Food Crisis 2008-2032


Temporal Novice
Just thought you might like to prepare for what will be known as 'The Years of Desolation' in which the human population will drop by 70%.....I don't visit often. I will visit again.
so, hows nottingham?
<font color="blue">
Just thought you might like to prepare for what will be known as 'The Years of Desolation' in which the human population will drop by 70%.....I don't visit often. I will visit again.

Welcome back Superior, Grettings to the council!!!
[/COLOR] :oops:

-Quoting: The Years of Desolation papers -

Not in this timeline yet!

start quoting:
... When the world average temperature rises, intentionally between 2 and 3 degrees Celsius, that the Northern hemisphere, the higher latitude, growth will increase.

However, if it goes over that it will decrease. Yet the lower latitudes ... by the way that's where you find most of the third world countries ... the 2 to 3 degree Celsius increase will cause starvation and crop loss.

end quoting.

Comment: Whereas when you have the loss of the crops in the lower latitudes you're also losing a lot of the population from the third world, which, unfortunately, according to the way that the document read, some people find them expendable.

From: -in this timeline we got- :
link to web page

Are you still there Bransonian Agent Smith?

Anyway there is a doc very simmilar here:

Iron Mountain Report.

The manufactured Famine:

-In the late 1950's and early 60's, China suffered a prolonged and terrible famine. The human toll was higher than from any other famine in modern times -- and in all likelihood, greater than from any previous famine in human history.


Ukraine Famine - 1932-1933 - 7 MILLION DEATHS


3 million DEATHS from man made Famine North Korea


Pol Pot Cambodia man made famine millions perished


Angola man made famine 2002



what makes people think just because the food shortages are "manafactured" that it doesnt matter ?

(they are ignorant to the lessons of history is the answer)

end quoted from:
Link to GLP

Hint what happened to rice?
Rice is being rationed in Britain as shopkeepers limit supplies to their customers to prevent hoarding. Restrictions on sales in Asian neighbourhoods are reported as emergency measures are taken by governments worldwide to combat the soaring cost of rice and prevent outbreaks of food rioting.
end quoted...
Times Online 24 04 08

What the Pig Said? Yesterday...
link to Youtube...

I don't visit often. I will visit again.
Probably not. According to you there's a 70% chance of "not" because you'll be dead, eaten as a Starvation McMuffin by the hunger maddened hoard of 30%.

Bon appetite.

Monsanto’s Harvest of Fear
Monsanto already dominates America’s food chain with its genetically modified seeds. Now it has targeted milk production. Just as frightening as the corporation’s tactics–ruthless legal battles against small farmers–is its decades-long history of toxic contamination.



As interviews and reams of court documents reveal, Monsanto relies on a shadowy army of private investigators and agents in the American heartland to strike fear into farm country. They fan out into fields and farm towns, where they secretly videotape and photograph farmers, store owners, and co-ops; infiltrate community meetings; and gather information from informants about farming activities. Farmers say that some Monsanto agents pretend to be surveyors. Others confront farmers on their land and try to pressure them to sign papers giving Monsanto access to their private records. Farmers call them the “seed police” and use words such as “Gestapo” and “Mafia” to describe their tactics.

When asked about these practices, Monsanto declined to comment

end quoted---



and don`t forget the Rockefeller Family Values:
<font color="red"> ... the family’s selective memory of its patriarch, John D. Rockefeller, as a saintly philanthropist stands in sharp contrast to his role as a nineteenth-century robber baron. “God gave me my money,” he said. “Having been endowed with the gift I possess, I believe it is my duty to make money and still more money and to use the money I make for the good of my fellow man according to the dictates of my conscience.”

Rockefeller’s conscience apparently did not dictate paying his employees more than a starvation wage. His admirers praise him for making gasoline affordable to average Americans, and he did indeed aim to produce large amounts of "cheap and good" gasoline for mass consumption, successfully lowering the price of gas from 58 cents to 8 cents a gallon. But he achieved this goal through ruthless union busting, hiring his own private militias to crush workers who dared to go on strike to demand higher wages.[/COLOR]

more at:
The Rockefeller Family... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif
One step further to Bruce2044 Timeline...
Link to TTI

<font color="red"> News Releases
Monsanto Company Announces Agreement to Acquire Semillas Cristiani Burkard, the Leading Central American Corn Seed Company
Acquisition expected to expand Monsanto's hybrid corn portfolio in Central America enabling it to deliver dependable, high-yielding seeds to farmers.

ST. LOUIS, June 19 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Monsanto Company (NYSE:MON) has agreed to acquire Marmot, S.A., which operates Semillas Cristiani Burkard (SCB), a privately-held seed company headquartered in Guatemala City, Guatemala. Once completed, the acquisition will build on Monsanto's corn business leadership and enable it to offer farmers in Central American countries broader access to corn seed varieties. The transaction will be completed as soon as practical. Additional terms of the agreement were not disclosed. [/COLOR]
end quoted

read more:
To Monsanto Web page :eek:
But most important in in a food shortage environment, is having food in stockpiles.

The government has a moratorium on that also.

The USDA's sole remaining sizable stockpile contains about 24 million bushels of wheat in a special government trust dedicated to international humanitarian aid. The special food program, which also holds $117 million in cash, has dwindled from its original 147-million-bushel level as Republican and Democratic administrations have used it but not fully replenished it.


<font color="orange"> Please Take just a moment and compare those numbers to a 1989 New York Times article on wheat stockpiles shortages[/COLOR]

By June 1, the beginning of the 1989-90 wheat marketing year, the inventory may be about 534 million bushels, the smallest since the mid-1970's,


Also a New threat: wheat rust. Started in Uganda and has spread.

This is just a small study of our wheat stockpiles the actual stockpiles 19 years ago were 20 TIMES what they are now. I am not taking in account corn, soybeans, rice canola seed, cotton, ect.

As for Government cheese, powdered/condensed milk, that program does not even exist anymore.
We Have NO current stockpile of food in America, well maybe a couple loaves of bread for your family until the harvest season. Most of the wheat flour is locked up in long term contracts to companies like kelloggs kraft and general foods.

The government will not supply food to people in case of a disaster, they will issue fiat dollars to purchase food from these companies but what happens if the companies won't accept the dollars?

Is this a manufactured food shortage? Absolutely.

(sorry for the continuous edits, I keep loosing power and its raining pretty good down here right now)
(sorry for the continuous edits, I keep loosing power and its raining pretty good down here right now)

maybe you need this:

a LP Fuel Electric Generator

what if:
on 2009 we get another 535 event look like? what about a crop failure?

Thanks to Anak Krakatau


Link to KrakMon Online CVGHM

The problem is that the alert goes 15 min after this thing blow
LOL Hannah

LOL Darby. You're my favorite, consistently.

See what Darby wrote back to 05 The language may be Castillian Spanish I am not shure:
Mi nombre es Darby. Era un miembro de los dos foros donde Titor fijó sus mensajes. Ahora soy Moderator y Administrador para el sitio donde movimos la discusión de Titor (Sr. Art Bell poseyó uno de los dos websites donde Titor fijó pero lo cerró pronto después de que Titor "fue a casa al año 2036").

No se preocupe de Sr. John Titor.

Mire – eso es porqué usted no debe preocuparse... Titor ha faltado ya en dos predicciones importantes (durante el ano 2004): no había alborotos masivos o desorden público durante nuestras elecciones el pasado mes de noviembre (en los Estados Unidos de América) y no semanalmente "incidentes como Waco" en los Estados Unidos. (Si usted no es familiar con Waco (the "Branch Davidian Stand Off") o el “Ruby Ridge Incident” Google cada asunto.)

Titor está a punto de faltar en dos más prophesies muy importantes y temas centrales a su historia.

Hoy es el 21 de octubre de 2005... tenemos 9 semanas hasta la víspera del Año Nuevo.

Si Titor es verdadero, entonces entre hoy y la víspera del Año Nuevo la Civilización Occidental se supone para derrumbarse totalmente a causa de la "inestabilidad occidental". Y los Juegos Olímpicos, empezando con los 2006 Juegos Olímpicos del Invierno en Italia, se supone cancelar hasta por no menos que el año 2040.

¿Mi amigo...cree usted que toda la Europa, EEUA, Mexico, Canada, etc. se derrumbará totalmente durante las 9 semanas próximas? ¿Italia aparece estar a punto de cancelar las Olimpiadas? ;-)

PS: No hay una persona verdadera de nombre "John Titor."

En el "Time Travel Institute" ( “Titor” fue permitido a registro sin usar un apellido,nombre o cuenta "verdadera" del email (Él usó Hotmail). Él eligió el nombre "TimeTravel_0". (Lo conocían como "Titor" solamente en el BBS de Art Bell.)

Pero "Boomer" (el nombre que he dado al autor) también deseó fijar en el BBS de Art Bell. Sr. Bell no permitió la conexión anónima. "Boomer" tuvo que utilizar un nombre, apellido y la cuenta "verdadera" del email (no Hotmail). Él inventó a "John Titor" para colocarse allí. Tambian uso el email [email protected].

Sus dos nombres "TimeTravel_O" y "Titor" son muy interesantes. Tienen significados ocultados múltiples.

Recuerde que Titor dicho muchas veces, "Yo no quisiera que ustedes me creyeran." Uno tiene que apreciar el sentido del humor y del creatividad de "Boomer". Él expresó esa advertencia en sus nombres.

El nombre "Titor" es una contracción de palabras y tiene un significado doble. TI T OR: Viajero Del Tiempo O No Un Viajero Del Tiempo (Time Traveler OR Not A Time Traveler).

Su otro nombre "TimeTravel_O" tiene el mismo significado ocultado. Viaje Del Tiempo O No Viaje Del Tiempo (Time Travel OR Not Time Travel).

Incluso su cuenta del email de AOL tiene un significado doble ocultado. "Sanguina" refiere a la sangre "De La Guerra de Titor". También refiere a su fruta favorita - naranjas. Las naranjas se llama "Sanguina" son (en el interior) del color de rojo de la sangre - ¡y son deliciosas!

Emmett W. "Darby" Darbyshire (Emiliano)
[email protected]

quoted from:
Spanish web page
Re:The Experiment was:Food


The U.S. government doesn't want you to know you're eating genetically modified foods. Having that information on the label of food products might "confuse consumers," claim the feds. They think ignorant consumers would be less confused than informed consumers... and as a result, the entire U.S. population is about to become unwitting participants in a dangerous experiment of playing God with plant genes ....

The U.S. and several other nations recently attended a Codex meeting in Calgary, Canada to discuss food labeling. The Codex Alimentarius Commission implements the Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Program, the purpose of which is to protect the health of consumers and to ensure fair practices in the food trade. The Codex Alimentarius (Latin, meaning Food Law or Code) is a collection of internationally adopted food standards presented in a uniform manner. One of the principle reasons for this forum was to discuss the necessity, or lack of necessity as the U.S. sees it, to set up mandatory labeling of GM (genetically modified) and GE (genetically engineered) foods for consumers. South Africa (SA) and many African countries are strong dissenting voices of the U.S. policy that all GM/GE foods are considered equal to non-GM/GE foods and are in fact deemed safe under a 1992 George H. W. Bush Executive Order.

Under this official policy, all GM/GE foods are not required to undergo any kind of safety testing before entering the market. Below you will find the exact policy of the FDA concerning GM food:

"FDA relies primarily on two sections of the Act to ensure the safety of foods and food ingredients. Generally, whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and grains, are not subject to pre-market approval. The primary legal tool that FDA has successfully used to ensure the safety of foods is the adulteration provisions of section 402(a)(1). The Act places a legal duty on developers to ensure that the foods they present to consumers are safe and comply with all legal requirements. FDA has authority to remove a food from the market if it poses a risk to public health. Foods derived from new plant varieties developed through genetic engineering will be regulated under this authority as well" [1].

Read more:
Link to blogs

Quoted from


<font color="red"> MOSANTO'S DREAM BILL, HR 875 [/COLOR]

<font color="brown"> Source: OpEdNews

March 9, 2009 at 09:01:37

Promoted to Headline (H3) on 3/9/09:
Monsanto's dream bill, HR 875

by Linn Cohen-Cole

To begin reversing GM contamination will require ending the power biotech companies such as Monsanto exert over our government and through that, over our food.

HR 875, was introduced by Rosa DeLauro whose husband Stanley Greenburg works for Monsanto.

The bill is monstrous on level after level - the power it would give to Monsanto, the criminalization of seed banking, the prison terms and confiscatory fines for farmers, the 24 hours GPS tracking of their animals, the easements on their property to allow for warrantless government entry, the stripping away of their property rights, the imposition by the filthy, greedy industrial side of anti-farming international "industrial" standards to independent farms - the only part of our food system that still works, the planned elimination of farmers through all these means.

The corporations want the land, they want more intensive industrialization, they want the end of normal animals so they can substitute patented genetically engineered ones they own, they want the end of normal seeds and thus of seed banking by farmers or individuals. They want control over all seeds, animals, water, and land.

Our farmers are good stewards. That is who is threatened by Rosa DeLauro's bill (and because of that, we all are). At a time in this country when wise stewardship and the production of anything real - especially good food - is what is most needed, it is our best stewards whom Rosa DeLauro threatens, under the cruelly false name of "food safety." [/COLOR]

contine at link...

:eek: :eek: :eek:

the other agenda:


"‘Superweed’ explosion threatens Monsanto heartlands

Sunday 19 April 2009
“Superweeds” are plaguing high-tech Monsanto crops in southern US states, driving farmers to use more herbicides, return to conventional crops or even abandon their farms.

The gospel of high-tech genetically modified (GM) crops is not sounding quite so sweet in the land of the converted. A new pest, the evil pigweed, is hitting headlines and chomping its way across Sun Belt states, threatening to transform cotton and soybean plots into weed battlefields.

In late 2004, “superweeds” that resisted Monsanto’s iconic “Roundup” herbicide, popped up in GM crops in the county of Macon, Georgia. Monsanto, the US multinational biotech corporation, is the world’s leading producer of Roundup, as well as genetically engineered seeds. Company figures show that nine out of 10 US farmers produce Roundup Ready seeds for their soybean crops.

Superweeds have since alarmingly appeared in other parts of Georgia, as well as South Carolina, North Carolina, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky and Missouri, according to media reports. Roundup contains the active ingredient glyphosate, which is the most used herbicide in the USA.

GM protesters demonstrate near the French town of Toulouse in March 2008.
How has this happened? Farmers over-relied on Monsanto’s revolutionary and controversial combination of a single “round up” herbicide and a high-tech seed with a built-in resistance to glyphosate, scientists say.

Today, 100,000 acres in Georgia are severely infested with pigweed and 29 counties have now confirmed resistance to glyphosate, according to weed specialist Stanley Culpepper from the University of Georgia.

“Farmers are taking this threat very seriously. It took us two years to make them understand how serious it was. But once they understood, they started taking a very aggressive approach to the weed,” Culpepper told FRANCE 24.

“Just to illustrate how aggressive we are, last year we hand-weeded 45% of our severely infested fields,” said Culpepper, adding that the fight involved “spending a lot of money.”

In 2007, 10,000 acres of land were abandoned in Macon country, the epicentre of the superweed explosion, North Carolina State University’s Alan York told local media.

The perfect weed

Had Monsanto wanted to design a deadlier weed, they probably could not have done better. Resistant pigweed is the most feared superweed, alongside horseweed, ragweed and waterhemp.

“Palmer pigweed is the one pest you don’t want, it is so dominating,” says Culpepper. Pigweed can produce 10,000 seeds at a time, is drought-resistant, and has very diverse genetics. It can grow to three metres high and easily smother young cotton plants.

Today, farmers are struggling to find an effective herbicide they can safely use over cotton plants.
end quoted...

More at:
France 24