RE: Censorship TO SHADOW...
No need to get all upset over a picture!
You know Shadow did have a good point posted above. He said that almost all of the UFO pictures are blurry. Well maybe they're just not photogenic!
But I'll tell you what, I saw something strange this morning on my way to work over Lake Michigan. I saw several big huge white ice comtrails in the sky over the lake, in no apparent design. But what I saw baffled me? What I was seeing was comtrails that had shadows or invisible/blurry double twin or replica of the original, looking something like this // (but the second line was invisible/blurry with a clear grey tint.)
I don't know if it was a shadow cast off the original or a reflective image from the sky to the water as the light bent through the atmosphere?
It could very well be a natural accuring phenomenon, just that I have never noticed it before?
If I didn't know any better I could say that maybe it was two simultaneously time lines. For instance, maybe the pilot flying the plane in this time was being serenaded by his same self in the next overlapping parallel dimention? Or maybe it was a Time Traveling Pilot leaping dimentions?
If something were to happen like this up close we might not notice anything out of the ordinary happening, but if seen from a distance we might be able to witness the blurry atomic distorsion of time tracks.
P.S. Maybe the Shadow knows what lurks?