Coincidence or creation?


Temporal Novice
I have always felt that in some strange way I DO have control over the universe and events in my life and am somehow manipulating the way things unfold. Maybe control is not the right word but I feel connected to it and feel like I can manipulate it through thought. Now, obviously combinations of decisions somewhat determine my fate but I suspect that it goes deeper than that.

For example, it seems like every time that I think of someone that I have not seen or spoken to in a while, I see them or they call. I have had this happen to me so many times that I can NOT simply write it off as coincidence. Last week I laid in bed on Tuesday night and thought intensely about someone that I haven't heard from or saw in a little over four years. The crazy thing is... she called the next day! I nearly flew out of my skin when I picked up the phone and it was her. Seriously, it was crazy. I then tried to play the lotto and concentrate on my numbers but that didn't work.. I didn't even get one number.

Ever since I was a kid I can recall thinking about something or someone and then having the thoughts come to life in the near future. I do not mean to sound like a crazy person but I really am beginning to think that perhaps the way to achieve time travel is to just have more people believe that it is possible. Currently if you ask the average person what they think about time travel they will say something along the lines of, "you mean like back to the future?" I seriously believe that if more people only thought that it was possible.. it would probably come to be possible not long after.

I remember on the second anniversary of 9-11 the lotto came out 911. Could that have been because soo many people were thinking, 9-11? coincidence? I doubt it and am leaning more toward creation.

Any thoughts? Maybe we can start a "Time Travel just might be possible" campaign and then it might become a reality.

has anyone had similar experiences where they thought about someone that they haven't saw on a long time only to hear from or see them soon after?

A little freaked out,


I think most people here already accept the fact Time travel is possible.

As for your other stuff. Everyone is their own personal reality engineerer. The universe Conforms to you, rather then the other way round.

Some people suspect this is the case. These people tend to notice it happening more.

Kind regards,


No need to be freaked out, 1stBorn. It's always a bit startling to set eyes on The Secret, but live with it long enough and you'll become accustomed to it, if somewhat insane in the eyes of the many.

You're right, control is not quite the ideal word, though for one skilled enough in this art/science/magic/game, it may resemble direct control quite closely. Try replacing "control" with "coersion", or "suggestion". Give that a good think-over and see what it does for you.

You're inability to force the lotto numbers is unsurprising. From what I have observed, it may be said that there is a Mechanism of Randomness Maintenance in place, operating deep within the structures of our own subconscious minds, to keep us from achieving absolute certainty of these amazing ideas and simply transcending our physical existence. Force is rarely effective. Try an approach more akin to planting seeds.

As for the time travel idea, as a years-long disciple of this worldview, I recommend caution. The Mechanism of Randomness Maintenance is a force to be reckoned with. Getting around it requires skillful (and tedious) balance. It is easily disrupted. Many things can effect an outcome adversely: excessive certainty, deep-seated subconscious doubts, muddled understanding of the mechanisms, etc., etc. In my opinion, the most effective way to evoke (note my word usage: not 'create', but 'evoke'. 'Manifest' is also useful.) the advent of time travel would be to plant it in your subjective reality as an idea seed:

-Mold your view of reality in such a way as to allow for TT logically, perhaps by taking up a cosmology involving a manifold of potential universes. Ponder the quantum physical idea of the wavefunction, or state vector. This is key.

-Hope for it, abstractly.

-Do not insist that it must come about.

-Allow it to unfold in your subconscious as not just a possibility, but an inevitability.

(Note: the number of people who believe in it is not a factor. Only you have to believe in it. There is no requirement for a quorum because there is no objective venue to which all our subjective sensoria refer. This is a very important idea to grasp if you are to gain command of this capacity.)

This is alchemy, 1stBorn. Alchemy, wizardry, shamanism, magic. It isn't so strange at all. I hope knowing of my experience can help you somewhat in understanding your own. Once you come to grips with this thing, it begins seeming normal. You'll get the hang of it. :)

An excellent description of the situation, Iq.

Ponder the quantum physical idea of the wavefunction, or state vector. This is key.
Cool. Just plain cool. Obviously, I agree.So I am most interested in hearing about the universe Iqbalgomar has set about creating... or should I say coercing? I get the feeling it is the same kind of universe I believe to be an inevitability.
Appreciate your post,


I have had something similar to this but I have only been able to predict about 10 mins into the future at the most.

my nanna and my mam were coming to my house. They said they were going to be walking which would mean I would miss them because I was going to college. I then got this feeling that they were getting the bus. the bus that I was getting on infact and they did. 3 minutes later the bus stopped and my mam and nanna got off.

another time my little bro was messing about in my room making a noise. I said to him that dad is going to shout. 10 seconds later he did. I don't know how I knew but it happened.

Another time I suddenly thought that my mam was going to phone. 10 minutes later there was a phone call and it was my mam.

there has been many more but it only seems to happen every couple of months.

before I forget I can also predict when I am going to have a nose bleed upto 5 minutes before I actually have one. This might be because I get frequent nosebleeds and I know when the next one is going to happen.

I also seem to remember things that happen and I remember seeing the exact same thing happen in my dream before it happens in real life but I don't realise it until the event has actually happened or is happening at the time

the above might seem nothing to you but at those times it is quite freaky.

-Allow it to unfold in your subconscious as not just a possibility, but an inevitability.
A few thoughts on this that feel appropriate to share:This type of activity is where I have found the Qabalistic Tree Of Life to be an excellent model for creation (or coersion). Following the "lightning flash of creation" that traces the 10 spheres of the Tree in numerical order can be considered an algorithmic model for how one manifests anything. Any act of creation begins at Kether (1) as the initial spark of idea, that appears out of the void of Zero. We further develop that idea, and add energy towards its creation, as we push the thought down the lightning flash. When we "complete the matrix" of creation in our conscious minds (represented by the triad of 7-8-9 on the Tree), the energy has been properly prepared for that which you have envisioned to be come manifest in the physical kingdom of Malkuth (10).
It's always worked for me. And it is the means by which us Qabalists (with help from many others who are powerful in spirit) have been able to "change this timeline" as Creedo rightly notes. ;)


Malkuth (10). 10 aka 1

1-9 only if goes to 10 is 1 again. 0 is oblivion and the Void. Darkness and nothingness or lighted nothingness

All pure hypothesis.


Malkuth (10). 10 aka 11-9 only if goes to 10 is 1 again. 0 is oblivion and the Void. Darkness and nothingness or lighted nothingness

All pure hypothesis.
Oh yes, indeed. You have, in fact, pointed out the connection between creation and the self-referenced, closed-loop cycle. Well done!LITL, LUW (you know what it means!)

Minor note...

You think to raise your hand, and your hand rises. That is, because you thought, you caused electro-chemical action. Your mind directly affected matter, no matter how small the effect was. Perhaps only causing the motion of a few electrons, thereby breaking some chemical bonds, but it was mind-over-matter regardless of the magnitude.

There can be no argument whether it happens or not. We all do it constantly.

Yo Vinnie! :)

Perhaps only causing the motion of a few electrons, thereby breaking some chemical bonds, but it was mind-over-matter regardless of the magnitude.
Excellent. Mind-over-matter is more than just a saying. It is a technical reality.I've found that the Tree Of Life network diagram can be used as a model of this technical reality when one understands that the network nodes represented by spheres 1-9 represent the Matrix of Spirit-Soul-Mind (collectively call them "Mind" as they are all aphysical, or non-Matter). This Matrix of Mind is literally "over" (i.e. exerts influence over) the physical matter of our universe, which is represented by the lowest sphere, #10 (Malkuth).
The Tree Of Life is a block diagram of "Mind-over-Matter", and thus describes our human condition of aphysical minds which are at-cause over matter. It is the prime model that Qabalists use to understand how to cause change and Creation in their universe.


how to cause change and Creation in their universe
"Zeshua" is God in the (supposed) sense that he creates new reality (new timeline) by sending messages into the past. I wonder what Zeshua in 2036 thinks of the time-quakes caused by Z-2026. I wonder if he smacks himself down for it.

"we make our own luck".

The "randomness Mechanism" is much more than just a check and balance or randomness maker. There lies the heart of the secret. The brain is a machine and consciousness is a function. The subconsciousness is on a higher plane of existence and is connected to the conscious through a gateway. Beyond this gateway, your subcon. is just a dimple in the universal consciousness, which connects us all. Time is just another "function" on this upper mental plane and really, for all simplistic purposes, does not even exist.

AKA - keep training yourself to be aware of and manipulate your reality. The more you train, the closer we become to enlightened.

I don't believe in coincidences but this was unusual today down to the second.

View attachment 404

then there's this

tti time travel institute - Bing

the person that uses our link down to the writing and gets away with it. They might be getting our bingbot images uploads. I tried but can't get any images up on either bing or yahoo. I know eveyone wants an seo edge but when your #1 out of 12,500,000 results you should be #1

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I don't believe in coincidences but this was unusual today down to the second.View attachment 71then there's this
tti time travel institute - Bing

the person that uses our link down to the writing and gets away with it. They might be getting our bingbot images uploads. I tried but can't get any images up on either bing or yahoo. I know eveyone wants an seo edge but when your #1 out of 12,500,000 results you should be #1 belongs to Cosmo. It's the same. He bought that domain.
The 13,14,15 thing is cool.

if you click the link it redirects to some company not us. No coincidence there. The whole writing is exact to cosmos but it goes somewhere else. My entry to the search browser is " tti time travel institute " and the page I get is the one I posted. His domain traffic went from 47 all the time to about 6 all the time instantly when this first appeared.

Last edited by a moderator:
I don't believe in coincidences but this was unusual today down to the second.View attachment 71then there's this
tti time travel institute - Bing

the person that uses our link down to the writing and gets away with it. They might be getting our bingbot images uploads. I tried but can't get any images up on either bing or yahoo. I know eveyone wants an seo edge but when your #1 out of 12,500,000 results you should be #1 belongs to Cosmo. It's the same. He bought that domain.
The 13,14,15 thing is cool.

The link you gave me takes me to the BING search engine. It's just like Google.

did you click the link to time travel institute on the top number 1 of the list?It sends you to the wrong site.
It brings me here. Maybe you need to do a spyware/malware scan on your PC. You are being redirected.

As I grow, I'm finding these kinds of conversation very important.

I have dabbled with various spiritual ideas. Most religions I find quite distasteful. Buddhism for me is not in this category (for lack of an iconic god figure).

The experiences that you describe here do strike a chord with me, and I find that long held ideas or beliefs have a certain sway upon the order of things. Influence on others factors in, but to me, even thoughts and dreams that you keep secret or don't discuss openly can have a real impact on your path. Trying to keep an open mind while living in this time, seeing the opportunities for a better and more wholesome experience.

Too many only see and imagine what there is, and not the potential.
