February 25th John Titor Hoax Update


but the #1 John Titor expert is Darby, I don't think anyone would dispute this, I'm surprised he hasn't been on c2cam as much as Oliver, you should get a website Darby, or a blog or something.

Thanks for the compliment.

As to making any further appearances on C2CAM, a blog, personal "Titor" website,etc - probably not. That's just not who I am or why I participate here and on Anomalies. The only reason that I appeared on C2CAM was as a favor for Olav. With that one prior exception it's been my policy to politely turn down interviews regarding Titor. Its partly a matter of a lack of interest in doing them and part a matter of credibility. I get accused of being Titor often enough (nudge-nudge
) and not becoming part of the Circus tends to lend some credibility to my denials.
Razimus, 'Too boring to be effective' ...

From your Site...


After lengthy internet searches I believe I found the proof I was looking for. I had to search the internet to see if anyone else had found this very same proof and I was unable to do so. I have had many e-mail requests from people wanting to know what my proof is and who I think John Titor is. I have not revealed this information with anyone.

What you are about to see is what I believe to be, the best black and white evidence behind the John Titor's true identity...




... any class of human beings ignores the fundamental truths that human persons are, ...
Well, Raz has finally got onto the right track. He's named John Rick Haber as being Titor, the same person that PI Mike Lynch named as Titor in the RAI video last year.

He's found a bit of a what he believes is a "smoking gun" - a PO Box in Kissimmee rented by John Haber under the business name "John Titor".


The Address.Com listing is relatively new. After the RAI video was released last year wherein Mike Lynch named John "Rick" Haber as Titor I Googled "John R Haber" and the Address.Com listing did not come up.

But we've been aware of the PO Box itself for several years. It's Larry Haber's PO Box for his law office in Celebration thus the PO Box for the John Titor Foundation.

For example, here's a post by Rob-Houston on Anomalies from 2004:

Re: I received John's book in the mail today.
Rob-Houston Rob-Houston

Registered: 2003-09-07
Posts: 192
Loc: Houston
Law Offices of Lawrence H. Haber, P.A.
Lawrence Haber Phone: 407-566-0181
715 Bloom Street, 2nd Floor Fax: 407-566-0182
P.O. Box 470171 Email: larry@larryhaber.com
Celebration, FL 34747-0171 Website: http://www.larryhaber.com


Though Raz has finally named someone who is very likely directly involved in Group Titor I smell a Red Herring with the PO Box. It's not as if Boomer has advertised his "John Titor" address over the past 10 years so fans can send mail to him. I have a suspicion that the mailbox is a joke being pulled by Larry Haber after his brother was named as Titor by Mike Lynch last year.

In any case Raz jumped the gun, again, and missed an opportunity to close the deal. He's too concerned about who is talking about him on their radio show, blog or website to realize that he should have contacted Rick or Larry and asked him about the PO Box. Who knows, he might have received some valuable feedback while closing the door in the PO Box being a public joke by Rick as feedback to Mike Lynch's identification.

Raz offered some interesting information that is somewhat helpful but not definitive. He hasn't offered evidence that indicates that Rick is Titor. I agree with Raz that Rick is very likely a member of Group Titor. He may even be Titor himself. But there's no evidence offered in the Raz Report indicating that Rick personally wrote the posts and emails.