Sorry about the blank posts above, they were dumb ideas. Since I couldn't delete them entirely, I erased them.
#1 My materials. I'll go with my most current idea, the Temporal Teliporter. Nice name? I just thought of it.
Have you read about the achievements Bell Labs have done in transportation? Using Bell's theory, they were able to teleport a single photon across the lab. It may not sound like much, but this is the basis of a teleporter.
What the device does is scans the 'transportee', destroys it, and transmits it's information somewhere else, where it recreats it perfectly.
Since I can be creative, I'll use this device, except improved a million times over, so it's capable of transporting a person.
The next device I'll use is the latest development in science, which is capable of transmiting light 300 times faster than it's usual speed. (Get where I'm going with this?) I posted the article on this achievement on the 'TT possible?' Topic.
That's my answer to question 1.
Second, the power source I choose will be fusion. Why? It sounds cool

But nuclear will probably do the job.
And third, where will I go? I though about saying 2350, but you gave that hint on the where part. I'm pretty sure you're going to bring up the old "You'll end up in space because the Earth, solar system, galaxy, etc. are always in motion."
Well since the light that was accelerated ended up on the other side of the lab, and not in space, I'm pretty sure I'll be ok.
So, I'll get in the transporter, get destroyed, and send the information of me through the accelerator. I'll be zapped to the other side of the lab (before I left) and reconstruced in a second chamber.
And I will be in the future, a small percentage of a nanosecond younger than the rest of the universe.
<This message has been edited by Jack D (edited 06 June 2000).>