Well then.. I guess we should definitely not question the current science of the day heh?
Questioning current science is fine, but until you can falsify current science you cannot make a valid claim that current science is "wrong". This is a point that myself and Darby have consistently made on this site.
But Rainman.. are you saying it would be better for a time traveler to come on THIS web site and NOT mention time travel and just say "Hi, I am from another place and have some questions?"
No, that is not what I am saying. I believe I made it clear that it is the "claim" to being a time traveler that is problematic. There is no real point to the claim that adds to whatever a potential time traveler's "mission" may be. The claim serves nothing more than an attention-getter. It is similar to an American going to, let's say, Australia and saying "I am from America, and I have a message for you and wish to learn from you and answer your questions." The "I am from America" part serves no purpose other than to call attention to something that makes no difference to the "mission".
If he was on this web site he would only be asking questions on what you felt about time travel.
That is an assumption that you have not validated.
If he asked anything else here without claiming to be a time traveler would he not be out of topic?
By this logic, would you not be saying that all of the rest of us, non-time travelers, are all off-topic? I think this premise is a bit silly.
Why do they have to show absolute proof right away?
Because they have made an extraordinary claim. Again, I point out that it is the CLAIM that causes problems. As Carl Sagan is often quoted as saying "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."
When you know it is virtually impossible to prove you are a time traveler over the internet.
Not only do I not "know" this, but I challenge this as truth. Any one of us who has legitimately challenged so-called time traveler's claims have offered-up PLENTY of various means for them to legitimize themselves. But each time these means are met with weak answers, reasons why they cannot comply, or outright ignoring of our requests.
From what you are saying a real time traveler would have very little hope of communication on this web site. Because you are saying you will not communicate unless he shows absolute proof first.
Then why do they make the claim, if it is not for attention as I surmise?
Here is one thing you have totally missed. Once proof is "somehow" totally proven thats all you would have. You would not have a chance to ask questions after that because he would have to do you say it? "high tail it out of here."
Again, this is an assumption of yours that I do not think you have fully validated. You are relying on what "John" explained to you as truth (and you do this often, such as with respect to how you assume "worldlines" work).
To tell you the truth.. after considering all that I truly do not know why they would even bother to post here at all. I think that is kind of selfish. It would all be just for you and he would gain nothing from it. After all he doesn't have to prove to himself he is a time traveler.
Again, this is all true but should this not again lead back to the question of "why make the claim?" WHAT DOES THE CLAIM TO BE A TIME TRAVELER SERVE???? Every single hoaxer we have seen (including Titor) has been emphatic that they do not care if we believe them. If this is true, and they are not just seeking attention, then WHY MAKE THE CLAIM? This is the question that is never sufficiently answered.
Ok let us think about this then. If you were a real time traveler..How could communication work out?
Post just enough pictures to be interesting enough to talk to. Post the real thing.. nothing fake. Do not post anything that would show absolute proof so you could participate in questions and answers. The more balance you keep the longer you can participate in Q&A.
Keep a very careful balance and remember that your worldline may be different than ours so don't make any detailed predictions. If you do make detailed predictions remind the people things are not always going to turn out exactly the same and why. keep in mind if you go too far authorities may believe you are real or even worse some type of terrorist. Do not answer any questions falsely and be honest about what you know or do not know.
How is that? It sounds an awful lot like what John attempted.
Once again we see that you tend to model the INTENTION of any time traveler and their claim after your experience with "John". I have yet to see you really critically question whether "John" was real... but yes, I know... you will tell us all that you have all the proof you need... proof that no one else is privvy to. That is precisely why I refer to you as the "information validator" of Group Titor.
Makes me wonder how he knew to do all of that so well.
And I guess the potential answer of "it was a well-thought-out hoax which is not falsifiable" doesn't come to mind?
And I hope you do not again think I am being rude. Just as you, these are my honest opinions that I share.