Double digits Help!

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TTA is right! Its looks to me you are reverting again with this New Age Hoopla!

I was actually starting to have hope for you and then you have to go drudge this cr@p back into your posts!

You think you have it all figured out! Like you came to the brain storming conclusion about your dogs wagging their wiggly tails for every stranger!

TTA is right you are a SELL OUT! and your nothing more than a new age sand flea dredging ocean prayer!


P.S. I hope you give your kids and choice and dont drill this nonsense into them!
are you talking to them or me. you see its not in my hands or up to me what they do. I'm just relaying there message to you. If you don't like it tell them so they can here you and speak to you . If you don't agree tell them so. All you have to do is think what you want to say. Believe me they will speak maybe not the way you would like but beleive me you will get the message. look I never said they were good or bad. the fact is they exist and it doesn't look like there going away any time soon. The fact is you guys are scared shitless to face them because you fear you will be consumed. You can tell them to eat shit and die if you want. It still is your choice. Will they go away ? I just don't know. But stop blaming me for what they are telling you. I tell them to shut up all the time and usually they do. I'm in control and if you don't want to hear them fine I will relay no more messages. Its kinda like playing with a snake sometimes you get bit but that doesn't mean you don't like the snake anymore. the fact is you have to learn to be in control not them. You will eventually lose all fear and thats when your true power will be exposed. clara

You keep calling me a trader. there are some entities I like and some I don't. It is all a matter of who we are speaking about.
Everyone in the universe is not evil just 90%. so you had better be damn sure who you are dealing with. those that announce themselves and those that don't. I was honest with you and told you I was channneling. How do I know your not channeling and you don't even know it . the entitie who would take you over does not annnounce its presense so you have no idea if it is you or someone else. go figure. My friends did let me know about the Annanaki but it seems you were blind to the fact. Maybe it would be wise to ask for some info on whats out there so you will be prepared if they show up. clara
Let me help you to understand the differences between personalities. When I call my self in the third person, i.e. TheTimeTravelActivist, I don't mean I am channeling him or anyone else. But in actuality, I am speaking through my self through a different hat, that "I" my self posses in my own consciousness.

You are placing a New Age spin on the many personalities that you, your self posses, and assume that they you are not generating them your self. But you are.

If I am sad or mad, am I channeling the spirit of restless soul who is unable to break free from this world? Or if I am happy and enthusiastic, am I channeling the emotion of some disembodied mother, who lived each of her days in joy for her kids?

Does this make any sense to you Clara? You are unwilling to take your own thoughts as being your own, and take responsibility for they're actions that "they" have taken.

You remind me of that Celebrity Religion where they got them paying thousands of dollars an hour, just to exercise spirits out of a hurting leg. Give me a break Clara... And you ask why you are possessed with waking up with the numbers at 3:33 in the mornings after a bad nightmare. If it's any wonder to you yet?



P.S. Cat, your a criminologist, you can probably help out Clara better then I can.
Hey Clara,

God help me, I think I understand what you're saying. During the years of working with kids, many of them had similar experiences and although I didn't understand it, I accepted it as their being attacked and not something emanating from their personalities. Unfortunately, I had more trouble with people that I worked with who did see it as a personality problem than the kids I worked with. It did wonders with the kids to have an adult not look at them as crazy. I do not look at you as crazy. I have always resisted the compelling ideas of new age, ufology, paranormal and the such. It doesn't mean that I didn't have some experiences in that area, I just didn't accept it as an alternative way of filling my needs. The counterfeit is very close to the true. One day, many people are going to have some these experiences you are having and you will be a valuable help to them. What you are showing to me is that at some time in the past you have opened yourself up to these "influences" and now have to deal with the consequences. You sound like you are dealing with it with the kind of acceptance that the kids I worked with did. They went on to live "normal" lives that most people wouldn't be able to handle for one minute--let alone all the time. Fight on sister!
RE: Double digits Help! To Clara...

Well, basically I tried to express my point to her TTA in my post above but she twisted my terminology around into her same old new age rigamorore!

Clara, this could be a real illness! It can make you very paranoid exspecially when you are all alone in a empty house. You might begin to start hearing noises and constantly check behind you to see if anyone is there. No wonder you have nightmares (I'm not debating if they are real.)But the indian pow wow dance comes to mind, and you waking up screaming from a nightmare!

What I was mearly trying to say is that channeling is inviting the local cemetary for dinner!

And basically by you participating in this behavior you are allowing them to manipulate and controle you! They are over riding you causing you to surpress your own id (which is one of the three divisions of the psyche in psychoanalytic theory that is completely unconscious and is the source of psychic energy derived from instinct.

Yes that is correct. this is not myself but those entities that I let take over for short periods of time. Believe me I could never know the things they have told me. they basicly are beyond my normal intelligence and sometimes over load my system with information. when this happens I simple ponder what they have said and move on. they know I cannot absorb all that hey channel to me and this does not disturb them. They have never forced me to say anything or do anything. the darker entiites will and will not let you know they are present. That is why you have so many crazy people walking around doing weird things. they will never force anyone to do anything but if you call them you had better be ready to learn , so be carefull what you ask for and who you call on. Call out to God and no telling who might show up. there are many entities who perceive themselves to be Gods. Anywhere where there secrets deception usually follows. so be very carefull you may be channeling and not even know it. How do we know TTA and Cat are not channeling. What god have they pledged their alligence to. clara
Boy, doesn't this sound like something out of Biblical History!

Praying to false G-ds and paganistic Idols! and turning away from the one true almighty G-d! Hasn't history learned its lesson from it yet after much destruction to the earth. The Great Flood, Sodom and Gomorra, the plagues on Egypt, not to mention sooth sayers! September 11th and much of todays society!

Satan is certainly raking in the electoral votes!

From my lips to G-ds ears, let him hear that I have reclaimed his name and paving the way for a morral and ethical future.

To hell with the demonic aliens and their false agenda with civilization here.

Who am I channeling? I am channeling the TimeTravelActivist within me, that's who. I thought I already told you so. I kick @$$ as the TTA. And when I am with my friends, I channel a different part of me. And when I am speaking with my family, I then again channel a different personality that approaches them differently.

But you know what? They are all mine, and it is my essence of who I am. I'm not calling on some other out-worldly power to supply me with the strengths to deal with people. This is of who my character has developed to become, is who I am speaking from.

I can remember once when I was a boy and I lied to my father about not playing with my Nintendo before finishing my homework, I became frightened and very timid, and he eventually saw right through me... Was I then channeling the personality of a little boy, or my own?

What I am basically saying is that we all have different ways of approaching people and situations. Some may put on different faces and hats for different occasions. But is that to say that none of them are our own?

sounds to me like multi personality disorder. My you should seek a therapist. All the more reason for those unaware to slip in. You have so many how do you know they are all your own. I have one personality Me. I achieved this through intergration. You see we have all been fragmented. Usually this is because of truama. If you are fragmented there is no whole being but parts of personalities. this is also a result of building survival skills. In the past you needed to be agreesive to stay alive. the world was harsh and as a species your harshness keep you alive. Now things are different your survival skills that are encoded within your DNA are being changed this is part of evolution. It happens to all species that gain intelligence . But this point in time is very dangerous indeed. You will have to trancsend your agressive tendencys or you will destroy yourself. the plan has been put into action and there is no way to reverse it. the individual at this point does not matter but the survival of the species itself. Man will survive with our help regardless of who chooses to participate. Like this channel said before your DNA has been activated and there is no way to reverse it. You will continue to see the numbers until your death as this has already been inserted into your computer brain through your DNA. Many will make the transition and many will not. It is all up to you . there is basically 2 choices at this point. You will or you won't. It does not matter in the least to us which one you choose. This was a choice based on many human participates. The majority decided that this would be best for the earth and her people. The call was answered and the plan was put into action. This channel is not responsible to give you anymore information. WE have ask that she leave this stream to get on with the work she has choosen to do. WE are here to answer your questions and will speak telepathicaly to you if you so choose all you have to do is think your thoughts and we will hear. Otherwise we will not intrude into your lives . the numbers will remain as we have stated regardless if you choose to communicate with us or not.

hey its me now. I guess thats the final word from them. I do know there identity. but to reveal it at this point would only make you confused . I do need to start my gardening work as it is spring and if I stay here on this computer I will have nothing to sell at the organic market. You guys can think what you want it basically doesn't matter to me. I have warned you about those that would use you without your awareness. You will have to choose for yourselves clara

I believe you have brought the issue down to it's lowest common denominator. There are many "voices" out there claiming to be the mouthpiece of God. No one is immune. I even find myself responding to "voices" telling me that I should hate this side or the other for what they are doing. I quickly come to my senses and rely on the only thing I can rely on to show the truth of the matter. The Bible says, "We fight not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers and wickedness in high places." It also says, "the dead know not anything and have nothing to do with anything under the sun". The only inference you can make here is that these "voices" are the wickedness in high places--spirits who will fill you with endless dark knowledge to steer you away from the ONLY name under heaven by which we may be saved from all the negative influences bombarding ALL our senses. The very fact of these influences becoming so prevalent today is testimony to the signs of our times. Call on Jesus and those influences will disappear in a puff of smoke. It's the only thing that works for me. These influences have no power. They can only seduce, confuse, deceive and create fear. Once He is firmly in position, they can not even approach you. However, if you even let one seduce you with "warm, fuzzy feelings" and convince you that it is a "good" spirit, they will reenter with a vengeance, and the last state will be worse than the first. What differentiates a Christian from New Age is one seeks outside of themselves for the power to overcome and the other seeks inward. One worships a God outside of and bigger than themselves. The other worships a god inside of themselves and much smaller than they are. Fight the good fight Clara. There is only one voice and it is a still, small voice--one we can't hear unless we are truly in tune with it by following its precepts outlined in the Bible. To the Law and to the Testimony. If not according to the precepts, there is no light in it.
RE: Words of guidence...

"If it looks like a duck, walks as a duck, quacks like a duck, it is probably your phone bill".

Quack Quack Quack.

Quack Quack


RE: Words of guidence...


I think you have officially quacked up and need tweetment!

You posted this under the wrong thread! You should have posted it under Finchducksoup!


P.S. What does a Duck eat with soup? Quackers!
RE: Words of guidence...

Ok BOTH of you have gone nuts... sheesh........I like the jokes but please watch the heavy duck jokes, on to squirrels! J/K!

You said you were once a church going person... What made you again abandon your old ways, and find refuge in the New Age sects?

How do you respond to sonofbabylon and his Christian interpretations of you and channeling?

sonofbabylon welcome to the TTI thread. It's good to have some balance here, and have someone who knows matters of the bible to back up Clara's absurd interpretations.

Clara here has been butchering the New Testament how you wouldn't believe, always campaigning her New Age/Alien agenda. Perhaps you can be of some help to the TTA in helping her reason
