Come on How Can You Believe Titor?

Well, several points could be addressed by your posting.
1) Yes, the people are dumb. For instance, you can not get into a fancy spacefighter and blast your way off this planet, nor time-travel except in the mind. These are just the facts that humans may never know everything, and still have thinking to do -- in the future.

However, there are people who think that their way is the only way, and appear to be close-minded, as well as open-minded people who's brains rather tend to fall out, but in the middle, the road less traveled, there are people indeed questioning all of it.

From Albert Einstein:
The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them.

Price Pritchett from "The Ethics of Excellence":
Permit mistakes so you don't promote cover-ups. Everybody makes honest mistakes, but there's no such thing as an honest cover-up.
Give people, including yourself, clear permission to make mistakes. Disallowing honest foul-ups has a way of forcing lies. People commit an ethical violation in an effort to cover their tracks. The result proves that ethical violations are self-reproducing. They feed on themselves.
The threat of disapproval and punishment for flawed behavior makes a person wish for an escape route. The idea of hiding mistakes is seductive, and the carrot of the cover-up dangles as an appealing solution. But the best approach is to level with others, to go public with what was done wrong.
Honesty saves energy and attention for fixing the problem, instead of spending it on hiding things. Plus, a cover-up just doubles a person's vulnerability - somebody still might discover the mistake, and also find one guilty of deception. Twice the trouble.
Since nobody's perfect, mistakes should be allowed. Cover-ups shouldn't.

From Margaret Mead:
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

Now the only reason I bring all of this up, is because as you get older, you will begin to have different views and different thoughts. And it all will be about history -- or the future -- depending on what is happening in the world today. However, the world can not be wished away, nor can it be moved out of its gravitational pull, because the Sun rules all the Planets with its own rules, rules we can not change -- as of yet!

Perhaps, you are thinking that other people will not do what you think (or are scared of actually like a lot of people) but it has been shown through history that it has all been done before. However, there is always still hope, or at least knowing enough to not engage in those type of activities and actually survive. This is not always easy, as much as going into SpaceTime is not easy either.

In Titor's mind, the same kind of thinking out of some people is that God does not care. What it does mean is that all people will have problems, and perhaps, stating problems is not the same as solving those problems.
Nope. You're reading into words again:

Actually I made that statement based on the following post from titor:

The expected answer is that I don’t want to break my personal code of “time travel ethics”. The real answer is, I just don’t know. I was not prepared for the year 2001, I was prepared for 1975. I don’t suppose it would be very impressive if I told you Disco would be big until 1980.

However, like you, I do find it interesting that he could not name the pope in 2034.

John Titor - Feb 19,2001:
"Q:Do you plan to do any more time traveling when you return to 2036?
A:I don't know if I will be chosen for another mission. If I do, most likely, I will fly as an advisor or historical consultant.

John Titor - Feb 19,2001:
"Q:Did you have a historical consultant to help you?
A:No, fairly easy job."

I do not have any record of titor making the above two posts. Do you mind if I ask where you got them?
45. There is another Pope but I do not know his name.

You can think what you think, RMT, and I'm okay with that. But by saying that there is another Pope, I don't think that he's talking about his past. I don't think that Ratzinger would live to be Pope until 2036.
I agree with you, RMT, when you say that John Titor messed up by saying Christian Agnostic, since it is an oxymoron. However, I take it that he made a typo by typing "A" or that he just messed up his facts. I think he said somewhere, directly or indirectly, that the 2036 population was more religious than us.

So I do have my facts straight; I just have a different interpretation.

Taken from

I am a Christian Agnostic (HOST: Did John mean Gnostic?). I do not believe faith alone is enough to get us back to God. I'm not sure what happens when we die but I'm pretty sure it's not a walk in the park.
If they are more religous why cant he give the popes name?

Titor gave no exact dates and no exact names. Why? Because those were predictions that would be proven false. However everything he said has a possibilitiy of happening... cuz like I said anybody could predict them.
If they are more religous why cant he give the popes name?

I already said this: Not everyone is Catholic. I bet that more than half of the world doesn't know the Pope's full name and those numbers will probably be even less in the future. John also wouldn't give the Pope's name if he knew it, for obvious reasons.

Titor gave no exact dates and no exact names. Why? Because those were predictions that would be proven false. However everything he said has a possibilitiy of happening... cuz like I said anybody could predict them.

No exact dates: Of course the predictions would get a high chance of proving to be false if he gave dates... I think its kind of obvious.

No exact names: John wouldn't say the names of important people in the future (like the Pope), for obvious reasons.

Ugh... please look into your questions a bit more before asking them.
John Titor - Feb 19,2001:
"Q:Do you plan to do any more time traveling when you return to 2036?
A:I don't know if I will be chosen for another mission. If I do, most likely, I will fly as an advisor or historical consultant.

John Titor - Feb 19,2001:
"Q:Did you have a historical consultant to help you?
A:No, fairly easy job."

Those two posts are not, I repeat -- NOT -- in the thread "I am from 2036"!;f=9;t=000024
Downloadable version complete:

Those posts are not in the other thread -- here on this Forum: (Topic Limited to 11 Pages)

The posts are not in this thread: (Time-travel Paradoxes);f=9;t=000277


Thread: Parallel Universe

Nope, neither in the thread: "I am from 2040";f=9;t=000032

Except for the chat which is at Anomalies, that is all I know about, and can not find either of those posts! (anywhere)


Perhaps as a relevant fact that Titor stated (but in my own words):

If you knew who the next Pope was and he (Titor) told you, then someone might kill the person before he became Pope, and would that make Titor a liar, or else his prediction fail, ( because he did not care to do that, so he is not going to tell you! )(changing the worldline)!

But in another posting, and a similiar way to how he would answer that question if it had been asked. One of his ethic rules he stated also in his postings!
I think he said somewhere, directly or indirectly, that the 2036 population was more religious than us.

Titor: Christianity has fragmented into many groups and people with different beliefs speak mush more openly with others who have different outlooks and opinions.
But by saying that there is another Pope, I don't think that he's talking about his past. I don't think that Ratzinger would live to be Pope until 2036.

Titor said "Europe is a mess" after 2015. According to his story it means there is no pope after 2015. So according to him, the present pope is the last pope.
What are the obvious reasons? That hes a liar? Why couldn't he tell? He's afraid it'd change? Hes going back to his own worldline anyways so what difference would it make?
Nope, don't get anywhere with Titor, as explained in the threads he posted on!

Oh, forgot but not the best quality since it had to be converted down from 48000 to 44,100 but still can be listened too - all 32 tracks!

with words now, if expanded. Free MP3, although who knows how long it will be up -- a bit of Titor's world -- perhaps in musical form -- sorta, maybe, well, that's it from that!
According to his story it means there is no pope after 2015.
I was always confused about titor's comment about the pope. But your explanation makes sense. If Russia starts an all-out nuclear war I would imagine that the Vatican would be on someone's list. So that would mean the current pope, one after the pope in 2000, would be the last pope.

That is if titor was from the future.
i think its time i just admit the truth...

I'm John Titor. I have returned from 2038 to inform you all that I made a mistake! The Civl War wont start till 2010. Now you all can worry even longer. Now i have to go back. Good day.

*rolls eyes*
There is no way to believe or disbelieve Titor, and except for the physics one can muse about, there is also no way except in the present to say that he is not --- but that has nothing to do with the future!

If you are Catholic then perhaps some more reading may add some thoughts about it all!

Afterall, there is only suppose to be one more Pope after Ratzinger who is now Pope Benedict XVI, and perhaps that means --- that nasty word --- Armageddon!

265 John Paul I (1978) 109 De medietate Lunæ
(of the half of the moon)
Hist.: Albino Luciani, born in Canale d'Agardo, diocese of Belluno, (beautiful moon) Elected pope on August 26, his reign lasted about a month, from half a moon to the next half...

266 John Paul II (1978-2005) 110 De labore Solis
(of the eclipse of the sun, or from the labour of the sun)
Hist.: Karol Wojtyla was born on May 18, 1920 during a solar eclipse. He also comes from behind the former Iron Curtain (the East, where the Sun rises). He might also be seen to be the fruit of the intercession of the Woman Clothed with the Sun labouring in Revelation 12 (because of his devotion to the Virgin Mary). His Funeral occurred on 8 April, 2005 when there was a solar eclipse visible in the Americas.

267 Benedict XVI (2005-) 111 Gloria olivæ
The Benedictine order traditionally said this Pope would come from their order, since a branch of the Benedictine order is called the Olivetans. St Benedict is said to have prophesied that before the end of the world, a member of his order would be Pope and would triumphantly lead the Church in its fight against evil. While the Holy Father chose the name "Benedict", this does not seem enough to fulfil the prophecy. Nor is it clear how Benedict XVI (a Bavarian) is "Glory of the Olives". Since he is said to have remarked in the Conclave after saying he would take the name Benedict that it was partly to honour Benedict XV, a pope of peace and reconciliation, perhaps Benedict XVI will be a peacemaker in the Church or in the World, and thus carry the olive branch.

The Last Pope according to St. Malachy -- 1139A.D. (or an interpretation of his prophecies - one can never be sure --- my thoughts not the webpage thoughts)
In persecutione extrema S.R.E. sedebit Petrus Romanus, qui pascet oves in multis tribulationibus: quibus transactis civitas septicollis diruetur, & Judex tremêdus judicabit populum suum. Finis.
(In extreme persecution, the seat of the Holy Roman Church will be occupied by Peter the Roman, who will feed the sheep through many tribulations, at the term of which the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the formidable Judge will judge his people. The End.)

Of course there are many webpages about prophecies and afterall Titor skirted around all of that also.
If you actually read him carefully!

and just look up "prophecies" at search!

or as ET the Extraterrestrial would say:
BE~~~~~E GOOD~~~D!

or as Yoda would say:

Do not turn to the Dark Side of the Force.
Use the Force, young Luke Skywalker!

consult the nearest movie outlet and also see:

"Contact" a movie supposed to be similiar to the book of the astronomer -- Carl Sagan when he was alive back a couple of decades ago now!

Good movie though!

or Terminator III -- robots in the future. Who wants them, what will they do with them, and why?