this is what I DON'T like about john titor, he conviently predicts that the theories behind quantum mechanics are proven and can be used to travel through worlds, and time for that matter and because of this it's convenient that it doesn't matter if he disrupts the future, because it won't be the same again. so what's the point of doing anything, you could assume that in another reality you already did what you needed to do without leaving the one you're in, unless the one you're in is the one that you did what you needed to do...?? which it would be I suppose....since you loose the awareness from the other realities and only retain one conscienceness out of the millions you could possibly have. like the amazon river, it flows out into many branches but there is a main stream that "retains" the name "amazon."because you recall all your past "threads" they seem to have a link to this on alone, when infact all other realities close to the point of the most recent split have the same "background" but yet we are left here with this one consciencness, unaware of all the other realities, it's hard to grasp the concept sometimes.....and I thought I saw that he couldn't return to his old world exactly as he left it, so he would be in a reality that was irrelivent to the reasons he left the original world, what if he returned to the same problem, the only difference was they used Linux instead of Unix, I think it's rediculous.
where am I going? I don't know heh
this is probably why I kill the threads all the time.....