Yes, indeed. I would hope that this fact is exceedingly obvious. I mean, even a student with an 8th grade education knows that Sol is the primary "forcing function" of energy in our solar system, and therefore the largest impact on our world. With the gaseous nature of our atmosphere (it has a high heat conductivity with respect to free space), it should be obvious that Sol is the single largest contributor to the temperature cycling of our planet.
While this is blatantly obvious to most, it is interesting to note how little the Anthropocentric Global Warming crowd addresses the sun's impact on our climate. Whenever anyone asks their "experts" something like "but doesn't the sun dominate our climate", they either ignore the question altogether, or they give a mumbo-jumbo, technical-sounding non-answer as to why the sun is not as important as their hallowed "positive feedback CO2 loop" (which is wrong, BTW).
I have pointed you and others here to Dr. Roy Spencer in past threads about AGW. I encourage you to keep tabs on him, as he is the most experienced climatologist who is not afraid to take on the religious AGW zealots who are compromising science and lying to us as a means to control us.
As the earth continues to cool, the general public MUST speak out, and speak out loudly about all the pseudo-scientific nonsense that you have been asked to believe by idiots like Al Gore. There is a revolution going on in Iran. We can have a revolution here, although given the nature of our society, it need not be ugly or violent. We can make it a revolution in science much like the Orange Revolution in Ukraine or the Rose Revolution in Georgia.
But YOU must make your voice known in order for this scientific revolution to have feet.