Did anyone meet John Titor?


Temporal Novice

This is a serious post - I am writer in London reseraching this topic (amongst other Time travel realted stories) for a documentary.

Does anybody out there calim to have or know anyone who clamed to meet JT?
I don't know if I believe the whole JT story or not, but I remain open minded so please serious replies only.

Either post here or contact me off forum at:
This is a serious post - I am writer in London reseraching this topic (amongst other Time travel realted stories) for a documentary.

JT is best suited for Documentary- As far as I know, logically he cannot be flawed.

Does anybody out there calim to have or know anyone who clamed to meet JT?
I don't know if I believe the whole JT story or not, but I remain open minded so please serious replies only.

JT was a top secret mission, so no witnesses.
You would have to talk to Pamela, I believe she is the formost hoaxpert, or expert if you will, on the JT story.

My understanding was that nobody physically met him while he was here except his family...
JT is best suited for Documentary- As far as I know, logically he cannot be flawed.

I disagree Herc, the 5100/5110 (Codename Yellowstone) was only of use because it had a built in ibm mainframe emmulator. You don't need an old slow 5100 when you can get a free open source ibm emmulator, without a 2038 date bug, running on a fast 64 bit machine.

He called it a tweaked 5100 in his posts but in an irc chat he called it a 5110. http://www.anomalies.net/time_traveler/irc.html

"Unix" wont be around in 2036, "Caldera" systems bought whats left of the unix copyright shortly after JT went back to the future. And even Caldera uses a modified linux kernel in their unix solutions now. Linux and Unix are closely tied, there's nothing you can do on Unix that can't be accomplished on linux. I don't buy the unix bug explanation.

AND there was no discovery at the LHC related to JT's prediction. The only thing close was at the RHIC in New York. http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-th/0501068


Pamela's editorial is the earliest record of JT's posts I can find on anomalies.net. In that thread, the middle of the re-posts, she proclaims:

Thankyou John's parents!!
That means John made it ok!!! I was so worried!
Alright John!
John, If you are reading this in the future....
I will treasure it always.
smileys for you.............. x100
(I had more smileys on but it wouldnt post all of them!..had to go back and delete some! heheheh)

And when someone asks her to explain,

As to your request to enlighten or explain more. I was excited when I wrote that post.I shouldnt have posted right away but I did. I had not heard from John's parents and feared the worst. When I received what I did I became overly excited.this was the only way that I could think to send a message back to them. I am sorry if you did not like my use of this forum in that manner. You do not have to send me nasty emails about it either! You know who you are! To the nasty emailer.. I will tell you, I personally could care less what you think of me.

I was given something that I had asked for. what I received is for me and would not prove anything to anybody.
It was not the video. I am hoping to still receive that but
I have no control over what they will and will not send me.

There's no way for JT to signal he's ok after he leaves this worldline.


Another interpretation you might want to look at

the possibility that JT was warning us about a Yellowstone eruption
Newbie wrote:

"You don't need an old slow 5100 when you can get a free open source ibm emmulator, without a 2038 date bug, running on a fast 64 bit machine."


He needs the 5100/5110 to read old IBM machine code and translate that code to some other code, I'm not sure which one.

An emulator will run code written for another machine, not read code and convert it to some other code.
Newbie wrote:

"AND there was no discovery at the LHC related to JT's prediction. The only thing close was at the RHIC in New York."


From JT's posts:

Other: You mentioned that the physics behind time travel will be realized within the next year at CERN. Currently, the project being run at CERN is the LEP, the large electron positron collider. It was scheduled to be shut down this past November but was not due to some potential evidence of a missing component of the Standard Model, the Higgs Boson.

Titor: I’m pretty sure they have a number of experiments going on at the same time at CERN. The one I’m referring to involves very high energies using protons. From my historical perspective on my worldline, I do recall the issue was a point of contention about 18 months ago or so. There were some scientists who thought the experiments were too dangerous to try.

Other: It is true that CERN has 4 detectors/experiments but they are all centered around the LEP experiment. There are no experiments at CERN which deal with accelerating protons at this time. There is a planned experiment in 2005, when the Large Hadron collider takes over the tunnel at which the LEP is located. The experiment you refer to is not at CERN it is at RHIC in Brookhaven National Lab on Long Island, it is an attempt to create a quark gluon plasma, a form of matter which would have been present shortly after the big bang but before condensation of quarks into particles like protons and neutrons.

Titor: I have never claimed to be a physicist or an expert on what the CERN laboratory is doing at any given moment …….. My comments about the CERN lab are in reference to particle accelerators in general ……

Meaning when he says CERN he means particle accelerators labs in general. He admits he is no expert to exactly which lab some of these experiments are first made. He uses CERN to represent the labs in Sandia, Brookhaven, and CERN. I mean it was over 25 years ago, for him anyway. I know I don't know my history that well. Like which labs, Chicago, New Mexico, New York did the major breakthroughs take place on the road to discovering the secrets of the A-Bomb.

I believe he is saying:

The breakthrough in creating enough energy to artificially create a micro-singularity will be made (may have already been made by now) at the RHIC in Brookhaven National Lab.

Once CERN brings their large electron positron (LEP) collider on line they will create and control micro-singularities a fraction of the size of an electron.
An emulator will run code written for another machine, not read code and convert it to some other code.

No, you are incorrect. A 5100/5110 will not TRANSLATE anything unless you wrote an APL or a BASIC script do the translation. And even then you're not going to translate much in 64K of ram, and even then you're going to be using tape or 8.5" floppies which aren't around anymore. And you are going to wait a LONG time for an APL script to translate source code. It was a slow machine. The 5100 couldn't translate anything via hardware, it had a genuine s/360 mainframe emmulator which was freaking amazing for the size of the unit at the time.

You could use a small perl script to translate APL to anything though. Take me 5 minutes and a few regex's if you give me the specs.
Other: It is true that CERN has 4 detectors/experiments but they are all centered around the LEP experiment. There are no experiments at CERN which deal with accelerating protons at this time. There is a planned experiment in 2005, when the Large Hadron collider takes over the tunnel at which the LEP is located. The experiment you refer to is not at CERN it is at RHIC in Brookhaven National Lab on Long Island, it is an attempt to create a quark gluon plasma, a form of matter which would have been present shortly after the big bang but before condensation of quarks into particles like protons and neutrons.

Titor: I have never claimed to be a physicist or an expert on what the CERN laboratory is doing at any given moment …….. My comments about the CERN lab are in reference to particle accelerators in general ……

Titor was an expert on physics and colliders compared to me. And it was common knowledge that the LHC was going to be delayed a year, and common knowledge the RHIC was doing the experiments he spoke about. If he didn't lie on purpose to make this a "gem", he totally missed the mark on this one.
and seriously, what 32 bit code would they still have laying around in 2038?

If any, that 64 bit emmulator will be able to run without recompiling to fix the date bug. The part about the PC was fake, the Unix was fake, the LHC was fake. So...
Ren wrote:

"No, but a Compiler will."

Wrong again. A compiler will transfer a higher-level language into machine readable code, but not the other way around.

Do you think about these questions or do you just write down the first thing that pops in your head?

JT Wrote:

On my world line, it is known that the 5100 series is capable of reading all the IBM code written before the widespread use of APL and Basic.

In 2036, it was discovered (or at least known after testing) that the 5100 computer was capable of reading and changing all of the legacy code written by IBM before the release of that system and still be able to create new code in APL and basic. That is the reason we need it in 2036. However, that information was never published by IBM because it would have probably destroyed a large part of their business infrastructure in the early 70s. In fact, I would bet the engineers were probably told to keep their mouth’s shut.

I'm not saying that the above quotes are true. I have no way of knowing that. And niether would you unless you worked on the 5100 back in 1975. In fact one of the original engineers on the project confirmed this hidden capability in an article published a couple of years back.

And your statement below totally misses the point:

"You could use a small perl script to translate APL to anything though"

That is not what JT is talking about. He is talking about reading IBM machine code so that it could be reprogrammed in a higher level language. He is talking about translating machine code, not source code. If it were source code you would be right.
Wrong again. A compiler will transfer a higher-level language into machine readable code, but not the other way around.

Do you think about these questions or do you just write down the first thing that pops in your head?

Geez you don't have to rip me apart, I do think about these questions, I don't automatically say the first thing that pops into my head.

A Decompiler would do it. A Decompiler would convert machine readable code into higher level language which could then be translated into any of your preferred languages such as c++.
Newbie wrote:

“I disagree Herc, the 5100/5110 (Codename Yellowstone) was only of use because it had a built in ibm mainframe emmulator. You don't need an old slow 5100 when you can get a free open source ibm emmulator, without a 2038 date bug, running on a fast 64 bit machine.

"Unix" wont be around in 2036, "Caldera" systems bought whats left of the unix copyright shortly after JT went back to the future. And even Caldera uses a modified linux kernel in their unix solutions now. Linux and Unix are closely tied, there's nothing you can do on Unix that can't be accomplished on linux. I don't buy the unix bug explanation.

AND there was no discovery at the LHC related to JT's prediction. The only thing close was at the RHIC in New York.”

I agree newbie. What is you say could be correct. But consider this:

JT wrote:

“Your example of what people would do based on something I might say is accurate. However, my concern would be the potential actions of a single person, not the masses. In 1963, if I suggested that someone should watch the book depository windows as the President went by, the actions of a single person might have a huge impact on history. You also asked if I've visited my "past" family. That's where I am now.”

Then he talks about the Y2K.

“For a change, I have a question for all of you. I want you to think very hard. What major disaster was expected and prepared for in the last year and a half that never happened?”

He openly said our worldline never had Y2K. So his Worldline has been through it. Do you understand what difference does it make in ours, considering the Unix and Linux in our Worldline. We may not even have the bug he had.

And, I don’t know Pamela. Can you please explain me who she is and how is she involved in JT?

I've never heard of a de-compiler. And I work in the computer industry. Maybe there is and I've just never heard of one.

Show me one that works for old IBM machine code and I will know Titor is a fake.
Herc wrote:

"He openly said our worldline never had Y2K. So his Worldline has been through it."

Incorrect. He never said that. If you think he did show me where.

He did say that this worldline and his were "almost exactly alike."

I have a hard time believing that he would say they are almost exactly alike where his worldline had a Y2K disaster and this worldline did not.
Its very likely that no one ever will meet a 'John Titor', if I do, he'll have alot to answer for. I think a documentary on this would be a good idea, but do not use 'eyewitnesses' anonymous or not, tell it from your point of view. I would however include expert scientists and other experts to analyse the whole story.

Good Scientist
"He openly said our worldline never had Y2K. So his Worldline has been through it."

Incorrect. He never said that. If you think he did show me where.

He never said that, but he asked "does anyone know why you never had Y2K?". Can you make a guess how Y2K was solved in our Worldline? He said something:

“Yes, the Pearl Harbor example relates to Y2K. Have you considered that I might already have accidentally screwed up your worldline?”

What did he mean by that? He told his grandfather about Y2K?

In 1998, via his two faxes to Art Bell (Coast-2-Coast), Titor said that Y2K was a world disaster. The dead were stacked like cordwood. He was saying exactly what Art's audience expected - because Gary North was a frequent guest on C-2-C.

He didn't change that POV until sometime after 2-NOV-2000 when he started posting here as "TimeTravel_0". It was only then that he suggested that he and gramps somehow avoided Y2K.

Of course changing the POV 11 months after 1-JAN-2000 was a somewhat easy call to make. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif