I am allowed to say, he is not.
The reason why there was forum censorship, is that certan facts as to how we operate as a species as well as other facts concerning both past recient doings, were not to be disclosed.
Mankind as he and she are arranged now, may not be ready for this information, so consiquentially these post had been deleted.
What is intresting about this period of time, with those powers that be, trying to gain power over millions, is that it was the average every day perception, which was the greatest threat within the heiarchie's eyes.
This would be more graphic to illustrate, that instead of one single chicken let loose from the coup, many thousands were.
Know that each one of these chickens had represented a secret.
There is a self collapsing manifold, of where the old Atlantian heiarchy had stood long ago.
It was said,since the Atlantians in all probablity were partially descended from crystal matter and then adopted into physical humanic form, as said<<Your wepaons of destruction are too great!...There is no compassion, nor ear of friendship, or open demonstation of love, which has been shown to other beings within this galixy.
For what boundaries of progress register so great, that you as a once nobel species, have the certain right, to even shut yourselves off from the forces of creation?
There was a girl,...wait, I see here a girl.She said;Father can be be so sure of our ways that no other light of reason should shine a path to our own eventuial rescue.?
All the doings placed upoin this board both past present and future have dutifully been recorded.
There is no deception, but to those who would certainly only deceave themselves.