Does faster than light = time travel?

Not what I meant. According to quantum physics, any one action has almost infinate possibilities, but varying degrees of probabilities. The probability that walking into a brick wall and getting a flat nose is very high, while the probability of your whole body walking through the wall, as in all the atoms of your body passing literally between the atoms of the wall and you emerging on the other side, is a very small probability. Its still possible, and it would take you almost an infinate number of times for it to happen, but not very likely to happen on, say, your first billion tries. I personally, am not going to go walking into walls on the off chance that for some reason I am lucky enough to do it on the next try, but everytime I see a brick wall, I am
But I have heard and read reports of people doing just such a thing, and I dont automatically discount the stories either. Either
1. Most if not all of the stories are false.
2. The probability of acheaving this is actually higher than anyone imagines.
3. In the theory of quantum physics, it states that nothing happens without it being observed. This might mean that in some way, as yet unknown and with current technology, unknowable, some of us can consously manipulate the probability factor, so that the most unlikely events actually do happen.
I know what you meant, the law of averages. If you do somthing enough times it's bound to happen the way you want it eventally.
"1. it will seem like you traveled into the furture because the farther away you get from earth and teh faster you move the slower you age, so you will get back to earth and it will be older and you wouldn't be." Keven
Where is the proof of this, that is an untested theory. You can not argue with it.

"2. you wouldn't be able to see where you were going because the way human sight works is, the light hits some thing and bounces back into our eyes, but if were moving at the speed of light, it would get back to our eyes until it bounce off of something and by then it would be too late." Keven
That point was made in the original post.

"3. You can look into the past, by moving faster than light and catching up to old light beams that bounced off the earth, then just turning around and looking at earth from where you are, mind you you'd need a pretty powerful telescope." Keven
This point was also made in the original post and was a main driving force of the original argument.

People you need to read before you comment.
I know what you meant, the law of averages. If you do somthing enough times it's bound to happen the way you want it eventally.
Doing something over and over again expecting a differant result is the deffinition of insanity. Just in case you were wondering.
Well, one way I would think would be to bounce light between a magnetic field (of 2 spinning magnets, that are polar opposites) and somehow get time to pass because you'd stay in the same place while time is passing by slowly you are lightspeed... so that would make time stand still I guess... huh, gee, I just thoguht of that... heh.

But faster than light doesn't neccesarily mean time travel, I mean, take every science fiction story with teleporting, break down your particles into lgiht, then send them across the universe in nanoseconds, thus by moving faster than light, you'd just be moving at a faster speed... right?
On this, I really don't know what I'm talking about and I hope someone will be able to correct me or fix anything I said... thanks.
jeez john what do you do when your not picking my posts to rat [censored]?
Maybe instead of critizing my work you could have given some helpful ideas for posting better, hmm?

1. it will seem like you traveled into the furture because the farther away you get from earth and the faster you move the slower you age, so you will get back to earth and it will be older and you wouldn't be

when they send those astronuats up into space, maybe you've heard about it, they do vast studies on them outgoing and returning. they found that when they send a person away from the earth, like to the moon, they did that too a while incase you haven't heard, they came back and had aged less than they should have. say they were gone for a year, it would only seem as if they were gone for about 9-10 months.
i think that has more to do with low gravitys effect on the body than it does with being 'away from the earth' and just because you are away from the earth doesnt meen you are moving. if you go into space and orbit the sun in the same direction and speed as the earth, you will be moving a great speed, but relative to the earth and the people on it you wont be moving. Say you stop and dont move, relative to the sun you arnt moving, but relative to the earth you are moving pretty damn fast. And relative to the universe, you are still moving. Movment is all relative when you have no fixed point to base it off of.