Emerald Stone?

yea ill take pics. I dont know how good this new web cam will be since its a cheepie which came from walmart, but will find out! heh
UV light Tests:

The cheepie cam that I bought from walmart doesnt work well in the dark with UV lighting. However I hope you can see what I am referring to, etc.. I would need some software to brighten it up somehow. I am taking the pictures this morning, so you will notice that its pretty dark in the background.

First pictures in regular lighting:



Starting UV lighting:


As you can see in this picture, the UV light shows the Quartz side to be light brown coloring.


This is the bottom of the stone. You could see white spots on it.


Now this is a close up picture of the area where it shows "greenish" spot in regular lighting in the previous pictures which I had it measured and in certain directed sunlight, it turns green. This area here shows off purplish-reddish tint.

According to science articles, I truly believe that my claim has been validated because true emeralds do have characteristics of strong purplish color with reddish tint mixture under UV light. Now the only thing left to do, is to have it checked for radioactivity tommorrow. I truly think that this stone is not radioactive because according to the white spots found on the stone under UV light, could be the indicators that causes "tingling feelings" in the hand when rubbing over it however, have it checked out anyways. It might simply be a chemical reaction to those white spots.
Doesn't look fluorescent at all. I wouldn't recommend getting your hopes up about it being an emerald or similar gemstone, as the valuable ones are highly crystalline and rich in color. Even so, that doesn't make it uninteresting. I'll wait until you check for radioactivity before speculating further. :D

What I was thinking, the main mineral is inside a quartz shell. It does validate my claim on being a emerald on the visual UV test, but again, it could be something else. I was told to do some bore test like drilling a hole inside the stone to pull out samples. I dont know if that would be a such a great idea to even do that. Hmm...

However, again.. when I turned off the UV, in total darkness, the stone glows a little. I tried capturing it with the webcam, it doesnt work because its too dim.
hmm must be my imagination or something regarding that pic. lol

Am at home for lunch break, anyways I took the stone in for radioactivity and it shows weak radioactivity measuring and the lab determined its euxenite particles on the quartz shell for its milky white looking spots under UV, otherwise its brownish mostly mixed with black in regular lighting. I asked if its the reason for feeling "tingling" and the reaction to water. Said it is. Euxenite has weak radioactivity. It makes clear sense that some people can feel it and some people cannot.

There is no way to determine what is inside the shell because of all of that quartz on it. I did point out the purplish with mild reddish tint under the UV visual test, and the lab said it would be a unique mineral when its showing it off like that under UV visual examination. Suggested me to take bore sample and xray as well to determine crystalline fractures.

Well thats it.. I gotta go back to work soon.
Adjusted alittle bit of that infos on the issue regarding euxenite.

Interesting how they found out so fast by running a sample in a tube. I did ask the mineralogist there about a possibility of emeralds inside a quartz shell. He said that is a very rare possibility but have strong doubts if that could be what it is.

He told me that there is a rarity of such stone encased like this, even if its emerald or something else, it would still be rare. I asked about the possibility of a geode, he said no, its not a geode because it has no characteristics similiar to a geode. He suggested me to do some sampling of the internal part of the stone. I told him Ill think about it. :) based on what my other friends told me to do.

Friends told me its best to find someone who I can trust regarding this stone because what if, it has something else which is extreme in value? ... stuff like that.

Might be just a total waste of time on my behalf regarding this as long I had it checked for radioactivity. Weak and unharmful radioactivity is alright.

Well this is it.. thanks for your interest in this TimeLord.. too bad noone else is interested. Oh well. :D
I am interested. I am just silently reading. I had found an odd thing once that looked like a round rock and took it to a place called Solar Testing Labs in Ohio and they couldn't scratch it.
I know what this rock scratch test is because they did it to my rock. They had these different kinds of rocks in a little divided box. I believe it was perhaps ten different rocks. He took the rocks and tried to scratch my rock with it. I do know that he was surprised that he couldn't scratch it.

It was when I was in middle school. My mother took me. I was suppose to go back later to the lab and have it x-rayed but it disappeared. I couldn't believe I lost it but I did. I looked everywhere for the thing.

My mother even asked the guy if it could have fallen from space. I could see it worried her not to know what it was. I remember the guy explaining its atoms were very close together and perhaps it formed in the depth of the ocean or something.
I still remember my one science teacher putting a drop of acid on it and it just sat there in a bubble. I never did find out what it was. It also had some kind of symbol on it. The symbol seemed to be made of a different material and you could only see it when the ball was dirty.

So yes. People are reading what you are writing. They are interested. I just don't know what to say about it. I hope you find out what yours is. I do think it looks very interesting.

Yea.. I have lost a lot of rocks when I was growing up because I was a avid rock collector along with my dad. Sadly I did lose some of my marbles too from a bad car accident. (you know what I mean) hehe. I wish I didnt, I would be a super intelligent dude by now. :) Sometimes I am not running on all 8 cylinders. :(

Its weird though. Once in a while, my mind is so sharp and I would be able to define things with super clarity, otherwise most of the time, its just so dull and I forget what the heck I am doing from the minute to the next.

Oh well...

Yea the lab did test the stone for hardness, its on a range medium of .6-.7, but its not important just that I wanted to know what the heck is that green thing inside it. The lab friend and I was thinking maybe its quartz all the way through, just that it turned into some kind of green agate inside its "shell". I did point out that couldnt shine as purplish with reddish tint under UV. It has to be something else. That was my argument and he took the rock and put it under lab UV and it showed glowing purplish with reddish tint all over on one side of the stone including heavy concentrations of those white milky spots "euxenite" in that area.

I saw his eyes widen up and he suggested me to take bore samples of the stone to determine just exactly what it is. When I saw his eyes widen up like that, I knew that I couldnt trust him. So I took the stone home. I dont know the reason for such paranoia on my side but facial expressions and body language is well known to me. I, too wouldnt want to lose this stone.

Wanna hear a good one? I put mine in the school science fair! lol I was suppose to go on to the next level science fair but I lost it a couple of days before. Now that I think back I can't believe they actually let me submit it as a science project. :)

I didn't want mine destroyed either. One of the tests they were going to do on it at the lab was a laser test. I was not sure what that consisted of back then but I was afraid they would destroy it. I just wanted to find out what it was made of. I collected rocks too when I was younger!
My mother always told me if I found any round white rocks they were good luck so naturally when I found that one it stayed in my collection for years until I took it into my science teacher to see what kind it was. I had that thing for years just sitting in a box with a bunch of other rocks I thought was cool at the time. I was lucky the lab offered to do all my tests for free.

Isn't there a way to find out whats inside your rock without coring it? Surely they have a lot better technology now. Please keep us updated.
thats interesting. the friend (or if he is) at the lab didnt mention about laser tests or anything except coring it. That is the prime reason for taking it home. I didnt trust the guy, when I was thinking of other things which he could've done to it. Heck he didnt even do simple tests except the chemical sample indicator test for recognizing the euxenite. One lazy @#@$#@$! Oh yea, my boss will hear of this.

Yummy in a few hours Ill be having a nice turkey din din! :)

(mechnor, sir, if ure reading this, please check your emails from me---Happy Thanksgiving!)
I dont know. I have used that first lab because it was free to me. Now I would have to pay for anything done to it if I take it to another lab...

I was just thinking to leave it as it is.. let it sit in the windowed cabinet in my living room for all time. :)