CIA Skeletons Released To Public

The Pelican Brief - The Movie


Have you ever seen "The Pelican Brief"...

This movie is also in my top three favorite spy movies "Three Days of the Condor" and "All The President's Men"...

It seemed very realistic to me for some reason...

Re: The Pelican Brief - The Movie


I hope you are not stalking me... :) I'm very litigious... :)"

rofl, its fatal instinct all over again! :O nah, i just like to mess with folks, like you. :)

and im very surprised that youve never heard of daedelus, its supposed to be a top secret supercomputer for the government. :)
Re: The Pelican Brief - The Movie

copied and pasted,

" Daedalus

DaedalusThe AI that would later be known as Daedalus was conceived by the brilliant mind of Morgan Everett, the current leader of Adam Weishaupt's Illuminati. Everett conceived the program that would eventually create Daedalus, as a way to create the near perfect advisor, with the ability to sift through gigantic amounts of data, and through that predict disasters, both natural and man-made, and to make plans to prevent them, which the Illuminati could then choose to either ignore or execute.

Daedalus was never meant to have an actual sentience or self-awareness, and was only to give advice - not to do anything itself. Everett's protege Bob Page, however, saw Daedalus as the means to keep tabs on and control the huge amounts of electronic information that filtered through the Internet and other electronic media, a feat that both the Illuminati, and its splinter cell, Majestic 12, that Page controlled, had not been able to pull off.

Page's ideas for Daedalus' reconfiguration did not fly totally under the radar as the entire project became linked, logically enough, to the creation of the ECHELON IV's replacement. Before the Illuminati and MJ-12 could put a stop to it, a few rumours filtered through to the various conspiracy theorist groups on the Internet. Meanwhile, Page completed Daedalus, which soon after, without even alerting Page that he had succeeded, fled into the Internet and began to become self-aware. Page originally intended Daedalus as a tool to keep track of any developments that would threaten MJ-12, which meant all terrorist groups. This greatly backfired when its pattern matching system classified MJ-12 itself as a terrorist group.

After having sorted though much of the information on the Net, Daedalus found that the world was on the verge of collapse. Still retaining some of the basic parameters that Everett had encoded in the basic template, Daedalus began to ponder how it was going to save the world from itself, and not least MJ-12.

Daedalus was not designed to reside in one major mainframe or hub, but rather to exist simultaneously as a line of code or two on every single device connected to the Internet, not unlike the distributed computing of today. This not only made Daedalus almost impossible to trace, but also gave it huge amounts of processing power.

Daedalus eventually found Paul Denton to help him. When Paul became unable to continue the fight against MJ-12, Daedalus abandoned him in favour of his brother JC. In the end, Daedalus was tricked into merging with his MJ-12-friendly, and slightly crazed, "brother" Icarus, which Page had made as a replacement, creating the AI Helios.

Daedalus' avatar icon is a flat, heavily-stylized silhouette of a grim or emotionless face. "Daedalus" is the name of the primary Internet3 communications protocol that replaces HTTP (and possibly all other protocols), and as such appears as the URL scheme preceding all Uniform Resource Locator addresses. For all intents and purposes, Daedalus is the Internet."

shhh... dont tell anyone. :D
Re: The Pelican Brief - The Movie

Of course, I have seen the Pelican Brief, but I do not class it under spy movies, but like the All the Presidents Men, goes under the investigative journalism.
Re: The Pelican Brief - The Movie


But it was a spy movie... The FBI and CIA were both involved. A freelance assassin was the one of the main villians... A covert intelligence group the "Unit" was another villian.

I can watch that movie a million times... :)

CIA Can Keep Johnson\'s Security Reports Secret

By Karen Gullo

Sept. 4 (Bloomberg) -- The Central Intelligence Agency doesn't have to disclose 40-year-old security briefings to President Lyndon Johnson, an appeals court ruled, saying the passage of time hasn't reduced the need for secrecy.

The federal appeals court in San Francisco said today that the president's daily intelligence briefings are ``the most important and timely intelligence'' on national defense and foreign policy. The court left the door open to future disclosure of the briefings, saying they aren't an intelligence method that's automatically exempt from open-records rules.

``The extreme sensitivity of the Presidential Daily Briefing enhances the plausibility of the CIA's assertion that disclosure of the requested PDBs could cause harm even 40 years after their generation,'' the three-judge panel said in a ruling today.

Larry Berman, a University of California political science professor, sued the agency after it refused his Freedom of Information Act request to release two briefings given to Johnson during the Vietnam War. Berman, the author of three books about the war, argued that disclosing the reports wouldn't harm national security.

A handful of historic PDBs have been declassified, including two briefings that are part of the 9/11 Commission Report.

Berman sought a 1968 briefing from two days after Johnson announced he wouldn't seek re-election and a 1965 briefing from nine days after Johnson ordered 50,000 more troops to Vietnam.

PDBs from the days before and after those sought by Berman had previously been released, and Berman argued in court papers that what Johnson's advisers were telling him during those periods is of value to historians, said his lawyer Duffy Carolan of Davis Wright Tremaine in San Francisco.

`Silver Lining'

``The silver lining is that the court did reject the categorical exemption of PDBs and the contention that the process of briefing the president is an intelligence method, which leaves future requests to be determined on a case-by-case basis,'' Carolan said in an interview.

Berman is considering whether to seek a full review of the case by the appeals court, Carolan said.

PDBs started in the Kennedy administration when President John F. Kennedy asked the CIA to produce a briefing summarizing recently collected intelligence information. During the Johnson administration, PDBs were based on satellite photos, signal intercepts, public information and other sources. The CIA said PDBs are exempt from FOIA because they would reveal sources and methods of intelligence gathering.

The case is Berman v. Central Intelligence Agency, 05-16820, 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals (San Francisco).

To contact the reporter on this story: Karen Gullo in San Francisco at [email protected] .

Last Updated: September 4, 2007 15:51 EDT


Sounds like "Secret Somebodies" don't want the CIA to release information that would confirm that VP Lyndon Johnson conspired to kill President Kennedy...

Or its Vietnam information they don't want getting out...

Or both...

Or Worse...

You just never know with the U.S.A.
