Everything is event driven

Here the conclusion to the ideas.

Note when I uses the term event I mean the English definition what ever it is.

Event occur (object move)
Local clock time fast compared to other objects in motion.

No Events occur all objects at reset.
Local clock time slow compared to other objects at reset.

So in other words when there are no events local clock slows.
And once they brick wall event is broken time moves again and local
time moves faster see picture. Where Blue is local time.
Example of time dilation.


And now you know why local time slows before an event when everyone is waiting!
And of course speeds up after the event is done. Like 911.

Time fly when you having fun make sense now since fast motion mean
local clock is fast.
And if you are in a prison local time is slow nothing happening all objects at rest and don't age a quick.

When I had this idea I was sick for a week.

A big event can change the timeline. If no event then everything in that timeline stays the same or head wherever its going without any force back. A big enough event can effect what is going on. If we see things gradually going worse such as we are being cooked like a frog being boiled then by the time we want to do something about it then it's too late. And once we are the frog that is boiling then that can be an event that was caused slowly but effected the time line greatly. That event could have taken 250 years or even 50, but when it's really bad and the end goal created an event then that event that was caused could make time slower just like you were in your own prison outside of walls. A single event that would stop this from happening would speed up time and get us out of the mess and more events would occur to make time seem faster.

I'm trying to make sense but I have trouble with words and getting out what I want to say sometimes. Maybe you can make out something of what I just said.
From Sparpz
A single event that would stop this from happening would speed up time and get us out of the mess and more events would occur to make time seem faster.

Your statement is true from an SPI chip cycle: See Figure 4-1.

1. A single event that would happen: SPI CS going low
2.Would speed up time: SPI SCK(Clock) now relavent where it was not before.
3.More events would occur to make time seem faster: SPI Data In(SI) event start to occur where they didn't before.
All these events started to occur because SPI CS went low.

Your statements are true for a SPI time diagram.