DNA is very complex indeed. In fact I just read there was a specific chunk of DNA that occurs in exact reverse in some people, something like 1-3 percent of the population, but that this inverted DNA strand also related to the bearing of more offspring, meaning it is almost a genetic advantage.
DNA is really, truly, if you want to think about it, a supercomputer where the machine and the code are all combined. In fact its possible to think of DNA as Binary in nature, Adenine, Guanine, Thymine, Cytosene (sp on those sorry) combine in specific pairs, always.
What is even more amazing to think about, your body has some 1 trillion cells that contain your genetic code, your DNA. Your body has some 90 trillion cells that don't, almost all of them bacteria, pounds of them in your gut alone, 500 types of bacteria according to one study I read recently. so we have to have All these interactions we can hardly even comprehend, just to keep our bodies alive, its truly amazing.
here is a link for you so you won't think I'm just making this up.
Any thoughts on what you might believe is our Creator's ultimate wish for our achievement? Personally, I think our Creator knows WAY more about closed-loop phenomenon than we do, and I think that Creator's ultimate plan for us is to allow us to close the loop that S/He created in us.
I believe the Creator gave us life, and consciousness, a Soul if you will. The struggle of life, the search for self, for God, the rights and wrongs we do to other people, basically, our Karma, is what we are supposed to be in it for. I have no proof of what I am about to say, but I think the better of a person you are, the more good Karma you have, the closer you can be to God when you die. Although nobody could ever hope to understand or comprehend their purpose or reason or the Universe. We are barely scratching the surface and we still don't understand hardly anything.
I think the real question we should ask ourselves is, why. But its not important to find the answer, this is the fallacy. "The Answer is not the question, to Question IS the Answer." Its the search that we go through, its Asking the question that is important.
So asking where life came from, what God is, what is the Universe, what is Time, etc etc. Thats important. The actual answers to those, we may never comprehend (or maybe we will).