Imagine a dot. An infinately small dot. That's dimension number zero. The dot cannot move because there is nowhere to go. Now square the dot. You have a line. An infinately thin line. There are an infinite amount of dots that can fit on this line. The people on the line can move forward and back. Square the line. Now you have a plane. Infinitely flat, extending forever. An infinite amount of lines can fit in this plane. an infinite infinite number of points can fit in the plane, or alef null. People on the plane can go forward back left and right. Square the plane. you have our universe. An infinite amount of planes can fit in it. Alef null lines. Alef one points. We can go forward back left right up and down. Square the universe. You have a dimension referred to as a hybercube or tesseract. Some people believe this dimension is time. In this dimensiion an infinite amount of our universes can fit. Alef null planes. Alef one lines. Alef Douce points. In this dimension people can go forward back left right up down Ana and Kata (the next right angles to up and sown). Now think about this. Each cube in our dimension corresponds to a hypercube in theirs. each point corresponds to a line of theirs. A point in the first dimension corresponds to our square, their cube. Now what do y'all have to say to THAT? One more point. If the fourth dimension IS time, then evidently time travel is merely going to the fourth dimension which has an infinite amount of our universes and going back to a different one in a different time. This would also avoid any apparent time paradoxes. Please feel free to contradict me and argue your poinst.