Civilizational Collapse and Future Conflicts

Nice to meet you. What brings you here? Anything specific or general interest?
Personally, I have always been interested since I was around 12 or 13. I was walking along, thinking to myself "if time travel was possible, travelers would be everywhere. If that is the case, they should only observe and never interact with the past."
I don't even know why I thought that. But I remember the moment.
I’m also glad to meet you. I’m interested in the very concept of time travel and quantum physics, I read about it when I have time, but unfortunately I can’t devote myself completely to it, since I have a legal education and I can’t easily understand a lot of things. Also, another reason that I came here is that John Titor was noticed here and there are simply no forums with a similar concept on the Russian Internet.
I'm with you. I have been studying Christianity for the last year or so. It has been a wild and ridiculous ride. The Old Testament has some gnarly stuff going on.

As for the war between Isreal and Iran. Do you remember when Russia was in Afghanistan in the 80's. They made a movie called Charlie Wilson's War. The Russian Gunships were tearing them a new butthole every day. Our gunners have standards and moral souls for the most part, but those Russian Gunships were wreaking havoc. Until, our CIA slipped the Taliban some stinger ground to air heat seekers. It wasn't long before they figured out how to use them, and those gunships were like swatting flies. Russia quickly pulled out.
My point is, that 3rd world countries typically have one way of defending themselves historically. That is hiding in plain sight and ambushing the occupying forces, unless the opposition just bombs the crap out of them. That is because those people can't fight a modern military head-to-head.
These kinds of occupations will go on forever but will not lead to mass destruction. Iran may be semi-modern, but they don't stand a chance even with every middle eastern country coming to their aide. But that is unlikely, because that has never happened before, due to in-fighting and internal conflicts.

The conflict that is worrisome for me, is the Ukraine war. That is two relatively modern militaries going to head-to-head. Depending how Trump handles that situation will determine if Putin begins using tactical nukes to wipeout Ukraine cities.

Our future also hangs in the balance depending on Trump deciding to back out of NATO and pissing off those nuclear armed countries that have been developing their own modern arsenals.

Law Makers consider war based on potential outcomes in the macro sense of how it will end, and how it will be won. But, if you and I happen to be one of the many sent to the front lines, how the war ends will matter little. Because chances are, you and I will be dead by then.
The war between Russia and the Ukraine I don’t think fits Titor’s mold, he does specifically say that Israel and Iran will fight. It’s not much different than the Arab-Israel war in which Israel fought off and won when fighting agsinst 3 Muslim nations. It certainly helped that Israel was equipped with the more modern U.S. weaponry of the time. I’m a very well versed student of military history which is something I’ve read about, studied and researched for over 40 years.
In 1958, 3 Muslim nations of Syria,Jordan and Egypt wanted Israel out of Jeruselam for obvious religious reasons. With Israel being supplied by the U.S. of much of the advanced weaponry of the day, and with leaders who showed themselves to be adaptable and bold with their strategy and tactics, the Israelis won themselves an amazing victory that frankly shocked the world. The bad blood between Jews and Muslims have boiled for a millennia in the Middle East yet Iran has never gotten, at least outwardly, involved in a fight with Israel. As I’ve said before, it’s this Iran-Israeli War that sends this world down the path to our ultimate destruction. If this John Titor is legitimate, and if he knows that conflict will mean our undoing, then he needs to do something, anything he can to avoid our planatery destruction.
I’m going to bring something new into this that I’ve been giving some thought to. “Zero Point Energy”….there have been a few dozen inventors that have made WORKING zero point energy devices that would totally change human life on this planet as we know it, and in a good way. Zero Point Energy is a proven technology that would change our lives in SO MANY ways, we would never have to pay for gas in our cars ever again, we would never have another electricity bill.
The space program would be able to solve many of the barriers that keep us humans from traveling into space that would be practical. With Zero Point Energy the issue of having infinite fuel is immediately solved, to have a zero point energy device to power the oxygen generators and these devices are very small in comparable size to how power is generated aboard the spacecraft that is now being used.
The biggest hurdle to Zero Point Energy is with the oil and power companies, they are very rich and powerful. They have had dozens of those inventors killed, even the governments do their bidding. The government has actual agents at the patent office that when something comes in to be patented that will make those two companies lose money in any way those inventions are taken by those agents and the invention is classified. Roughly 5000 such actions take place a year at the patent office
Can you just imagine what our world would be like if these zero point energy devices could be built and made available to the public and legitimate engineers and scientists? Like anything they would be made better and better and smaller and even more efficient if that’s even possible. Our planet would be free of fossil fuel burning, factory smokestacks would be a thing of the past almost overnight, car emissions would also be a thing of the past. So much of Asia still uses open fires to cook their food which is huge percentage of the air pollution of the planet, another source of pollution ended. Poverty itself would fast become an extinct thing of the past, all of humanity would benefit in ways I can’t even think of.
The power and oil corporations would not allow something like zero point energy keep them from making the billions they make annually, they will and have had many people killed, all their stuff taken, all their research gone as well by what’s been said by those “men in black” dogmatic assassins either sent by the those corporations or even the government.
There’s a website that’s done a very interesting video on just this subject called “The Why Files”… they have many VERY interesting videos about a wide variety of subjects like UFO’s, aliens, spacecraft, anti-gravity….The Why Files quickly became a favorite of mine, and I will bet will be for you as well.
I just feel that this zero point tech would advance the human race in ways we cannot even imagine, what’s amazing about that tech is that no matter the load required to power a given object, it never gets overwhelmed. Which is why I say that it’s what our space sciences need to solve almost all barriers that face us
Wow that was long winded…sorrry, but zero point is that important to get the human race to the next level and beyond…
The war between Russia and the Ukraine I don’t think fits Titor’s mold, he does specifically say that Israel and Iran will fight. It’s not much different than the Arab-Israel war in which Israel fought off and won when fighting agsinst 3 Muslim nations. It certainly helped that Israel was equipped with the more modern U.S. weaponry of the time. I’m a very well versed student of military history which is something I’ve read about, studied and researched for over 40 years.
In 1958, 3 Muslim nations of Syria,Jordan and Egypt wanted Israel out of Jeruselam for obvious religious reasons. With Israel being supplied by the U.S. of much of the advanced weaponry of the day, and with leaders who showed themselves to be adaptable and bold with their strategy and tactics, the Israelis won themselves an amazing victory that frankly shocked the world. The bad blood between Jews and Muslims have boiled for a millennia in the Middle East yet Iran has never gotten, at least outwardly, involved in a fight with Israel. As I’ve said before, it’s this Iran-Israeli War that sends this world down the path to our ultimate destruction. If this John Titor is legitimate, and if he knows that conflict will mean our undoing, then he needs to do something, anything he can to avoid our planatery destruction.
I’m going to bring something new into this that I’ve been giving some thought to. “Zero Point Energy”….there have been a few dozen inventors that have made WORKING zero point energy devices that would totally change human life on this planet as we know it, and in a good way. Zero Point Energy is a proven technology that would change our lives in SO MANY ways, we would never have to pay for gas in our cars ever again, we would never have another electricity bill.
The space program would be able to solve many of the barriers that keep us humans from traveling into space that would be practical. With Zero Point Energy the issue of having infinite fuel is immediately solved, to have a zero point energy device to power the oxygen generators and these devices are very small in comparable size to how power is generated aboard the spacecraft that is now being used.
The biggest hurdle to Zero Point Energy is with the oil and power companies, they are very rich and powerful. They have had dozens of those inventors killed, even the governments do their bidding. The government has actual agents at the patent office that when something comes in to be patented that will make those two companies lose money in any way those inventions are taken by those agents and the invention is classified. Roughly 5000 such actions take place a year at the patent office
Can you just imagine what our world would be like if these zero point energy devices could be built and made available to the public and legitimate engineers and scientists? Like anything they would be made better and better and smaller and even more efficient if that’s even possible. Our planet would be free of fossil fuel burning, factory smokestacks would be a thing of the past almost overnight, car emissions would also be a thing of the past. So much of Asia still uses open fires to cook their food which is huge percentage of the air pollution of the planet, another source of pollution ended. Poverty itself would fast become an extinct thing of the past, all of humanity would benefit in ways I can’t even think of.
The power and oil corporations would not allow something like zero point energy keep them from making the billions they make annually, they will and have had many people killed, all their stuff taken, all their research gone as well by what’s been said by those “men in black” dogmatic assassins either sent by the those corporations or even the government.
There’s a website that’s done a very interesting video on just this subject called “The Why Files”… they have many VERY interesting videos about a wide variety of subjects like UFO’s, aliens, spacecraft, anti-gravity….The Why Files quickly became a favorite of mine, and I will bet will be for you as well.
I just feel that this zero point tech would advance the human race in ways we cannot even imagine, what’s amazing about that tech is that no matter the load required to power a given object, it never gets overwhelmed. Which is why I say that it’s what our space sciences need to solve almost all barriers that face us
Wow that was long winded…sorrry, but zero point is that important to get the human race to the next level and beyond…
Beware the Crabcat!!!

I am a long time Why Files fan.
My favorite part about watching is during the first half he usually tells the story, and sometimes tells it from the legend, or myth perspective, then later will reveal what he was able to dig up as far as evidence goes. By then, I feel I have a well-rounded understanding of the subject and not just some one-sided stance.
I didn't learn of John through the Why Files, I watched one of those "Top 5" best evidence of time travel videos back in 2016. However, the episode that covered John reignited my interest and decided to seek out more info.
Then I learned this site had the entire feed archived, so I read it all the way through, and then again.
I enjoy the discussions here.

As far as ZPE goes, this is the first I am hearing of it. I have done research on Tesla and his death laser. I know that weaponized high energy lasers are further along than people think right now. From what I have read so far, there seems to be potential for solving a lot of problems using ZPE.

I am not sure if you are particularly religious or not, but there is another youtuber out there called DarkMatter2525

For a long time he made these real budget animations as he voiced God. God and his angel Jeffery would have heated discussions about biblical concepts and contradictions. I learned a lot when researching the topics discussed.
Many times, stories from the Old Testament will give me nightmares.

All I can figure out is that both Jewish and Muslims worship the same god, and they even read the same bible, you would think they could manage living near each other having a so much in common.
Still, I take comfort knowing that even if some war does wipe out people.
The earth will still be here.
for a while.
As Titor says, Israel wins this huge war against the Iranians, is that the catalyst that starts this world to its end?
Boy, that's a new one on me - and I was there when Titor/TTO was posting here and on Post-2-Post. To my knowledge he never said Israel and Iran engaged in a war. Here's what he did say:

unregistered posted 13 December 2000 12:44
(Time Travel Paradoxes)

"The Jewish population in Israel is not prepared for a true offensive war. They are prepared for the ultimate defense. Wavering western support for Israel is what gives Israel’s neighbors the confidence to attack. The last resort for a defensive Israel and it’s offensive Arab neighbors is to use weapons of mass destruction. In the grand scheme of things, the war in the middle-east is a part of what’s to come, not the cause."

And, of course, we now know that this statement by TTO was absolutely wrong regarding Israel preparing for the "ultimate defense". It was wrong about the state of the IDF at the time he made the statement and Titor/TTO is Jewish himself. Israel has a tiny but extremely powerful military. It was never designed to be "ultimately defensive" because it is too small for that. It has always been designed as a fast attack, "chuck and duck" offensive force. Of course TTO's reference to Israel using WMDs (their only "known" WMDs are nukes) was also completely wrong. Basically he got the entire paragraph wrong.
TTO's reference to Israel using WMDs (their only "known" WMDs are nukes)

the war in the middle-east is a part of what’s to come, not the cause
This is where he completely blew it. Though he says "the war in the middle-east is a part of what's to come, not the cause" he's implying that Israel nukes an unnamed Arab neighbor and that's the first shot of the nuclear WWIII that follows. But he hedges his bet with the caveat that that was "not the cause." Of course it would have been the cause. (It would come down to a baseball term, "Throw one, catch one" meaning throw at my batter and I'll throw at yours who will "catch" it in the ribs. This was especially applicable in MLB when the pitchers had to get in the batter's box as a hitter - but I digress.) That's how nuclear war would, in theory, begin.
We have roughly 35 years worth of oil left in the ground at current consumption rates, and I don't see an alternative for a population of 8 billion.
This is where he completely blew it. Though he says "the war in the middle-east is a part of what's to come, not the cause" he's implying that Israel nukes an unnamed Arab neighbor and that's the first shot of the nuclear WWIII that follows. But he hedges his bet with the caveat that that was "not the cause." Of course it would have been the cause. (It would come down to a baseball term, "Throw one, catch one" meaning throw at my batter and I'll throw at yours who will "catch" it in the ribs. This was especially applicable in MLB when the pitchers had to get in the batter's box as a hitter - but I digress.) That's how nuclear war would, in theory, begin.
In the original posts, John spoke of something that I hadn't considered until recently... Tactical Nukes. That term reminds me of Starship Troopers, they would use nukes small enough to fit in your hand and thrown like a baseball or shot from a grenade launcher underneath the barrel of the standard issued rifle. That version of tactical nukes might be a stretch, but I don't worry about the fat man and little boys carried by the modern continental ballistic Enola Gays, I worry about the ones that fit inside of a lunch box.

Also, Darby, I am surprised that you subscribe to the argument of "wrong" predictions John made. I am not even sure that John knew what he was talking about. He would not be aware that predicting the future, even as a time traveler is impossible. Especially, if you go around experimenting with changing massive world events.

But let's say he didn't actively change events like Y2K, there is a spectrum of outcomes that are affected just by your presence alone. Meeting your parents at their young age, talking to people online. etc... Those are subtle but active changes. Then there are the factors of passive changes, when things are not as they would have been had he not been here. Like bought a snack that would have been on the shelf for another to buy, but now they are not there, so it takes moments more to decide, those moments turn into hours of lost time, shifting for reason after reason could lead to getting hit by a car rushing around, being late for work, or anything along those lines. Snowballing into perpetuity, and never ever, being able to predict the future.

P.S. The more I read the original posts, the more I notice that he wasn't predicting anything, he was matter-of-factly warning us by recalling his own history. Saying that our world-line was very similar and could most-likely turn out in a similar way. It didn't. But that doesn't imply causality or correlation. Well, maybe it implies it, but doesn't contradict his validity. The reason for that is predicting social outcomes is the impossible, while predicting the inevitable (tech) would be easy if you were telling the truth. His descriptions of tech were interesting because he described capabilities that had not existed yet and evolved around a civil war for military applications and not for entertainment and marketing monetary innovation.

Those "predictions" would have taken the most brilliant screenwriter to create the evolution of advanced tech in a world that would never exist. For instance, the internet nodes that would be mobile, instead of permanent towers, emitting enough cell data to stream your own show to the masses, replacing centralized broadcasting networks due to the major distrust of centralized propaganda. He was describing the tower infrastructure that exists today, that is more permanent, giving internet speeds good enough to stream live anywhere in the country, replacing the largest centralized media giants with Keyboard Cat, and Sneezing Panda. To think that John should have known how the sociology of a world-line that was not his own would turn out, would be like judging his validity based on the fact that he didn't predict that success of "Nice, Ron."

Anyhow, I really appreciate the stimulating convo. Ty.
Разоблачение себя на любой мировой арене является уголовным преступлением.
Тем не менее, по словам Титора, небольшое расхождение происходит во время путешествия назад, но он сказал, что чем дольше он там, тем больше расхождение отдаляется от истории его мировой линии. Пока он сидит за компьютером и пишет на этом форуме, расхождение становится больше по мере течения времени здесь. Он закончил предложение, объясняя концепцию (которая является ключевой), он сказал, что расхождение становится больше (с его точки зрения). Имея в виду, что все, что он мог изменить, только вызовет большее расхождение, которое продолжит расходиться даже после того, как он уйдет, чтобы вернуться в свою мировую линию.

Например, если он остановит Y2K, вторая гражданская война в США никогда не произойдет. Тогда и Третья мировая война никогда не произойдет, что сильно отличает наш 2024 год от его 2024 года.

Итак, я думаю, что я говорю, что неважно, был ли он на самом деле путешественником во времени. Для меня его послание было ясным. Мы сверхпривилегированны и жаждем власти. Мы расточительный вид, который никогда не возвращает то, что мы берем у планеты. Единственный существующий вид, о котором мы знаем, который делает это. Даже когда мы принимаем законы, чтобы сократить выбросы углерода (что похоже на вырывание зубов у аллигатора), это не возвращает планете, а только снижает скорость, с которой мы берем.

Если что-то и приведет наш вид к вымиранию, так это именно эта причина.
Во первых здравствуйте, во вторых, я дико извиняюсь, за то, что вклиниваюсь в ваш пост беседы, в самом начале этого было сказано, разоблачение себя на любой мировой арене, является уголовным законом, поясните пожалуйста, что вы имели в виду, или же , я описываю своими словами, что я понял и вы или же согласитесь со мной или возразите, благодарю.
И так , предположим, я путешественник во времени, и произошло или должно произойти что то , и я своей вовлечённостью , своими направленными действиями меняю это время, эту реальность, и при этом я ещё раскрылся, кто я и из какого времени, Вы это имели ввиду ???
Во первых здравствуйте, во вторых, я дико извиняюсь, за то, что вклиниваюсь в ваш пост беседы, в самом начале этого было сказано, разоблачение себя на любой мировой арене, является уголовным законом, поясните пожалуйста, что вы имели в виду, или же , я описываю своими словами, что я понял и вы или же согласитесь со мной или возразите, благодарю.
И так , предположим, я путешественник во времени, и произошло или должно произойти что то , и я своей вовлечённостью , своими направленными действиями меняю это время, эту реальность, и при этом я ещё раскрылся, кто я и из какого времени, Вы это имели ввиду ???
Во-первых, здравствуйте и вам. Во-вторых, я помню, что писал всё, кроме первого предложения. Преступление? Если так, то я не помню контекста. Суть, которую я хотел выразить о Титоре, основана на его последнем посте. Он сказал: "Меня поражает, почему никто здесь не удивляется, почему Y2K их вообще не коснулся." Он закончил словами: "Возьмите канистру с бензином, когда машина заглохнет на обочине дороги." "Прощайте" — Джон.

Эти слова произвели на меня впечатление.

С его точки зрения, он спас нас от своего будущего, но предупредил, чтобы мы оставались бдительными. Затем он попрощался с нами как с друзьями. Он остался достаточно долго, чтобы наблюдать за результатом своего эксперимента. Я думаю, он был доволен результатами вмешательства. Так что, если ваши намерения добродетельны, то это не преступление. Это лишь моё мнение.