Disbelief caused time travellers go away?

Well, supposed most time travellers did migrate to more friendly shores. I have not run away, but those running this forum moves my posts to fiction. Funny, how people who do not believe in time travel always end up running the place, that was not the case years ago.

I can tell you that paranormalis is now down, time travel portal was taken down, and just today my forum HDRKID.com was hacked. It is not fun doing research on time travel, Steven Gibbs tells me that he gets daily death threats over his phone. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/mad.gif
Why tell anyone that you are a time traveler? Why sign up to any forum in the first place?

You ask why we are chasing time travelers away. No one had done so. No time traveler will give out any information that will change history. Not even to save lives. Which answer your question. No time travels had posted on this forum yet. Or they had posted and had not admitted that they are one.

A time ship used a rotation ring that is either around the hull or at it bow. Which is power by a matter and anti-matter reactor, which in turn is power by a nuclear fusion reactor. The rotation ring when in use, can rotate faster then speed of light. It pushes space and time away from the ship. creating a hole in space, kind of like a black hole. Except gravity is zero in the center of the vortex. The time ship can do three things. It could travel back in time. It could travel to the future and it could just stay in the present time period. It depend on it mission. In the vortex, time has no meaning. No one ages while they are inside the vortex. They don't get younger either.
I may not be on the same level of mathematics and quantum mechanics as others in here but when i rap my mind around the idea of time travel i can see that all the tools we have for studying it are bounded by parameters, every concept we come up with leads to infinite equations and every step is a new paradox to unravel, i don't think the universe has a (theory of everything)i don't think there is an equation that will explain all of it, I think at best, Artificial comprehension will be as close as we will ever get. whether it involves infinitely complex levels of physics, or something simple and bluntly obvious is irrelevant, The universe will not allow itself to be manipulated.
True. You can't change major events, by traveling back in time. What God had set forth to happen, will happen. No matter if you went back in time and tried to change it. It is going to still happen. But can change a person in the way they live their lives. That if that person listen to you. Otherwise, you just wasting your time.
You are referring to time travel portal.org? Not time travel portal.com?

I don't know if there actually is a time travel portal.org , but time travel portal.com was the site HDRkid was referring to. I had a blog there "Why the universe is an illusion," that had gotten over 21,000 visits. But it also collected several hundred spammy comments. People seemed to stop posting, and the domain name was not renewed,went up for sale, and was bought for a few hundred bucks, or whatever, by advertisers who made it what it is today. Same name, but nothing to do with time travel. :D
In the abstract at least mention the objective reasoning behind why SR/GR is wrong.
I never meant to say that relativity is wrong. I believe very much in the validity of modern science. What I meant is that there are things not yet predicted by relativity or quantum mechanics which are to be covered by a more broad and encompassing theory. When such theory is developed, it will predict new things and reduce to the present theories under certain conditions. I don't think TTI would be the place to post such a theory though. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I don't agree with that. Your very arrival in the past is already a change from the past you know.
You either can travel back in time and then do anything you are physically cabable of, since the laws of physics still apply.
Or you can't time travel at all. But you can't time travel and then only be able to do this but not that.
Because as long as it's physically possible and you've decided to do that (and if we take away every bad luck you might probably have), then what should prevent you from doing that?
Who says: Oh, NOW he's going to change a major event, that's not allowed, but oh, here he just buys an ice cream, that's ok.
The universe and the laws of physics don't care. If you were successful in travellking back in time, then you can do EVERYTHING you want.

And while your reason "What God had set forth to happen, will happen" might be a reason why he can't change major events, it's not really useful since you can put it behind everything without using a real reason at all.
What's more, you first have to prove that god exists in order for that to be a valid reason.
Yeah, I can't disprove the existence of god either, but that's not important.
You have to prove something exists, not the other way around.
Or else we can start talking about fairies, vampires, leprechauns... or the holy spaghetti monster.
saw him just the other day...
That's not possible, it is invisible! But then again, I said holy spaghetti monster, but the correct name is "flying spaghetti monster", so it could very well be you saw another spaghetti monster deity, pardon me. :D
True. You can't change major events, by traveling back in time.

No..this is one of the biggest myths of all about time travel. The idea that the time traveller just pops back in time, makes a few teeny little changes.....and then leaves without leaving any 'major changes'.

It is nonsense.

In reality, the TINIEST little change can have world changing effects. Imagine that you travelled back in time to 1889...and killed a single sperm cell. The sperm cell destined to ultimately become Adolf Hitler. You've made a tiny change......yet now there is all of a sudden no WW2 and 60 million lives are now not prematurely ended. The change in history would likely mean that you probably would not even be born. The global power map would be totally different...etc...etc......all from just one tiny change.
It is presumptuous on our part to determine what 'any' time traveler would or would not do, especially considering the fact that as far as we know, we haven't run across one, yet.

Who here could really establish the intention's of any particular time traveler ? Maybe there ARE "evil" time travelers who intend to cause chaos and anarchy, and those who engage in the opposite.

When it comes down to the bottom-line, we have no say-so regarding any time traveler's behaviour. For all we know, Hitler ( as an example ) was meant to be; IF it wasn't actually "that" man, the early death of Adolf, may have laid the foundation for someone else to accomplish the same as he.

For all we know, maybe in some time-line's, Hitler was far worse. That some time traveler didn't influence Hitler with becoming Mad as a Hatter, we couldn't say with 100 percent conviction.

BTW: HDRKid...your statement above about "those" people that run this place NOT believing in time travel is not entirely accurate. I believe in time travel, just don't believe there has been one that has come forward here, yet. Just because someone says they believe in something, does not mean that it is appropriate to believe in every claim that happens by.

You also have introduced an interesting question. A Tarot Card reader, who can "see" into the future: Is such a person to be defined as a "Time Traveler" or no ?
You also have introduced an interesting question. A Tarot Card reader, who can "see" into the future: Is such a person to be defined as a "Time Traveler" or no ?
I know this might not be an answer to your question, but still I wanted to give my thoughts on seeing into the future.

I have thought about "seeing into the future" for a long time and have come up with 2 theories.
For the sake of simplicity from now on I'll call "seeing into the future" the future-gaze.
(I know you could say clairvoyance, but that seems to be not only confined to seeing into the future)

Alright, I think there are essentially 2 types of future-gazes:
1. The "normal" future-gaze during which you see events that can be prevented.
2. The future-gaze during which you see events that cannot be prevented.

I have dubbed the second type of future-gazing the "cassandra gaze". More on that later.

About #1:
Let's assume that when you gaze into the future, you can see events that would've normally transpired, had you not have the ability to gaze into the future.
This means the version of the future you see, is a future that includes all the events that follow your future-gazing, WITHOUT having the knowledge of the future-gaze you're performing right now.
For example you could see yourself getting run over by a car, because you picked up a coin in the middle of the street.
What you can do now is to prevent this from happening by NEVER EVER picking up a coin from the middle of any street!
I don't say you cannot die of other causes, but you can prevent this specific event from happening.

About the cassandra-gaze (#2):
Let's assume here that when you gaze into the future, you can see events that will transpire exactly as you see them, no matter what you do.
And with "no matter what you do" I don't mean that something magically interferes to make the events happen, but rather that the very actions you do to prevent it, will actually be the cause of the event.
This means the version of the future you see, is a future that includes all the events that follow your future-gazing, INCLUDING the knowledge of the future-gaze you're performing right now.
so the very act of gazing into the future changed it to another future that would not necessarily have transpired, had you not gazed.
Because of the dilemma of not being able to prevent what is coming, this is what brought me to dub it the "cassandra-gaze".

The "normal" future-gaze is what you'd like to have, since you see a future that would've normally transpired.
You can prevent anything you see there, because those events don't came into existence because of your knowledge.

The "cassandra-gaze" on the other hand is NOT what you'd like to have, since you see a future that will transpire the way you saw it.
You cannot prevent what you see there, because those events came into existence BECAUSE of your future knowledge.

If you'd have the "normal" version, awesome.
If you'd have the "cassandra" version, I think it's best not to gaze into the future EVER! Except for if you like mental torture or would like to know how exactly you die.
I prefer not to know how it will end.

P.S.: Sorry, this was supposed to be shorter, I hope you don't mind that much. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
No...I don't think your post was too long. I have the same habit. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I was once told by someone I consider to be as real a psychic as one can get, and it was said that even IF a terrible event was foreseen, it would not be mentioned for the simple fact that the mere mention of it could BE the cause.

As you said, if you saw yourself getting hit by a car. This result's in a paranoia about car's, maybe specific cars, as in blue Toyota's. Then at some point, you see a blue Toyota, get all freaked out and run for it, and get slammed down by a bus.

IF you hadn't seen the event, then you might have not been influenced by fear, and would have simply moved to the sidewalk, safe and sound.

The difference I would consider are those events that happen that don't have any real outcome or specific actions required to take place.

In another thread here, I posted about an event that happened to me. I was driving on a remote dirt road in the Mojave. As I was traveling along the road, I had an image ( with the feeling's of a memory )of coming across a certain type of truck, stuck in the sand, my associates and myself stopping and helping.

I didn't really have any particular direction in mind, and when coming to a crossroad, selected a direction to travel, in a manner I considered to be random.

When we came up over a rise in the road, to my astonishment, there was "the" truck stuck in the sand on the side of the road. The truck in the sand was exactly as I had foreseen in the pre-memory ?

We did stop and help. However, in the pre-memory, the method of getting him out, was slightly different than the method we used in getting the truck free of the sand. In the pre-memory, I saw us using shovels to place vegatation under the wheel's of the truck, and in the image, this wasnt working. I can still remember the pre-memory of the motorist smoking his tires on the material we shoved around the wheels.

Without myself saying anything, one of my associates already began to utilize ropes to hook to the bumper of the stranded vehicle,and a few of the other folks jumping into the bedof his truck to add weight, and we pulled him out, instead of the alternative "memory".

After the event was said and done, "I" now have two sets of memories of the event. One set, that didn't occur as I remember, and the other set, as the event played out.

I never felt as though that I actually played an active role in any portion of the event.

I like the term you used in your post...has a certain feel to it, "Cassandra Gaze". Awesome, mon.

Is mind-travel the same as time travel ? HDRKid, sitting in a chair, using a device to have "visions" of the future, isn't that much different than the Tarot Card reader, is it ?

So, could any of us declare that the Tarot Card reader is in fact a time traveler ?

Where do we draw the line, and establish a foundation as to whom is a bonafide "time" traveler ?

When I come across the term "time traveler", it immediately brings up the image of someone entering into a machine, and physically traveling to somewhere along the time-line. Not somebody sitting in one spot in time, and mentally being in another.

( whoops -- just noticed the other thread that is about this exact concept ) /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif
Traveling back in time and buying ice cream will not effect the time line.
Unless it's from an ice cream parlor owned by Hitler's father which allows him to send him to a better school and take a different path in life. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif And don't you all know that Hitler was a time traveler?
In a way, we all are time travelers, traveling in one direction. Once in a while. We send a mental message to ourself in the past. Warning our past self not to do certain thing. Not in words, but in feelings.