...All women have an emotional type of thinking compared with the rational type of thinking in the man. When it is to choose between emotions and real interest, they choose emotions. This makes them dumb in rational perspective....
My wife is known to be consistently more rational than myself. But perhaps I am simply a poor example. I even misspell the word intelligence all the time.
At the same time, emotions can be an important guiding force in many instances. While the intuitive response they can provide may not be explainable in the moment, the rationality of the decisions that emotions evoke can be quite clear in hindsight. "Gut feeling" is quite a useful tool in my opinion.
...Deciding in favor of the android, and applying that type of an idea in terms of its development in time will lead to devastating consequences for the human kind. ...
If anything, seivtcho, I admire your concern for the human race and your devotion to it. I would hate for us to become an endangered species or encounter an existential event. I read somewhere a prediction of a time far in the future, maybe tens of thousands of years, where artificial intelligence and artificially "enhanced" humans rule. Natural humans were still "allowed" to exist peacefully and with all their needs met, almost in the same way we would ideally treat primates today.
Tell me this, from your rational perspective, though. Why do you care what happens to the human race far in the future? What are your reasons? You will be long gone by then. Is there some rational reason to care about your descendants? Even so, they may have died off as well. Perhaps the universe would be more peaceful without humans. What gives mankind any more right to live than advanced forms of artificial intelligence? (I just misspelled intelligence again before correcting it.) In other words, what is your reason for wanting to protect the future of this species called Homo Sapiens Sapiens? I have my answers, but I am curious to yours and to where your "faith" lies.
Absolutely nothing. If we created something artificial, that by our own definition of the word was considered ALIVE and CONSCIOUS, then it would be morally unjust to not afford it the same considerations that we do biological life of the same level. ...
You bring up an interesting point. It would be easy to see sentient androids as the next round of slaves. Humankind seems to desire again and again to have life that they can abuse without and regard or consequence. I'm sure this trope has been explored many times in sci-fi. In fact, I think the origins of my precious Transformers has roots in this theme.
... Yes, if Paula decided to let her biologically alive child drown while she rescued her Big Mouth Billy Bass because she was more attached to it...
Big Mouth Billy!! I wouldn't put it past some people... Definitely get the kid first and have someone else jump in to save Billy. BUT SAVE BILLY!!!!