I'm with you. I have been studying Christianity for the last year or so. It has been a wild and ridiculous ride. The Old Testament has some gnarly stuff going on.
As for the war between Isreal and Iran. Do you remember when Russia was in Afghanistan in the 80's. They made a movie called Charlie Wilson's War. The Russian Gunships were tearing them a new butthole every day. Our gunners have standards and moral souls for the most part, but those Russian Gunships were wreaking havoc. Until, our CIA slipped the Taliban some stinger ground to air heat seekers. It wasn't long before they figured out how to use them, and those gunships were like swatting flies. Russia quickly pulled out.
My point is, that 3rd world countries typically have one way of defending themselves historically. That is hiding in plain sight and ambushing the occupying forces, unless the opposition just bombs the crap out of them. That is because those people can't fight a modern military head-to-head.
These kinds of occupations will go on forever but will not lead to mass destruction. Iran may be semi-modern, but they don't stand a chance even with every middle eastern country coming to their aide. But that is unlikely, because that has never happened before, due to in-fighting and internal conflicts.
The conflict that is worrisome for me, is the Ukraine war. That is two relatively modern militaries going to head-to-head. Depending how Trump handles that situation will determine if Putin begins using tactical nukes to wipeout Ukraine cities.
Our future also hangs in the balance depending on Trump deciding to back out of NATO and pissing off those nuclear armed countries that have been developing their own modern arsenals.
Law Makers consider war based on potential outcomes in the macro sense of how it will end, and how it will be won. But, if you and I happen to be one of the many sent to the front lines, how the war ends will matter little. Because chances are, you and I will be dead by then.
The war between Russia and the Ukraine I don’t think fits Titor’s mold, he does specifically say that Israel and Iran will fight. It’s not much different than the Arab-Israel war in which Israel fought off and won when fighting agsinst 3 Muslim nations. It certainly helped that Israel was equipped with the more modern U.S. weaponry of the time. I’m a very well versed student of military history which is something I’ve read about, studied and researched for over 40 years.
In 1958, 3 Muslim nations of Syria,Jordan and Egypt wanted Israel out of Jeruselam for obvious religious reasons. With Israel being supplied by the U.S. of much of the advanced weaponry of the day, and with leaders who showed themselves to be adaptable and bold with their strategy and tactics, the Israelis won themselves an amazing victory that frankly shocked the world. The bad blood between Jews and Muslims have boiled for a millennia in the Middle East yet Iran has never gotten, at least outwardly, involved in a fight with Israel. As I’ve said before, it’s this Iran-Israeli War that sends this world down the path to our ultimate destruction. If this John Titor is legitimate, and if he knows that conflict will mean our undoing, then he needs to do something, anything he can to avoid our planatery destruction.
I’m going to bring something new into this that I’ve been giving some thought to. “Zero Point Energy”….there have been a few dozen inventors that have made WORKING zero point energy devices that would totally change human life on this planet as we know it, and in a good way. Zero Point Energy is a proven technology that would change our lives in SO MANY ways, we would never have to pay for gas in our cars ever again, we would never have another electricity bill.
The space program would be able to solve many of the barriers that keep us humans from traveling into space that would be practical. With Zero Point Energy the issue of having infinite fuel is immediately solved, to have a zero point energy device to power the oxygen generators and these devices are very small in comparable size to how power is generated aboard the spacecraft that is now being used.
The biggest hurdle to Zero Point Energy is with the oil and power companies, they are very rich and powerful. They have had dozens of those inventors killed, even the governments do their bidding. The government has actual agents at the patent office that when something comes in to be patented that will make those two companies lose money in any way those inventions are taken by those agents and the invention is classified. Roughly 5000 such actions take place a year at the patent office
Can you just imagine what our world would be like if these zero point energy devices could be built and made available to the public and legitimate engineers and scientists? Like anything they would be made better and better and smaller and even more efficient if that’s even possible. Our planet would be free of fossil fuel burning, factory smokestacks would be a thing of the past almost overnight, car emissions would also be a thing of the past. So much of Asia still uses open fires to cook their food which is huge percentage of the air pollution of the planet, another source of pollution ended. Poverty itself would fast become an extinct thing of the past, all of humanity would benefit in ways I can’t even think of.
The power and oil corporations would not allow something like zero point energy keep them from making the billions they make annually, they will and have had many people killed, all their stuff taken, all their research gone as well by what’s been said by those “men in black” dogmatic assassins either sent by the those corporations or even the government.
There’s a website that’s done a very interesting video on just this subject called “The Why Files”… they have many VERY interesting videos about a wide variety of subjects like UFO’s, aliens, spacecraft, anti-gravity….The Why Files quickly became a favorite of mine, and I will bet will be for you as well.
I just feel that this zero point tech would advance the human race in ways we cannot even imagine, what’s amazing about that tech is that no matter the load required to power a given object, it never gets overwhelmed. Which is why I say that it’s what our space sciences need to solve almost all barriers that face us
Wow that was long winded…sorrry, but zero point is that important to get the human race to the next level and beyond…