Dear Dob,
I would have sent chocolates too but I ate them all.
As for velocity of light this too is a way to go and atleast we know it will work.
However, I theorize that compression is the same a acceleration. For if one considers that the amount of energy required to compress a quantity of mass to an infinitely small point is the same amount of kenetic energy needed to accelerate a mass body to the velocity of light.
I believe that it is not the velocity of a mass but the amount of kenetic energy applied to that mass that causes time dilation and time travel into the past.
In fact, and this is probably already known if it is true, the affect of the speed of light on relative time might work together with applied kenetic energy to form the relative zero that Dob or Richor-18 had mentioned in the posts above.
Now the common factor between a compressing object and mass that is accelerating towards the velocity of light is applied kenetic energy.
Now since kenetic energy is mass in the form of energy and if current physics theory holds then kenetic energy must either be mediated as strong force, weak force, gravitational force, or electromagnetic force.
I have heard it rumored that the unconfirmed Higg's Boson is suspected to be responcible for mediating inertial properties between subatomic particles.
Depending on which of the four fundemental forces kenetic energy is will determine the nature of the mediation of the kenetic force.
I believe that kenetic energy is electro-magnetic in nature and therefore occupies a given frequency range in the electro-magnetic spectrum.
I was considering that the applied energy of kenesis to infinity uniformly around a shperical mass would result in the exponential decay of the radius of the mass arriving at zero point in a finite period of time so long as the applied energy is in a state of constant state of acceleration because an infinite compression will be acheived in that period of time. Now the mass may not constrict to infinitely small point if the applied exponential kenetic energy to constrict the mass increases exponentially at a slower rate of speed or by a lesser quanta per given unit of time then the rate of exponential increase of applied kenetic energy by the mass to resist compression. Since by applying an exponential increasing energy to compress mass results in an increased resistance to compression according to the law that states that for every action there is an equal opposite reaction, the quantity of energy resisting compression at zero will be infinite at which point the energy trying to compress the object will be infinite. Also, kenetic energy is applied first and then the mass resists the compression by returning a quanta of energy equal to the quanta of energy being applied. To increase the amount of kenetic energy applied is to increase the nunmber of discreat kenetic bosons being transmitted into the object per unit time. This results in an increase to the number of kenetic bosons being applied by the mass to resist compression. The number of unit of quanta's passing a given point would be measured in amps. The static force built up by the build up of resistance to compression in the mass would be measured in volts. The frequency of the kenetic applied energy increases as the number of quanta being applied increases. Since the mass is always reacting to the energy being applied to compress the mass, the resisting or opposite reaction is always applied after the kenetic energy to compress the mass is applied. This means that the kenetic energy is always greater then the opposing kenetic energy and therefore always has a higher frequency. Now as the energy applied to compress the mass increases exponentially at a slower rate then the energy applied to resist the density of the mass increases. This results from the increase in frequency as the molecules decrease their distances from one another.
This results in an increase to the number of rotations in each molecule and an increase in the number of rotations of the electron around the atom per given second as a result of the decreased circumferance in which the electron and molecules orbit around the atom and around each other.
This results in an increase to the frequency determined by the number of orbits per given unit of time. Note that in this case the electron does not increase velocity, or if it does the increase in velocity does not cause the increase in frequency.
This is something to look at when considering the different colors of light refracted through a prism. The decrease in frequency of the light might not be caused by the decrease in velocity. However light photons are not electrons so I might be wrong.
Anyways, to get back to the point, the number of kenetic quanta's being chanelled into the object increases as does the resisting kenetic quanta's resulting in a greater number of crests passing through each other per given unit of time resulting a more defined region of surface wave resulting in a more continuus surface wave that increases in density as the number of crests per given unit of time pass each other through the medium to be compressed.
It is rather like the ceiling fan. The faster the fan turns the more continuus the radius of the circle appears. Instead of having four defined bladed you have a fussy continuus circle which appears more an more solid as the faster the fan turns. At the velocity of light the fan would look like a single continuus circle as the spinning shadow of on the fan becomes smaller and smaller as the silloette of the spinning blades increase in size as the blades spin faster and faster becoming continuus and infinitely dense at the velocity of light at the spinning shadows become singular at the velocity of light. This shows that the fan compresses to an infinitely small point since the angle between one of the edges of anyone of the four spinning shadows and the opposite edge of that shadow reaches zero as the shadow approaches the velocity of light.
As the overall density of all the kenetic energy in the mass at one time increases to infinity the phase difference and frequency difference between the kenetic energy being applied to compress the mass and the kenetic energy reacting to keep the mass from compressing approaches zero. At an infinite density the frequency of the kenetic energy is infinite and the kenetic cause to compress and the kenetic affect to not compress accur simultanousely.
Now the applied kenetic energy to compress the mass is infinite. Also, the applied kenetic energy to resist compression is infinitely strong. Since each accur in the same space at the same time you have two infinities accuring at the same time.
Now if one were to continue to increase the applied kenetic energy to compress the mass exponentially the energy to resist the compression would act upon the mass to resist compression before the energy being applied to continue compressing the mass is applied which means that the mass has a negative time component. A mass that has a negative time component is a mass that is traveling back in time, and since the effect accurs before the cause, the mass has a negative time component at beyond infinite compression.
To apply more then an infinite compression to compress a mass will result in compressing a mass to beyond it's own center mass. And since we have shown here that to apply a greater the infinite kenetic energy at an instant results in a reversal of the direction of time to that object, an objects past exists beyond the center mass of that object. Thus if one could split apart a quantum field to expose the superluminal tachyon energy that exists beyond the centermass of every partical and field, one might be able to expose those tacyhons to this dimension.
If we then charge those channel or transmit those tachyons into a mass those tachyons when interacting with the mass counteract the forward component of the time dimsension slowing the rate at which the mass travels toward the future.
Since the sorrounding universe travels into the future at a greater rate of speed then the mass itself the mass, although still traveling forward in time will exist further and further into the past as the present which is accelerating into the future travels further and further into the future.
Now the past is once the past starts catching up to the object and surpassing the object as more past becomes the masses future all the tachyon mass that is between the present and the point in the past that the mass is located will be confined to the mass resulting in an increase in tachyon density of the mass resulting in an increase in acceleration of the mass into the past.
That is why tachyons increase energy as the tachyons aproach the velocity of light from a superluminal speed.
What does everyone think?
Edwin G. Schasteen