Did anyone meet John Titor?


You have misrepresented so much material I don't have the energy to counter each and every one of point. About the only thing I can say about your posts is that you obviously are out to prove JT was a hoax and that agenda has clouded your reasoning.

And you hope to post so much material that anyone reading without a lot of knowledge of the Titor material might accept what you have written.

To give just one example using your use of Bob Dubke.

Bob said he thought Titor a hoax. I mean what do you expect him to say. He has not read and studied all the material. He did say this though:

According to Bob Dubke, the second engineer on IBM's 5100 team in Rochester, that secret function was his contribution to the design of the computer. The function, which IBM suppressed because of worries about how their competition might use it, was an interface between the assembly code surrounding the computer's ROM exterior, and the 360 emulator hidden beneath it. (IBM declined to comment for this story.) The 5100's emulator gave programmers access to the functions of the monstrous, and much less portable machines, that IBM had produced during the 1960s. An imprint of a hook on the outside of the 5100 symbolized the ability of Dubke's interface to drop into what Titor called "legacy code," and scoop out any necessary operating instructions.

If you read this and understand JT's material you will see that Bob has confirmed what Titor wrote about the capabilities of the 5100.

You wrote:

"An emulator alone will not perform any tasks related to conversion or disassembly."

Well wtf do you think "ability of Dubke's interface to drop into what Titor called "legacy code," and scoop out any necessary operating instructions." means?
Newbie wrote:

"This knowledge was easily available on the internet regarding what IBM did to get APL to work on the 5100 at the time JT was posting. They added some S/360 hardware so they could use their old APL interpreter to save time and ensure compatibility. ALL OF JT'S INFO WAS FREELY AVAILABLE ON THE NET WHEN HE POSTED."

Show me anyplace on the Internet that says what JT said about the 5100 secret functions that were available before Oct. 2000 whose features were CONFIRMED SEVERAL YEARS LATER BY THE IBM ENGINEER WHO DEVELOPED THE FEATURE. I would be very interested if you can provide that infomration.

Just one. You said it was freely available. All I'm looking for is one. That should be easy for you.
"I'm not saying JT is a complete hoax, but the 5110 computer, the 'unix' bug and the LHC are fully, completely, BS."

I woulnt say that. He told about the Y2K in his Worldline. Considering no Y2K in our Worldline, he cannot be flawed on 'UNIX' bug. Perfect Work!
MEM, my suggestion would be to do research on Y2K. Being in the computer industry, you will be the best person. Try finding out how we got alarmed and got Y2K solved and what is the effect of it if it did occur. Cuz Titor asked us to think very hard on that subject . That could be the key to this Titor Puzzle.

If you look back at the Y2K issue it will lead you to the mid-1960's. The issue was well known 35 years before 1-JAN-2000.

The issue became something to be aware of back in the 60's because most computers were in banks, insurance companies, stock brokerages and in government...basically the financials sector and their related government agencies (like the IRS and Social Security Admin.).

Mortgages, insurance policies, annuities, bonds and other long-term financial instruments often had 30 year pay-off/out schedules and maturities. Back then the 30-year real estate mortgage was the norm.

By 1970 the programs running the financials were peering over the Y2K horizon into 2000. So this problem was not a surprise to anyone - it was well known to be an issue for at least 35 years.

In Titor's story he goes back to 1975 to warn everyone. They already knew about it by then because they had already been dealing with Y2K patches for at least five years

The Y2K issue as most people seem to remember it and how Titor wanted you to view it wasn't a real problem. General purpose mainframe computers were patched in a rather straightforward manner as were PC's. It was expensive and time consuming but it wasn't a huge mystery. Going to IBM to tell hs grandfather about the problem was going to the wrong people.

The true concern with Y2K was embedded systems that were small single board computers dedicated to a few very specific tasks. These dedicated SBC's were often burried deep into industrial machinery where getting to them for a fix was difficult at best and sometimes virtually impossible.

The fear was that when their clocks rollled over they would either stop working or stop timing the programmed events properly - resulting in the loss of production, the machine or in extreme circumstances the entire plant (for instance a refinery's cracking tower...which might explode).

IBM had very little (if anything) to do with these embedded systems. And the only real Y2K issues that came up were in embedded systems - he didn't prevent those failures.
Thanks for the explanation Darby. I have a few things to say:

Re:"By 1970 the programs running the financials were peering over the Y2K horizon into 2000. So this problem was not a surprise to anyone - it was well known to be an issue for at least 35 years.

In Titor's story he goes back to 1975 to warn everyone. They already knew about it by then because they had already been dealing with Y2K patches for at least five years"

He NEVER said he's gonna warn everyone in 1975. Where did u get that? In fact, he said:

“Yes, the Pearl Harbor example relates to Y2K. Have you considered that I might already have accidentally screwed up your worldline?”

He said he "accidentally screwed" our worldline regarding Y2K. So he wasn't purposely going to 1998 to warn about Y2K and send Faxes. I will never agree with the fact that he "saved" us from Y2K cuz he wanted to be a "savior".

There is some other reason we should think about- Why he went to 1998 instead of going to 2000 directly? What promise he made to his Grandfather while he knows that he and his family are not gonna die in the disaster, the civil war and the nuclear war?
Darby wrote:

"In Titor's story he goes back to 1975 to warn everyone" (about Y2K)

Where did you get that from?
Re:The necessary argument:

The necessary argument:

Darby,..Wait a second Creedo, go no further?

Creedo,..What!...?..I'm going to be late for class on you account, can't this wait?

Darby,..I've got to know a few things and your going to tell me.

Creedo,..Okay, what's on your mind.

Darby,...Well these test answers, for one, what on Earth did you mean in the AVP answer, both species, order of crustrcia?

Creed,..I said crustacia, as one the object was black, external shell and not reticulation.

Darby,..And the other?

Creedo,...That's easy.All seafloor creatures in that order, have a tendency to be blotchy on the outside.

Darby,..So it couldn't have been,....Creedo,...Order of reptilia?


Well what about the photo you said you had?...Creedo,...Of Her?...Darby,..Yea, what of it?

Someone dropped it off at my p.m. box here.

Darby,..Someone?....Creedo,...Yea' someone.

Darby,..You know you can be kicked out of the academy for stalking?

Creedo,..No I didn't.I did just like I had promised you.

Darby,...Why aren't you at TTF?

Creedo,..Because it's a rigged game.

Darby,..Don't go into it, I believe you.

One last one....On your class project, you have an old stile shuttle in that hangar and about a thousand a day.The ion engine is still on the crane and isn't mounted?

Creedo,..I got the non-Kevlar blanket applied to the sub strata, so that the outer-shell can take hits.
The windows are made of a new stuff, that deflect meteors better.

Darby,..The ion engine, your instructor wants to know?

Creedo,..Hey look, Im stuck between a rock and a hard place.
One says I can mount it so the class project is complete.The other says if I mount this engine, it would be a violation and I would be reported.

Darby,..So break the law.........Creedo,..I guess this engine could get mounted, I mean by itself, the photo taken and then somehow unmount itself?

Darby,..Buy Rainman flowers and some candy.

Creedo,...Okay.Sign my palm-clip so I can make class on your boards....Salutes

Darby in that other land sit at the picnic table.

Aunt Creedo comes over with more potato salad.

Darby,..Aunt Creedo!?, excuse me, but my camera for some reason won't pick up the people sitting on that side side of the picnic table?

Aunt Creedo,..Yes, I know dear, they're like that.

Darby sits with the other half of this thirty-five foot long table, have Aliens and Predators sitting across from each other, all eating potato salad.

Darby,...Are you sure this is safe Aunt Creedo?...Aunt Creedo only smile over her bifocals shelling out more boles of potato salad and reassures Darby, that everything will be alright.
Re:The necessary argument:

Ohhh looks like fun, let me try.

Creedo : Ren, whatever should I do? I've fallen and I can't get up.

Ren : Ummm, have you tried Standing?

Creedo : oh, hey that works.

Ren : So Creedo my ol' buddy ol' pal ol' friend of mine, where's that 200 bucks you owe me?

Creedo : As soon as I quit my day job at the institution I will get you your money.

Ren : So what did you Buy for 200 bucks?

Creedo : Roomba, ahh yes me says its a robot from the FUTURE.

Ren : I heard a great joke the other day Creedo, want to hear?

Creedo : Sure, as long as its not about me.

Ren : ummmm, well, I heard a great joke the other day, want to hear?

Creedo : Sure, ohhh shiny object. <Creedo now distracted looks away>

Ren : What has 2 legs, wears a dress and sandels, howls at the moon, quacks like a duck, swims like a baboon, smells like rotting whale carcass and burning hair, feels like sandpaper, looks like a redneck, speaks with an accent, speaks in the 3rd person, depends on Depends, lives in the basement of his parents, wets the bed, prefers the company of other guys, has an obsession with potato salad and makes no sense when it talks?

Creedo : ummm, I give up.

Ren : Hey look over there its a shiny object.

Creedo : Ohhhhh, ahhhhhhh, shiny object. <Creedo picks up shiny object>
MEM and Herc,

Titor was chosen for his mission, according to Boomer's writings, because gramps was on the IBM 5100 development team. His job was to contact gramps and obtain an original 5100 (or 5110 - depends on which version of his posts you choose to accept).

Jump to The Book - the book centers not on Y2K38...it centers on Y2k. The mission was to prevent Y2K by warning the right people ("everyone" means those who could do something about it...obviously warning the milkman might be be cute but it wouldn't be very useful) - not Y2K38. During his posts he talks about his discussions with gramps and his promise. In The Book he takes indirect credit for preventing Y2K.

And the original faxes don't mention Y2K38 at all. They warn that Y2K will be a crippling worldwide and deadly disaster. (Again - the faxes didn't warn anyone who didn't "know"...Gary North was already blithering on Art Bell's show ad nauseum about doom-and-gloom Y2K events. Gary told me that on 1-2-2000 while he was sittin' comfortable in his house trailer somewhere in the Arkansas winter wilderness I'd be assuming room temperature in Santa Barbara.
Re:The necessary argument:

Ren : What has 2 legs, wears a dress and sandels, howls at the moon, quacks like a duck, swims like a baboon, smells like rotting whale carcass and burning hair, feels like sandpaper, looks like a redneck, speaks with an accent, speaks in the 3rd person, depends on Depends, lives in the basement of his parents, wets the bed, prefers the company of other guys, has an obsession with potato salad and makes no sense when it talks?

/ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif Hmmm... This is a very tough riddle. Anyone care to guess who? Creedo, do you know the answer?

LMAO, that's pretty harsh... though I don't doubt that it's true. I think your fed up with the nonsensical posts. I don't blame you. This guy has been on my nerves since I registered.
Darby wrote:

"The mission was to prevent Y2K by warning the right people ("everyone" means those who could do something about it...obviously warning the milkman might be be cute but it wouldn't be very useful) - not Y2K38. During his posts he talks about his discussions with gramps and his promise. In The Book he takes indirect credit for preventing Y2K."

We must be referring to something other than JT's postings because what you have witten is so far off from what JT wrote.

I can only assume you are interpretting what JT wrote. In such cases you should label your comments as interpretations least someone new to the material will get the impression you are stating fact.
His job was to contact gramps and obtain an original 5100 (or 5110 - depends on which version of his posts you choose to accept).

Ya know, I never really thought about it before. But what are the odds that a potential Time Traveller would have a relative working on a project in 1975 that is exactly/precisely related to something that is needed in 2036?

How many did JT say? there were 10-20 time travelers? Ok, and lets just go with 100 million people in america at the time, its a nice round number. so the odds than 1 traveler in a group of 10-20 would actually be related to someone on this project Must be astronomical.

So lets do a Test to see just how ridiculous this claim might be.

Has anybody here, a relative, who worked at Chevrolet in 1940 and specifically on the Chevrolet Master Deluxe car?
"Jump to The Book - the book centers not on Y2K38...it centers on Y2k. The mission was to prevent Y2K by warning the right people ("everyone" means those who could do something about it...obviously warning the milkman might be be cute but it wouldn't be very useful) - not Y2K38. During his posts he talks about his discussions with gramps and his promise. In The Book he takes indirect credit for preventing Y2K."

I dont think he used the word "warning". In my point of view, he did take "Credits" for Y2K solving. Check this thread:

Re:For those who don\'t know?

From link> http://www.rmslaw.com/articles/art8.htm


The Y2K problem arises because many computer programs - and almost all older ones - use only two digits to identify dates, with the software being programmed to assume that the year begins with a "19." Thus, when the year 2000 rolls around, any systems using such software will read the date as January 1, 1900. This may seem like a fairly minor defect, but the consequences can be catastrophic, as the following example illustrates.

Suppose your mother was born in 1934. In the year 1999, computers using two-digit date codes will calculate her age by simply subtracting "34" from "99" and correctly conclude that she is 65 years old. In the year 2000, however, the same computers will subtract "34" from "00" and determine her age to be negative 34. What will the computer do with this miscalculation? There are two possibilities. First, the software may simply "crash" because of the anomalous result. More likely, and perhaps even worse, the computer may be programmed to disregard the minus sign and conclude that Mom is 34 years old instead of 66, the correct answer.

The possible consequences of this are alarming. For example, whereas a government computer will authorize the issuance of a Social Security check to a 66-year-old, it generally won't make payments to healthy 34-year-olds. Similarly, while 66-year-olds are entitled to withdraw funds from IRAs and 401(k) plans without penalty, 34-year-olds cannot. Thus, if Mom is dependent on Social Security distributions, pension funds or annuities to defray her living expenses, she may be left without crucial resources as the result of Y2K glitches. Moreover, mistakes may not always work against the individual: older persons may see their life and health insurance premiums drop as the result of Y2K glitches and younger persons may receive age-dependent benefits they would not be entitled to for years. In such cases, companies who wrongly lose revenues or disburse monies will be faced with the choice of seeking recovery from the individuals benefited, suing one or more companies connected with the faulty computer systems, or swallowing the loss.

Some have minimized the possibility of such catastrophic consequences of Y2K glitches, pointing out, for example, that lenders managed to issue mortgages with 30-year terms in 1970 without incident. It is probably true that the popular press (and many legal commentators) have overstated the possible results of the Year 2000 bug: both businesses and governments are well aware of the negative publicity and potential liability associated with starving senior citizens and have taken steps to avoid at least the most dramatic adverse Y2K outcomes. However, it would be a mistake to therefore assume that all is well.
Re:The necessary argument:

Dan B - you are truly creative. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

That was a great story! And, unbelievable to the rest of humanity, I actually believe that I understood it. (OMG - help me...I can understand Creedo's lingo.
Re:The necessary argument:

Creedo,...like to be creativity?,...Someone like Creedo stories?,...Darby understoods Creedo?,...Creedo like potato salad?