Covid: Trump said "This was artificially induced"

makes my point and not laughing:


Bio-hazard research limitations 

The National Institute of Health declared a research funding moratorium on select Gain-of-Function virus research in January 2015.[55] Questions about a potential escape of a modified virus from a biosafety lab and the utility of, dual use research of concern (DURC), prompted the NIH funding policy revision.[56][57]


GMO lentivirus incident


A scientist claims she was infected by a genetically modified virus while working for Pfizer. In her federal lawsuit she says she has been intermittently paralyzed by the Pfizer-designed virus. "McClain, of Deep River, suspects she was inadvertently exposed, through work by a former Pfizer colleague in 2002 or 2003, to an engineered form of the, a virus similar to the one that can lead to acquired immune deficiency syndrome, or AIDS."[58] The court found that McClain failed to demonstrate that her illness was caused by exposure to the lentivirus,[59] but also that Pfizer violated protection laws.[60]

I consider wisdom as the ability to ignore what can be accomplished in favor of deciding whether it should be.


I wish there was something for scientists equivalent to financial world "Past success does not guarantee future performance."


Maybe "Safe in a controlled petri dish does not guarantee safe in the uncontrollable real world?"



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Hang in there. I will be marinating this topic for a while and also, we haven't had an official re-opening, yet. Things will get busier soon.
"Why" is both a simple and complicated question. Why use a virus as a weapon? It's sneaky and very difficult to trace. It can take down an economy and ruin a civilization. The people perpetrating this virus can receive a vaccine in advance, assuming it was carefully planned.

Nuclear weapons destroy the planet and the attack would most likely be returned.

Putting politics aside, I've always wondered if viruses were Earth's way of cleaning up the planet. After all, humans are basically parasites.

Earth does a great job of healing herself.
Thanks - I appreciate your take on this. similar to the "cleaning up" - my original though was more akin to a refinement or advancement.

Maybe a clarification of this question is - are there other means to "induce" a response that (can be / or is being) characterized as what we currently believe**** is a response to a virus - and If so why would one do this??
Suspend disbelief - Ignore the "virus" for now - what else would cause this and why???

Thanks in advance for insight to what is simply a curiosity to me.
What else would cause this and why?

Poisoned food?

Fake placebo effect?


The masters controlling the simulation?


Mother Earth?

Particles from meteorites?


Solar Flares?

Reaction to screwing with the timeline?

Psychic powers?

It could all be fake as well and the so called virus is just the flu.

I find the likes of radiation, electro magnetics, and radio frequency things to be suitable stressors which may invoke a response similar to the effects we are seeing from this virus.

Do we have any of those communicators like in star trek which scotty can lock on to - except in reverse??

Sure would explain social distancing.

but what do I know - just kicking the can, and certainly would prefer to be wrong.

I find the likes of radiation, electro magnetics, and radio frequency things to be suitable stressors which may invoke a response similar to the effects we are seeing from this virus.
But the entire world at once? And not even every person?

Regardless of who I am or not, it seems we've hit a dead end.
Good day
The virus is a weapon.

O.k. So time travel is very straight forward.

What you do is you start with a radioactive element called Nihonium 113.

You pelt that will subatomic particles until it becomes Moscovium 115.

This creates a bubble in space-time-distance. It's a micro-black(hole)marble.

This bubble creates a ring of ripples. The bubble is your present time. The outer rings of ripples are the past of an alternate universe.

As you are levitating over the ripples, you can then choose to travel to an exact time in this alternate universe. It's a copy of the universe you come from.

This means you can never go to the past of your own universe. But someone from another universe can travel to the past of yours.

Unless you have to pelt Moscovium 115 in order to create Nihonium 113. - Clear as mud, right?

You know they muddy the waters to make it look deep.

I would like to stay focused on Question At Hand - are you suggesting there are traces from time travel which is responsible? Is the virus a future "virus"?

Unless you have to pelt Moscovium 115 in order to create Nihonium 113. - Clear as mud, right?
You know they muddy the waters to make it look deep.

I would like to stay focused on Question At Hand - are you suggesting there are traces from time travel which is responsible? Is the virus a future "virus"?
Nothing like that, no. It's a nuclear fusion reaction.

If China did release this as a bio-weapon, then it backfired on them. I think it was someone from one of the two bio-hazard labs that was at the wet market in Wuhan. That's were they buy the animals they experiment on.

It's all based on belief. Do you believe?
I’m not sure I understand the point you’re making? I certainly believe that there is a virus that is spreading.
My niece works in a hospital and undertaken a few shifts on a Covid Ward. One morning she woke up with typical symptoms including loss of smell and taste. She tested positive. Fortunately, her symptoms were only mild and her sense of smell has now completely returned after a week or two.

I’m not sure I understand the point you’re making? I certainly believe that there is a virus that is spreading.
My niece works in a hospital and undertaken a few shifts on a Covid Ward. One morning she woke up with typical symptoms including loss of smell and taste. She tested positive. Fortunately, her symptoms were only mild and her sense of smell has now completely returned after a week or two.
It does sound like your niece had a cold. Were you aware that there are 200 cold viruses lumped together in a group called Corona Viruses? Don't cold viruses run rampant every year seasonally? Isn't it a bit odd that only people with pre-existing health conditions succumb? In fact one could easily say with confidence that it was the pre-existing conditions that killed them. Do I believe that there is a killer cold virus killing weak old people off? Nope! And I haven't seen any proof of it either. In fact just try and verify one death of the reported 100,000 that have supposedly died. Our nation appears to have been conquered economically. Didn't we strike the first salvo on China? This just looks like a well orchestrated counter attack by China.
