Does anybody remember this?


Temporal Novice
I've been having a very big "Mandela effect" moment for the past few weeks now.

Does anyone remember an excerpt where Titor mentions that right before the war, we would be hearing/reading about increased shark attacks in the news?

I can't seem to find any references mentioning this online or otherwise, even though it's as clear as day to me in my memory...and these recent shark attacks in the news triggered that specific memory.

I even re-read my entire copy of "a time traveler's tale" and have scoured through all the news updates on johntitor dot com and have yielded nothing.

I even remember Oliver Williams (owner of the website) posting links to stories about shark attacks, yet now, there's absolutely nothing.

I feel like I'm going crazy, and that this is another "Berenstein Bears" anomaly..

I can't be the only one who remember that bit of text..


This is the first I've heard of this. But there are lots of Titor wannabes that make stuff up about the story. Just more fiction added onto the existing fiction.

This is the first I've heard of this. But there are lots of Titor wannabes that make stuff up about the story. Just more fiction added onto the existing fiction.
Would you say you're well-versed in this alleged Titor "folklore"?I remember reading the original posts over a decade ago

You might say I'm well versed in the debunking aspect. But there are a few members on this site that participated in the original Titor postings.

What's your take on the whole "UFO" DVD series he mentioned back in 2000?

He said he "used" to watch the DVD and really liked that show (the show UFO, from the 70's)

That wasn't released onto DVD until 2002.

What's your take on the whole "UFO" DVD series he mentioned back in 2000?He said he "used" to watch the DVD and really liked that show (the show UFO, from the 70's)That wasn't released onto DVD until 2002.
HI IncreasedSharkAttacks2015Just because you mention this part i will get you going.

Titor wrote in the IRC chat you are talking about the following:

"TimeTravel_0 : I used to watch a DVD called UFO that was made in England."

Like you mentioned UFO was released the first time 2002 -> FAQ

It was not "a DVD", it was a "two deluxe sets each containing 4 discs" or "8 individual discs"

Sure you have to say that he goes with the "show" when G mentions it.

TimeTravel_0 : I used to watch a DVD called UFO that was made in England.

TimeTravel_0 : Ever heard of it?

G° : oops no, that was 2030, sorry

G° : the tv series? 70's?

wyrmkin_37 : i saw it on regular tv

TimeTravel_0 : Yes!!!

TimeTravel_0 : You've seen it?

Yareisa : oh yes I remember that one

TimeTravel_0 : Wow...we do have something in common.

G° : yeah, dreadful outfits!

TimeTravel_0 : No one has heard of it here.

So judge those links by yourself :

UFO (1969–1973)

U.F.O. (2012)

get your juices flowing....happy hunting


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I'm not quite sure what you're getting at.

I guess my point is, he mentions watching a DVD of the show (maybe he only had one DVD from the set?). The show itself was from the 70's, no doubt about that.

However, in either case, the DVD wasn't released until 2 years after he even mentions that he "used" to watch it in his "past" (our future).

I just found that to be a little strange.

I'm not quite sure what you're getting at.
ok here is the whole part of the IRC we are talking about:TimeTravel_0 : Can I ask you brits a question?

G° : sure

Yareisa : yeah sure

G° : shoot

TimeTravel_0 : When I was a kid...back in 2012...

G° : a good year for cyberpunk...

TimeTravel_0 : I used to watch a DVD called UFO that was made in England.

TimeTravel_0 : Ever heard of it?

G° : oops no, that was 2030, sorry

G° : the tv series? 70's?

wyrmkin_37 : i saw it on regular tv

TimeTravel_0 : Yes!!!

TimeTravel_0 : You've seen it?

Yareisa : oh yes I remember that one

TimeTravel_0 : Wow...we do have something in common.

G° : yeah, dreadful outfits!

TimeTravel_0 : No one has heard of it here.

Yareisa : straker wasn't it

G° : and hairstyles!

TimeTravel_0 : I loved that show!

the red part is my point

nothing spectacular either like always with titor.

I'm not quite sure what you're getting at.I guess my point is, he mentions watching a DVD of the show (maybe he only had one DVD from the set?). The show itself was from the 70's, no doubt about that.However, in either case, the DVD wasn't released until 2 years after he even mentions that he "used" to watch it in his "past" (our future).

I just found that to be a little strange.
Not strange at all. As far as I know all TV shows and movies can be had on DVD or Bluray.Now if he had said Bluray, that would have been worthy of note.

I guess what I'm saying is, he claims (in the year 2000) that "back in 2012" he used the watch that show on DVD.

The DVD itself was never released until 2002.

He somehow knew the DVD would exist (when he made those posts in the year 2000) before it was actually released, and he claims to have watched it.

How would he have known it was on DVD, if at the time he posted that in the IRC chat, the DVD wouldn't even be out for another two years and was nonexistent at the time he mentioned it.

That was basically my question.

Just like I know a DVD will exist in the future for a show I am presently watching called Humans. The DVD doesn't exist yet. But I also can make the claim that I watched it. How is my claim any different from Titor's claim?

yeah i get your point.

i just added my two cents because i spent nights researching the irc log.

Opinions from others always ended up pretty much with what einstein said:

Not strange at all. As far as I know all TV shows and movies can be had on DVD or Bluray.Now if he had said Bluray, that would have been worthy of note.
Here you can read an old arstechnica thread from 2000....pretty much reflects the situation in 2000 about VHS and DVD...nice read and really not so clear we will have dvd in 2012.I remember it the same way those guys talk about it, the different formats and players did not allow you to buy (rich ppl didnt care i agree) something that expensive (200$ up+DVDs)without security that it will be there in a nobody wanted to jump on the train to early without knowing what will be the definite format.

Strange? YES definitely

Proof? NO

Lucky Guess from a hoaxer? i leave that to you

So if i would say i have seen in 2024 a movie/show on satelite on demand (ppv) i could be horribly wrong o hit a strike.

and yeah its known that the DVD was released in 2002 and he wrote the chat in 2000


The DVD format was introduced in 1995. So predicting as Titor did was not really predicting. It's not like he was introducing anything new that hadn't happened already.

Just like I know a DVD will exist in the future for a show I am presently watching called Humans. The DVD doesn't exist yet. But I also can make the claim that I watched it. How is my claim any different from Titor's claim?
Thats exactly my problem with this actually do not know that.And im pretty sure there will be no DVD from Humans in 12 years, but thats just me.

People stopping already buying them in favor of streaming.


You are right of course. It's just an educated guess. But Titor used his educated guessing on other things as well that didn't pan out as he predicted. Still waiting on the miniature black holes from CERN. The civil war never happened. And the Titor supporters are still trying to claim anything from bank robbery to shoplifting is a Waco event.

The DVD format was introduced in 1995. So predicting as Titor did was not really predicting. It's not like he was introducing anything new that hadn't happened already.
1995 -> Japan1997 -> USA

1998 -> Europe

simultaniously on the market following formats:

VHS/SVCD/LASERDISC and of course the DVD in trillions of versions (ill count them as one)

pretty good guess id say, but i agree could still be a guess


The format may have been introduced in 95, but they definitely weren't mainstream by consumers at that point, and even in 2000, most people were still buying VHS, and the rest (most likely collectors) were grudgingly accepting DVD as the new media format. (Re-buying the same movies they likely already had on tape)

It's hard to say that's it's not an educated guess, but you still have to consider that he had to know in advance that the series would definitely come out on DVD, which at the time wasn't common knowledge, really.

Then, he had to be that sure enough of that fact to trivially include it into this elaborate hoax, and make no further references to it.

Also, odds are "Humans" won't be out on DVD, more than likely, it'll be bluray only.

jep thats why i posted the arstechnica link before

its a forum thread talking about dvd in the year 2000, so no it was not mainstream at all and very expensive and to many formats to choose.

read a couple of them post very nostalgic and funny in some places lol

"never ever will DVD kill VHS" and so on :ROFLMAO:

ok ppl thx for the interesting talk :thumbsup:


You are right of course. It's just an educated guess. But Titor used his educated guessing on other things as well that didn't pan out as he predicted. Still waiting on the miniature black holes from CERN. The civil war never happened. And the Titor supporters are still trying to claim anything from bank robbery to shoplifting is a Waco event.
I'd have to think that the fact that him being here altered our time-line to begin with (not to mention the other things he claimed to have affected while here) and raises the "divergence level" he spoke about from 2% to a higher number (from his perspective)That (to me) explains why the things he mentioned (which happened on his worldline) didn't pan out the way he remembers his "past"

I find it fascinating how many educated guesses he got "correct" when you know how to look at them with the correct mindset.

He mentioned that people would decentralize the entertainment business and make their own shows.

This was 5 years before YouTube was invented, and even then, about another 5 years before to really "took off" with the monetization and the you tubers making their own real "shows"

Who's to say CERN hasn't made black holes yet and just don't know how to interpret that data, or perhaps they're keeping it under wraps for fear of the public's (ignorant) reactions?

The civil war may not have happened at the time he remembers it happening (on his alternate worldline) but who's to say it's not in our future?

We do seem to have big civil issues nowadays, regarding race, class, rights, and power vs non power.

Is it really hard to imagine all these events leading "up to something"?

According to any social media, (and from any perspective outside of the U.S.) it seems that this country is definitely in a war against itself.

Did we forget all those 99% protests? The Michael brown riots? All these mass shootings? The confederate flag thing? This Sandra Bland issue? People are dying to fight "someone" right now, and it seems very much so "the people" vs "the powers that be"

These events may have been delayed from his point of view, but it seems like they're escalating to something bigger.

Also, take into consideration how someone from the future would perceive all these headlines from the past without actually experiencing them first-hand.

They would likely view it as the country in conflict with itself.

Anyway, my post was really just to find out if anyone remembered the shark attacks thing, and I have yet find any info pointing to that.

I do like that you're a skeptic, makes the conversation better

But I still remember very clearly a mentioning of increased shark attacks right before the bombs start dropping this year.

It just struck me as odd to actually start hearing more about shark attacks this year, and when I look into the subject, I see more and more headlines that claim this year has had the most shark attacks in recent history.
