through time? Of changing history? Of knowing the future? Join us as we discuss the hows and whys of time travel . And maybe... just maybe... your dreams will come true.

2) Time Travel Claims

Claims about success and experiments in time travel.

I don't read anywhere any mention of proclaimations of tradegy and doom, nor apocalyptic scenarios.
If somebody claims to have actually traveled in time, where did the idea of posting links to some sort of global tradegies enter into the picture?

The little army, as referred to in another post, is interested in the how's and why's of time travel, not how and why we should be digging bomb shelters or hording materials in preparation of global melt-down's.

Somebody asked the question of why some of us are here...again, the answer to "that" question is answered in the very first description of the topic of discussion: Discuss the hows and whys of time travel

For those who enjoy scaring the crap out of people, there were specific sections created just for you...

3) Conspiracies

Who shot JFK? Did the government cover up a UFO crash at Roswell, New Mexico? What's the *real* story behind 9/11?

4) Off Topic

Discussion of off topic matters that do not fit the other categories.


Speaking for myself, of whom came here "long ago" to Discuss the hows and whys of time travel am not going anywhere, and will continue to "try" to "discuss the how's and why's of time travel, but will also continue to oppose any posts of terrorism that are based on fringe science or distorted facts.


John Titor was proven a hoax a long time doesn't anyone connect this fact with posts that include statement such as:

1) Posted by Superior - 08/20/07 08:51 AM

" I'm sorry to announce the changes John Titor made to the timeline have resulted in a divergence event, this mostly is a result of postings he made on line. I have been sent back in time to the divergence nexus to stabilise the waters so to speak. All I can say is the freak conditions on this sideline are nothing compared to the positive feedback anomalys in the Titor timeline from which I have arrived, a iceberg planet. If you have any questions then ask me carefully? It is important each sideline is stabilised to heal the timeline of the world that caused it all! "

2) Posted by Timeline39 - 09/15/08 11:14 AM

"Originally sent to November 2003 to try and coax John Titor out of hiding..."

"The coming posts contain information that will hopefully clarify what we are trying to achieve here. These posts will contain information about the past (from this point in time) and the future. But I must warn you....... A lot of what has been written so far in our initial communication and the words that follow will be debunked and ridiculed by many people. These people can be classed under two categories:
1) Established and Deliberate Debunkers
2) Reactions from people due to denial

As some of you are probably aware, there are Government sponsored debunking teams that patrol internet websites and forums attempting to counter comments and assertions like the ones we are making. What happens on the Godlikeproductions forum is a perfect example of this. These debunkers are clever, structuring their comments to appeal to the denial people suffer when reading assertions like ours. And that brings me to the 2nd category: reactions by people in denial. Denial is one of our most basic reactions to a bad situation. Ever heard the term, “IGNORANCE IS BLISS!” ...... Ask yourself if this is truly so....... and maybe this example will help.
When I was here in 2003, I watched the movie Titanic and although it was obviously more fiction than fact, it did portray how people go into denial when initially faced with an undesirable situation. It wasn’t until their fate could not be ignored that denial turned into panic to get off the ship. There are some parallels with the events that are coming.....

Therefore, we ask that you consider our words for what they are and make up your own mind. We are not trying to force you to do anything....... we only want to help you prepare for what’s ahead. I believe that this is something that humanity had to go through and I can truly say that the future I’m from is worth the struggle ahead. Even if our efforts here lead to a few more thousand people surviving, then it’ll be worth it.

In the next day or so, I will post a full summary of the Great Catastrophe and further explanation into why we can't just tell you the date.... but we will give you other information. "


John Titor was proven to be a hoax, what does the rest of the material have as a foundation ?


For those who have read those posts quoted above, I ask you to carefully read the following :

The sole task that was given to this member from the Kingdom of Heaven was to offer the way leading to membership into the Kingdom of Heaven to those who recognized Him for who He was and chose to follow Him. "The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand" meant - 'since I am here, and I am from that Kingdom, if you leave everything of this world and follow me, I can take you into my Father's Kingdom.' Only those individuals who had received a "deposit" containing a soul's beginning had the capacity to believe or recognize the Kingdom of Heaven's Representative.

They could get to His Father only through total reliance upon Him. He later sent His students out with the "Good news of the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand," and His followers could then help gather the "flock" so that the "Shepherd" might teach others what was required of them to enter His Father's House - His Father's Kingdom - the Kingdom of Heaven - in the literal and physical Heavens - certainly not among humans on Earth. Leaving behind this world included: family, sensuality, selfish desires, your human mind, and even your human body if it be required of you - all mammalian ways, thinking, and behavior.

Since He had been through this metamorphic transition Himself from human to Level Above Human - under the guidance of His Father - He was qualified to take others through that same discipline and transition. Remember, the One who incarnated in Jesus was sent for one purpose only, to say, 'If you want to go to Heaven, I can take you through that gate - it requires everything of you.'

Our mission is exactly the same. I am in the same position to today's society as was the One that was in Jesus then. My being here now is actually a continuation of that last task as was promised, to those who were students 2000 years ago. They are here again, continuing in their own overcoming, while offering the same transition to others. Our only purpose is to offer the discipline and "grafting" required of this transition into membership in My Father's House. My Father, my Older Member, came with me this time for the first half of this task to assist in the task because of its present difficulty.

Looking to us, and desiring to be a part of my Father's Kingdom, can offer to those with deposits that chance to connect with the Level Above Human, and begin that transition. Your separation from the world and reliance upon the Kingdom of Heaven through its Representatives can open to you the opportunity to become a new creature, one of the Next Evolutionary Level, rightfully belonging to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Why It Is Difficult To Believe or Accept Us

We don't know if you believe in the real existence of negative or "lower" forces. If you do, then you may be able to understand or relate to some of what we are about to say. It seems that how your "programming" permits you to see or identify those forces, determines the limit of your acceptance or understanding. Many believe that there are "evil" acts or even "evil" individuals, but would draw the line before they would believe in evil spirits, evil discarnates, negative influences, malevolent space aliens, "Luciferians," or Satan and his fallen angels.

The generally accepted "norms" of today's societies - world over - are designed, established, and maintained by the individuals who were at one time "students" of the Kingdom of Heaven - "angels" in the making - who "flunked out" of the classroom. Legends and scriptures refer to them as fallen angels. The current civilization's records use the name Satan or Lucifer to describe a single fallen angel and also to "nickname" any "evil presence."

If you have experienced some of what our "classroom" requires of us, you would know that these "presences" are real and that the Kingdom of God even permits them to "attack" us in order for us to learn their tricks and how to stay above them or conquer them. The space aliens, or Luciferians, use the discarnate spirits (the minds that are disembodied at the death of a body) as their primary servants - against potential members of the Kingdom of God.

These "influences," or discarnates, are constantly "programming" every human "plant" (vehicle or body), to accept a set of beliefs and norms for behavior during a lifetime. From our point of view, this "programming" finds that body, and the vast majority of all human bodies, barely usable by students of the Kingdom of Heaven.

The dilemma is we are here and most humans are thoroughly "hooked" to humanity. However, the same "grace" that was available at the end of the Representative's mission 2000 years ago is available now with our presence. If you quickly choose to take these steps toward separating from the world, and look to us for help, you will see our Father's Kingdom.

It is clear to all of us, that to the Anti-Christ -- those propagators of sustained faithfulness to mammalian humanism -- we are, and will be seen as, their Anti-Christ. This is certainly to be expected, and it will not delay our return to our Father's Kingdom. It might even accelerate that return.

We will, between now and our departure, do everything we can for those who want to go with us. But we cannot allow them to interfere with or delay our return to Him.

The Present Representative

And what happened ?

"""On March 26, 1997, police discovered the bodies of 39 members of the Heaven's Gate cult, all of whom had died by apparent suicide.

The group's end coincided with the appearance of Comet Hale-Bopp in 1997."""


My Fear :

""" In the year ( ???? ), police all over the world discovered bodies of ( ??? ) people, all of whom had died by apparent suicide.

The group's end coincided with the arrival of the year 2012 and/or in fear and terror of supposed Great Catastrophies. """


The apocalyptic material being spammed through-out the Time Travel Institute Threads remind me of another group whose website is now archived, and as we approach 2012, I am not worried about some sort of destructive celestial event, nor about some sort of natural-disaster global event, but I am fearful of those who might believe all these apocalyptic posts.

Why am I so adamant about these posts of doom from the "Club of Doom " ?

Here is "my" link that will answer that question and maybe people will be able to make their own connections, and realize the dangerous game that they participate in playing, and these little games are NOT as harmless as believed....

See Any Simularities Here ?

Maybe some people will realize that these so-called "harmless" posts are not as "harmless" as believed, and I hope some people will realize that the future holds many wonders and alot of good things that are worth living for ! and stop promoting/supporting on-line terrorism.

How does this thread fit into the Time Travel Discussion Section ? There isn't one post in this thread that could be considered "on topic" regarding Time Travel. I, for one, am getting extremely tired of a continuous string of these negative posts.

You are absolutely right, Kerr, and as such I will be moving this post to the Conspiracy Forum. Recall can complain all he wants to (and likely will), but that is where this belongs.

And your other point about the constant barrage of "negative posts" by some TTI members. I hear ya! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/mad.gif



Kind of scary to see the words on the Heaven's Gate Site: " Final World Notice : June 19, 1996. "

And not to mention the parallel's contained in "The Present Representative's" remarks and those here in some of the threads that contain the same techniques; different words, same script.

Conspiracy is written all over and within these type of apocalyptic posts, and should "stay" in "this" section, for the reasons mentioned in my post above.

When you have the loss of the crops in the lower latitudes you're also losing a lot of the population from the third world, which, unfortunately, according to the way that the document read, some people find them expendable.
buy steroids

Devil's advocate time lol.
To 'debunk' this is kinda' fun. All one has to do really, is seperate the drama/emotion from the subject of the "occurance" and analyze it totally unbiased from a further looking perspective.
John Titor vague reference;
He stated something about a world hunger thing, international destruction, reorganization on a global scale etc etc.
So in terms of "food shortage" as this adage is being used -
Are we speaking in terms of what percentile of the Earth's population...?
& in terms of what is deemed "acceptable" nutrition - what global population percentage currently averages that or better daily?
Are we speaking in terms of Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Africa, South America...
No ! we must be speaking in terms of N. America, and some of Europe. Go figure lol.

See, it doesn't make sense without the "drama factor" - because then we realize someone is focusing the read on no one but... the reader themself!
(I'm not saying every reader here is from N.America, or Europe - however chances "are" the reader of the posts is in the echelon globally of the upper 10-15% bracket / IE. using a computer).

So demographics in this "adage" are nonexistent, which in turn, makes the entire post quite ridiculous.

Not to mention if facing a true "world" shortage, the poster doesn't need a BA in anything to realize that if Canada exports 48% of all the world's wheat, North America has no worries.
Yesterday, today, or tomorrow.