\"Vessel\" for time travel
I have been pre-occupied with my invention for time traveling. It is very near completion, and I just have to work out the legal bugs with my lawyer. As I previous announced to the world on this very web-site that I have discovered time traveling. The great thing about this web site is that no one takes you very seriously. I now have it on record that I am the first to conceptualize the mechanism for time traveling.
When I first made my announcement to the known world, of my time traveling vessel, I felt that it would only take a few months to have my web-site up and running so that I can book passage on my time traveling vessel. Unfortunately I miscalculated the time factor in completion of all the minutiae involved in this lofty adventure. The most difficult area of this project was not the time traveling vessel itself but all the legal steps that must be taken to insure that an individual's passage through time is not fraught with difficulty through misrepresentation.
As I stated before, I have been very concerned about the world police, Interpol, the CIA, RCMP, etc. arresting me for being a innovative thinker in today's world. I'm also concerned about thieves who cannot come up with any original ideas of their own, but continue to steal, by any means possible, the ideas, mechanics and possibilities of something better. Through consultation with my legal team I have insured that no organization will steal my concepts.
I would like to ask a question of my fellow time traveling colleagues. I Ugly Bob am a man action; are we just going sit back and talk about time travel or are we (collectively) going to actually travel through time? That is the most important question, because we can all fantasize about time traveling, but given a real opportunity to travel through time how many people are willing to go? More to the point: Who among all of YOU are willing to take the leap and go?
I have been pre-occupied with my invention for time traveling. It is very near completion, and I just have to work out the legal bugs with my lawyer. As I previous announced to the world on this very web-site that I have discovered time traveling. The great thing about this web site is that no one takes you very seriously. I now have it on record that I am the first to conceptualize the mechanism for time traveling.
When I first made my announcement to the known world, of my time traveling vessel, I felt that it would only take a few months to have my web-site up and running so that I can book passage on my time traveling vessel. Unfortunately I miscalculated the time factor in completion of all the minutiae involved in this lofty adventure. The most difficult area of this project was not the time traveling vessel itself but all the legal steps that must be taken to insure that an individual's passage through time is not fraught with difficulty through misrepresentation.
As I stated before, I have been very concerned about the world police, Interpol, the CIA, RCMP, etc. arresting me for being a innovative thinker in today's world. I'm also concerned about thieves who cannot come up with any original ideas of their own, but continue to steal, by any means possible, the ideas, mechanics and possibilities of something better. Through consultation with my legal team I have insured that no organization will steal my concepts.
I would like to ask a question of my fellow time traveling colleagues. I Ugly Bob am a man action; are we just going sit back and talk about time travel or are we (collectively) going to actually travel through time? That is the most important question, because we can all fantasize about time traveling, but given a real opportunity to travel through time how many people are willing to go? More to the point: Who among all of YOU are willing to take the leap and go?