Clara' you hit it right on the head with your statment, maybe they are going to force us to evolve.
For them, it does and should not work that way, because actually what some E.T. realms are, are oligarchies.
They want to power rule everything and can not leave us alone for our own face value.
Gee this is funny, why is one year that the Pleiadeans say that the Ashtar High Council is bull and then by these web wonder-ins, all of a sudden the Ashtar principles and the Pleiadeans are buddy buddy?
Right, you guessed it, they keep changing the players within the game.
Nevermind all the Nazies that the U.S. Governement took into to help run this government after world war two, remember we have lots of goons out there, in outerspace too.
They will tell you the mystic qualities of whipped cream and make you believe it.
Bull is bull no matter where you travel within the universe.
Cheap editorial dress.Put some spay & wash on that stain, then hide it in your closet for nine months and you end up a millionair.
Oh by the way, you have to make friends with THE FRIEND FROM HELL
from the Pentagon, so that when you tell her your most intimate secrets, these secrets are splattered all over the New York Post the next day.
WARNING:This cheap editorial post, does not, I REPEAT, DOES NOT, intimate any infrence to the subject of oral sex, or all American tapiocca.
God knows that we need good tapiocca sales within this good ole US of A any more?
Thank you, please rise carefully and in an orderly fashion, please leave the building??!
Creedo 299 cheap editorial note