I don’t see it, I’ve never heard of Catholics, Mormons, Protestants, Christians carrying out terrorist attacks.
Yes, you have. You heard of a couple of high school students taunting their fellow students before brutally ripping their faces off with automatic fire. You heard of Columbine. You heard of Uvalde TX.
As a matter of fact, you have heard of about 2,000 mass shootings in the U.S since Columbine.
I would be willing to bet you heard of Operation shock and awe as well. The U.S carries out dozens of operations that from a middle eastern person would be terrorist attacks. To us, it was revenge, to the history books it will be called international law violations. More specifically, the one about collective punishment.
Compared to what we were doing before and after 9/11, That day in September for us, would be just another day for them. Instead of hijacked planes, they deal with gunships, drones, ground forces, artillery, etc...
All of that is just recent history.
I know you have heard of the trail of tears, or the Indian Removal Act. Genocide, Slavery, Endless lynchings of children, woman and elderly up until only a few decades ago.
Lets see..
My fingers are getting tired. Mass incarceration, mass impoverishment, brutal authoritarianist police that have, and still kill over the color of skin.
Have you not heard of
any of this?
Let's go further back in time.
Have you heard of Jericho, Makkedah, Libnah, Lachish, Eglon, Hebron, Debir, Ai or Canaan?
Joshua and the Israelites charged to conquer, destroy, and kill everything and everyone, including the livestock in these cities under direct orders from God.
Still fuzzy?
How about the Spanish Inquisition, and so on and so on.
Now, back to today.
Continuing the tradition of complete disregard for human life, you believe that a man that is a self-proclaimed, and found liable (by a jury of peers) rapist for president.
I think God put you in my path Woody.
You can respond angry and unconvinced but think about what exactly your retort will consist of. Actual evidence that is easy argue, or will you say something that has no evidence, like trump was set up.
Before you respond, I just want you to know that not everyone that doesn't like Trump is a Dem. I won't go into it, but just wanted you to know.
However, I believe the topic of this thread was about the Titor Fax.
He said there is nothing. Which doesn't exist, because even nothing is something. In the never ending story, "The Nothing" is really something.
But he mentions that he will stay for a while to check a theory he had that the world-line goes bad around 2000. Then his last post cryptically mentions why no one seems curious why Y2K wasn't a disaster.
If I this were a screenplay, that would be the direction i would like to take it, myself.
Time Traveler saves the world, and no one noticed, and the most recognition he ever took was a cryptic message on a forum people think are full mental patients. It's isn't Age of Ultron, but I am loving this story. Anybody else feel that?