Changing The Universe, One World Line At A Time..?

Re: Changing The Universe, One Worldline At A Time

I was thinking one good one could be to determine the potential of an imposter...

If any TT spends years in the past but still uses their time of departure as a revolving
"hub", then his physical age or lifespan used will be greater than any chronological age.
If JT was furlowed in 2036 upon his return he is much older now than strictly 10years..

So, maybe not so pointless for a few reasons, I suggest - so please explain?

Re: Changing The Universe, One Worldline At A Time

One wonders...will one really know if cern creates a blackhole considering all of the negative comments they got about destroying the world?

Or will everything stay under wrap until later. ?

Well, I've always thought that if they do manage to create a black hole and contain it, then they will definately announce it because it would be a pretty big deal in the scientific field I suppose. They would prob want to create more and try to study them. However, if one is created and gets loose, I guess they will either not talk about it, or.....we'll get sucked in and it won't matter one way or another :D

Heres another un-solvable question - how old would a real John Titor be now ?
(Think years & his time frame of ref, not ours...)

Now this is something I have always wondered about. Not about Titor, cause it's pretty clear I think he was a bunch of BS, But...about time lines in general. If there truely are multiple time lines, do they run parallel to each other, and did they all begin at the same time? In other words, if there are multiple "yous and mes" out there somewhere, are we the same age? Because if not then the whole "you can't go back and kill your grand dad thing" would become moot, would it not? Technically you would not be killing "your" grand dad, because it is a different time line. So there seems to be no reason one could not travel backwards through time if this is the case.
Re: Changing The Universe, One Worldline At A Time

well, i dont want to waste too much time on it. but judging from what i remember, he would be around 55 in his eyes.